
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna - The Full Picture

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Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2011 05:06:46 +0000
Subject: - The Full Picture

The Full Picture

Posted: 06 Aug 2011 04:06 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2004)

I like to watch the videos of Prabhupada. If you don't have them yet, then
I would advise you to get them, because there is a whole lot of dimensions
there! You can read the 'Lila Amrita' of how Prabhupada was speaking to the
journalist. You can read the recorded transcriptions of the conversation
but you don't see how he is simply sitting there….so casual! That is how
you don't see what he does, and that is very important. If you don't see
that part then you don't get the full picture!

Real freedom comes in relationship to Krishna

Posted: 06 Aug 2011 03:36 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sweden, 2010)

Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi

So, this desire to be free is there in every living entity. But there are
always some obstacles in our freedom. For the children, it is the parents
who are constantly blocking them from moving around. The parents constantly
grab them and stop them, and at one point when they grow to maturity, they
move away from their parents, and think:

"Freedom at last!"

But there is still no freedom. Like even if there is no one to tell us what
we should do or should not do. Even then we are so bound and limited in
that material energy, and we encounter the limitations of our mind;
limitations of the senses; limitations of the intelligence; limitations
after limitations and that we are always driven. The Vedic scriptures say
that there are six waves that are just dragging us along hunger, thirst,
lamentation, old age, infirmity and death. So these six waves are over
powering forces and we cannot do anything and we simply have to respond and
thus life goes on.

Eight million four hundred species of life, and all are hungry in the
morning….. starving but Krishna makes arrangements for their sustenance. So
here it is explained that real freedom comes in relationship to Krishna,
because as we turn away from Krishna, we become minimised in our power and
currently we are very much minimised in our power!

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Simplicity is Vaisnavism

From: Jyoti Pahuja
Although many persons may come to hear Srimad Bhagavatam, who is
actually hearing? To whose ears do these words penetrate and go deep
into the heart? There are many that are posing to be hearing, but
actually they are not hearing. The words are entering into one ear and
going out the other. It never penetrates to the heart because they
have no faith. They are crooked persons. They are not simple. This is
the only reason. They have no faith in the revealed scripture. They
are doubtful persons, so how can they get the result?

There was a village where Bhagavat-parayana was going on, recitation
of Srimad Bhagavatam for seven days, saptaha. Many people from
neighboring villages came to hear the recitation from seven o'clock to
nine o'clock each evening. There were two women who were regularly
coming. One was an old woman about seventy years old with gray hair.
The other was a young girl sixteen years old. She was the
daughter-in-law of the elderly woman.

One day in his lecture the speaker sang in Oriya, ananda bolo hari
hari, hari karibe upaya — "Chant the name of Lord Hari with pleasure!
Hari! Hari! Hari! Hari! That Lord Hari will enable you to cross over
the dreadful ocean of material existence." Both the mother-in-law and
daughter-in-law heard the speaker, but from that very moment the
daughter-in-law started chanting, "Hari! Hari! Hari! Hari!" She put
complete faith in those words. Although both of them heard, the
mother-in-law did not sing the song. Why is it that the
daughter-in-law was able to put full faith in the words of Srimad
Bhagavatam and start chanting, "Hari! Hari! Hari! Hari!" from that
very moment while the old experienced mother-in-law could not do so?
Because the old lady was not simple, she was crooked. She had no faith
in what she heard. This is a question of samasyatma, doubt. She was a
doubtful person. The young girl was very simple. She was not crooked,
so immediately she put faith in what she heard and started chanting,
"Hari! Hari! Hari! Hari!"

When the recitation finished, the ladies had to return to their home.
On the way there was a tidal river that they had to cross. When they
had first come the water was knee-deep, but when they were returning
it was neck-deep. The daughter-in-law was walking ahead and the
mother-in-law was following her. Chanting, "Hari! Hari! Hari! Hari!"
while she was walking, the daughter-in-law easily crossed over the
river and stood on the other bank. Meanwhile, the mother-in-law was
drowning in the middle of the river. She shouted, "Oh! Oh!
Daughter-in-law! You are there on the other bank! I am drowning here
in the river!"

The young girl replied, "You should chant, 'Hari! Hari! Hari! Hari!'"

The mother-in-law replied, "You rascal! Are you my master? Are you
teaching me? I am your master! You are my daughter-in-law, I am the

The young girl said, "Didn't you hear? That speaker said, ananda bolo
hari hari, hari karibe upaya — 'Chant the name of Hari with pleasure.
That Hari will enable you to cross over the dreadful ocean of material
existence.' So what is this tiny river? Why will Lord Hari not be able
to help you cross this small river?"

The mother-in-law got angry. This is a practical consideration of
faith and simplicity. The young woman was simple, so immediately she
was able to put faith in the speaker's words and by chanting she
easily crossed the river. The old woman was faithless and doubtful.
Although she was experienced and old, she was a crooked person. There
was no simplicity in her heart. This is the point. The only thing
required is to be simple. Give up all of your crookedness and put full
faith in Krishna. Put full faith in His words, put full faith in the
revealed scriptures, and put full faith in the words of acaryas,
sadhus, and mahajanas. Then you will achieve success. This is most
important. You should be as simple as a child. By nature a child is
very simple. But when he grows up he becomes crooked. Why? Because of
association with crooked persons.

