
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

'Krishna will never forget His devotee'


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/24/11

If a devotee takes to Krsna Consciousness very seriously and sincerely but if he falls down due to some reason, Krishna never forgets that sincere service rendered. If we have pleased Him or His devotee, Krishna will never forget that and He will intervene and give us the chance again and again may be in this birth or some future birth. It depends on us whether we use our free will to surrender to the Lord or to surrender to our material desires. But once we establish the relationship, He will never let us go for long.

There was once a devotee who left Krsna Consciousness and wanted to enjoy material life. He flew to another country and as soon as he came out of the airport, one devotee came and asked him to buy a book. He just ignored and thought to himself that why is Krishna doing this. When he entered His hotel room and switched on the television, on some news channel He saw devotees chanting the Lord's blissful names. Whatever He did, wherever he went somehow Krsna kept reminding Him of the transcendental life he had given up for the poisonous nectar of this world.

That's when He understood that Krishna is so merciful and kind that He is never going to let me go irrespective of my foolishness and disobedience. At that same point, that devotee returned back to the temple and dedicated himself whole-heartedly in the service of the Lord.

Hare Krishna.

(HH Radhanath Swami)


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Steadiness in Devotional Service


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/24/11

By HH Sivarama Swami

Devotees often ask what the meaning of steadiness is: some consider that chanting sixteen rounds a day and following the four regulative principles means that one is steady, while others say it is steadiness in one's service; yet others give different variations of what they consider steadiness to mean. But these things mentioned—regularly chanting and regularity in serving—are physical symptoms that may or may not indicate real steadiness.

Suddha-bhakti-cintamani deals with the subject of steadiness from several different perspectives. What does real steadiness mean? nasta-prayesv abhadresu nityam bhagavata-sevaya: "nasta-prayesu," when almost all the inauspicious things in the heart, which are of so many variations, when they are more or less eradicated then there is steadiness. And this "more or less," Srila Prabhupada said "75%," so when 75% of impurities in the heart are eradicated, then the devotee achieves a certain level of spiritual steadiness that enables him to think about Krishna, to chant Krishna's names, because his mind and senses are no longer distracted from chanting, serving, and thinking of Krishna. Why? Because the effect of the anarthas still remaining in the heart is minimal when compared to the storehouse of devotional energy that the devotee has acquired.
So when we speak of steadiness we speak of a certain degree of purification of the heart which has its threefold symptoms, according to Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura: steadiness of mind, speech, and physical activities. These are listed in increasing order of grossness; the most subtle form of unsteadiness is in the mind. A devotee can determine how steady their mind is by how easy it is for them to think about Krishna, to chant Hare Krishna and not allow their mind to wander and be distracted. That may happen once in a while, but overall they are able to focus on the holy name. With steadiness of speech, one is able to avoid prajalpa, unnecessary and foolish talks. And steadiness in bodily activities, this means sensual steadiness.
So these are the symptoms of steadiness, but real steadiness is that 75% purification of the heart. It is technically called nisthita bhajana-kriya, when the kriya, the activities, of one's bhajana are unwavering, then that is steadiness, or, as Srila Prabhupada said, "fixed up" in devotional activities. And by definition of the word itself, bhajana kriya, the activities of bhajana will really indicate how steadily one is situated in Krishna consciousness. For instance, we will often see how someone is so fixed up in their service they don't even have time to chant sixteen rounds a day, and this is no good. When that devotee is asked to just sit and chant and make up their missing rounds, then we see that they cannot do so, their mind is distracted.
Therefore, even though someone may appear very steady in terms of their activities, it simply means they have some other qualification: it may be that by nature they're very dutiful persons. That someone is dutiful does not necessarily indicate that they are steady in devotional service. If someone is steady in devotional service, then they will be dutiful, but the converse does not automatically apply. As a good friend used to say, "I judge a man by his japa!"

So this is nistha bhajana kriya: chanting Hare Krishna, hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam associating with Vaisnavas, worshipping the deity. And when devotees have fixed attention to the performance of these activities, a natural, observable taste for these activities of pure devotion exists in the devotee. Even if it may appear that they are not so steady in their duties, still this kind of devotee is superior to those who may appear to be steady in their duties but who are not steady in devotion. Because ultimately, even if one can imitate the external activities, or if one has a particular karma or qualification and therefore has the external symptoms of nistha, still if the concomitant purification of the heart is not there, then one will not advance to the next stage of devotional service, which is rucih.
The spiritual benefit of being steady in devotional activities means that one actually focuses on the acts of sravanam kirtanam, when one is not distracted. Therefore by being offenseless in those activities, one achieves the full benefit. And that is rucih: param drstva nivartate, one attains a higher taste, and when that happens one becomes attached to Krishna Himself. This higher taste is attachment to the acts of devotion, and those acts mature into an attachment to Krishna, His form, His pastimes. That ultimately becomes the doorway to transcendence.