Some people will say, "Oh, if we become so simple then we will be
cheated. Therefore we will not be simple, we will be crooked". But
Krishna says, nayam loko 'sti na paro na sukham samsayatmanah – "If
you have no faith then you cannot get any happiness, either in this
life or the next." [Bg. 4.40] Why should you be crooked? Will it bring
you happiness? Will it keep you from being cheated? You are being
cheated, and you are not getting happiness, why? Why not be simple and
put faith in Krishna's words and achieve success in life? Sri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu likes those who have simplicity. They are natural
vaisnavas. Simplicity is vaisnavism.

by: Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja

[From an evening lecture in Perth, Australia, 22.11.90

The only way to counteract the effects of this age of Kali is chanting
the Holy Names of Lord Krsna. There is no other way. There is no other
way. There is no other way. (Brhan Naradiya Purana)
Chant and be happy - "Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare/
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare"


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Lord Chaitanya's reward for selfless service

From: Jyoti Pahuja

Vedic culture in Russia- part six

Lord Chaitanya's reward for selfless service

Absorption during book distribution can make a devotee fearless.
Ananga Mohan Prabhu, being absorbed in this seva landed up at the
underworld den in Moscow. A neighbour warned him and his partner to
not enter the building.

Undaunted, the duo entered the premises and rang the bell. A mean
looking man opened the door and asked them their names. Ananga Mohan
Prabhu mentioned his legal name which in Russsian meant 'shark'. No
sooner had he mentioned his name fifteen men pulled out their guns and
pointed at Ananga Mohan Prabhu. 'Shark' was the rival gang leader with
whom these thugs had serious fights. Even the police feared these two
prominent gangs.

 Ananga Mohan Prabhu was fearless, and he told the men pointing guns
at him about the kali yuga emergency, and the desperate need to take
shelter of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who has come to deliver all the
fallen souls of this age by awarding them the priceless gift of
congregational chanting of Krishna's Holy Names. Meanwhile Ananga
Mohan Prabhu's partner was nervous and kept pulling him back, to leave
the place immediately. However Anaga Mohan Prabhu was focussed in his
preaching, and believe it or not, after his twenty minute emphatic
presentation of the Krishna consciousness philosophy, he distributed
fifteen copies of 'Teachings of Lord Chaitanya' to these ill famed
gangsters. Later as they came out of the building,

 Ananga Mohan Prabhu's partner was still shivering from the scary
experience of seeing over a dozen guns pointed at them. He asked
Ananga Mohan Prabhu if he wasn't frightened on seeing the guns. Ananga
Mohan Prabhu was surprised that these men had guns, for he was
oblivious to it and thought they were high on liquor but never noticed
the guns. This was the extent of his absorption in his service.

Last August, after having distributed Srila Prabhupada books in Russia
daily (even during the minus 40 degrees winter), for over twenty five
years, Ananga Mohan Prabhu shocked the temple president with a news,
"Prabhu, last night Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared in my dream and
told me that He is very pleased with me. He also mentioned to me that
I should come back to Him for he has some other important services for
me elsewhere."

The devotees were wonderstruck and asked him to describe further. He
revealed how the Lord has a beautiful golden complexion and is dressed
in dazzling yellow garments and is performing sankirtana. As the
devotees were happily transported to the spiritual world by his
descriptions, he shocked them by repeating the Lord's instructions, "I
think Prabhus I've to leave. The Lord is calling me back. Please
prepare my papers." (In Russia you need special government papers to
perform your final rites in a Vedic way). As the temple president and
other devotees dissuaded him, Ananga Mohan Prabhu was emotional, "I am
sure this was no ordinary dream. It was a divine vision.

The Lord wants me for another service. I know I am sinful and
completely unqualified to receive these instructions, but it is true."

A few days later as Shri Gaura Hari Prabhu and other devotees prepared
the papers they got the news about a car accident where Ananga Mohan
Prabhu left his body on the spot, seated next to the driver. On
reaching the accident site, the devotees discovered there were no
injuries or marks on his body; just smilingly, his hand on the bead
bag he was gone. Devotees knew Lord Chaitanya had called him for
another service- a reward for his tireless two decades of dedicated
and selfless service.

"Just distribute my books throughout your life, and even if you don't
think of Krishna at the time of death, then Lord Caitanya will force
His way into your mind and carry you back to Godhead."

The only way to counteract the effects of this age of Kali is chanting
the Holy Names of Lord Krsna. There is no other way. There is no other
way. There is no other way. (Brhan Naradiya Purana)
Chant and be happy - "Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare/
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare"



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Women and Culture!

Traditionally,Women used to wear ornaments,use cosmetics to appear
pleasing to their husbands.And we find instances in Krishna book,where
mother Rohini when taking shelter in Gokula at Nanda Maharaj's place,
didnt decorate herself so well. Thats the practice.Srila Prabhupada
once said,"When the husband is not there, who are you trying to
But today it has become fashionable for women to attract the whole
public where all kinds of degraded,unscrupulous men are ready to
exploit women.
It's not good for women themselves and for the whole society as
well.When women are chaste,they are very powerful and even more
attractive and affectionate to their husbands.
Even today we find in the arab countries that women are to maintain
their dignity by covering themselves with furdah.Its good for the
society at large.

I request you to add any further points you find suitable in this regard.


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The Essential Qualities

Purity of speech, of the mind, of the senses and a compassionate heart
are needed by one who desires to rise to the divine platform-Chanakya


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