So Vaisnavas really strive to achieve this purity of heart called steadiness, because from that stage devotional service progresses rapidly. There are no significant obstructions to one's advancement in Krishna consciousness and the devotee can really shoot forward, back home, back to Godhead, without delay.
So let's be conscientious in our bhajana kriya, even if we are not nisthita, even if we are anisthita, unsteady, then by effort and good association with devotees who are fixed, by avoiding bad habits, by avoiding carelessness in devotional activities, by avoiding offenses, then very quickly the process of chanting and hearing fructifies, and one of the primary benefits of that maturing creeper of devotional service is that it becomes steady. Just like a tree at a certain point is no longer a sapling, it isn't green and tender, prone to being easily toppled, but it starts to develop a bark, it becomes brown and strong and can stand on its own without any kind of support, so it is with the creeper of devotional service when the stage of steadiness is achieved. And this is, as Srila Prabhupada says, the stage of 75% purification of the heart, purification from these unwanted habits.

Hare Krishna.


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Krishna is your friend!


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/24/11

"We are becoming leaders, the friend of the people. But we are not friend of the people. Krsna is the friend, suhrdam sarva-bhutanam. [Bg 5.29] If I simply say that "I am your friend in this sense, that I deliver the message to you that 'Krsna is your best friend.' I do not... I am friend so far I am giving you this information. But actual friend is Krsna, suhrdam sarva - bhutanam. So this is friendship. If one preaches Krsna consciousness and teaches everyone that Krsna is your best friend... He does not say, "I am your best friend." "I am your best friend in this sense that I am giving you this information." Actually, Krsna is your best friend. What can I do? I am a teeny living entity. What can I do for you? I may become your friend, but when you are in danger, I cannot give you any protection. Krsna can give you protection. This is real friendship. He does not take himself. He always carries the message only. Ya idam paramam guhyam mad-bhaktesv abhidhasyati. [Bg 18.68] Simply our business is to carry the message of Krsna. Then we are friend. Otherwise we are not friend. We may pose to become friend, but we are not friend because we do not know how to benefit the friend. Sometimes we mislead him. Therefore our business is to point that "Krsna is your friend." Suhrdam sarva-bhutanam.
(Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's lecture on The Nectar of Devotion, Vrindavana, 31 October, 1972.)


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Krsna Consciosuness is eternal!


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/25/11

Indian man (5): Krsna consciousness is the oldest teaching of God, or Krsna.
Prabhupada: Yes. That is mayy asakta-manah. That is explained.
Indian man (5): But the Gita was written about five thousand years ago.
Prabhupada: No. You have not read Bhagavad-gita. Did you read? Did you read Bhagavad-gita?
Indian man (5): Yes, I read some portion.
Prabhupada: Then why do you say like that, five thousand years?
Indian man (5): All the scriptures were written (indistinct).
Prabhupada: Hm? What does he say?
Indian man (5): Then how come in the locational(?), archaeological and ontological records, Krsna consciousness is not mentioned by other religions?
Prabhupada: Krsna consciousness is always there. You are calculating with reference to your age, but Krsna consciousness is there. In the Fourth Chapter, you read, imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam: [Bg. 4.1] "I spoke this Krsna consciousness science first of all to the sun-god." Then how do you say five thousand years? There is reference to the Manu. And if we take the, all these advanced calculation, then it becomes that forty millions of years ago Bhagavad-gita was spoken by Krsna to the sun-god. Have you got forty millions' history? (laughter) So don't bring it into historical reference. It is eternal.


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Krishna is Variety


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/25/11

  • Krsna is variety. There are varieties of Krsna's manifestation. Krsna is there. Krsna personally is there. At the same time, Krsna, energy, they are varieties. Parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate [Cc. Madhya 13.65, purport]. Krsna is one, but His energies are multi-different energies. So you can take shelter of different energies or Krsna directly. The best thing is to take shelter of Krsna directly. That is intelligence. Therefore Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja [Bg. 18.66].

  • But we prefer to take shelter of Krsna's energy. That is also external energy, this material nature. So Krsna has given us chance. You can work hard in this material energy, but that will not help you. Therefore, those who are devotees, they also take shelter of Krsna's energy. That is internal energy, not external energy. Internal. Mahatmanas tu mam partha daivim prakrtim asritah [Bg. 9.13]. Daivim prakrtim means internal energy.
  • Just like you cannot avoid government control. That is not possible. Either you are in jail life or you are in free life, you are always under government control. Similarly, either we remain in the material world or we remain in the spiritual world, we are controlled by Krsna. There is no escape. You cannot do that. But if you remain controlled by the spiritual energy, by directly being controlled by Krsna, not by His energy, or by His internal energy, then you will be happy. That is the ambition of persons who are in Krsna consciousness.
 >>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhagavad-gita 4.11 -- Vrndavana, August 3, 1974


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