
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Government failed to see the Supreme Authority&His Supervision

Government failed to see the Supreme Authority&His Supervision.
After having discussed with a number of urban migrants, I understand
the root cause of all problems.
I spoke with a migrant who comes to work from village to the city to
earn money. He said he has 10 acres of land in the village but due to
scarcity of water,the produce is affected and hence it's getting
difficult for them to repay the debts to the capitalists.
1000s or even lacs of farmers committed suicide in the past due to
their inability to pay off the debts when the rain water fails.
If the govt really wants to help people, it has to solve this water
problem by suitable yagya to satisfy Lord Vishnu. This is the best and
simplest solution which is to understand that nature is working under
the Supervision of Lord Sri Krishna.
When the water problem is solved, people get enough food and all the
living beings get satisfied and thereby prosperity will rain. This is
a science and not meant only for Hindus or muslims or christians. It's
for all living beings.
Villages are to be supported by the government. I still remember that
I studied in my school days that "Agriculture is the back-bone of
Especially the soil in South India is so fertile that any crop will
grow here easily.
If the blind leaders can open their eyes and see the reality and act,
people can also see the reality&everyone will become happy(Sarva
Sukino bhavantu)


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Neverending Love Song


Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via Seed of Devotion by Bhakti lata on 6/21/11

Have you ever sung a love song for 24 hours straight?

Impossible, you may say. Love songs get old after 24 minutes!

I beg to differ.

This weekend at the 24 Hour Kirtan festival in New Vrindavan, I took a vow of silence (mauna vrata) and committed to chanting only God's name. 8 hours or so into the festival I stopped singing a love song and started living in one. Every heartbeat, every breath, every movement - I lived in the world of the holy name.

Hour after hour, the holy name soaked into even the most forgotten crevices of my heart. I grew up in New Vrindavan with the deities of Radha Vrindavan Chandra, and yet during one kirtan especially (Acyuta Gopi's), I glanced over to Their beautiful forms and fell in love all over again.

At around 2:30 in the morning, I began to realize that this love song never got old - I only became more and more addicted. My room was upstairs above the templeroom, but I couldn't sleep. When I tried to sit down and write in my journal, the kirtan from downstairs thrummed through the very floors; I slammed my journal shut mid-sentence and ran downstairs to dance!

Even when exhaustion settled over me at around 5:30am and I somehow stumbled back to my room - still, the kirtan resonated through my body. Half-asleep, I listened to each melody as each person sang, and deep down I wanted to jump to my feet and dance.

And when the last kirtaniya sang the last kirtan, I felt a longing that this love song would never end... that it would just go on and on and on... and on...

 Bhakti Charu Maharaj

 Gatorade - the mridanga player's best friend

 Beautiful and soulful Jahnavi (violin) and Jaya Sita (cello)

 Gaura Vani - organizer of the festival 


His Grace Aindra Prabhu - the one who started it all


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Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via Gita Coaching by on 7/2/11

Dear Friends,

Success is not for the faint of heart. To achieve your dreams, you'll have to overcome obstacles and conquer fear, self-doubt, and worry. You'll have to undo negative childhood programming ... and contend with criticism, nay-saying and perhaps even sabotage from others.

You may contend with financial pressures or even bankruptcy. You may face legal challenges. You may be blindsided by illness or tragedy.

The deciding factor in whether you give up or succeed in the face of these challenges is the level of your determination and understanding the success principles given in the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.

Average people have a limit to how much they want to commit to achieving their goals. When the journey becomes too hard, they give up their dreams and settle for a smaller level of success than they deserve.

High achievers are relentless. They are determined to succeed, no matter what it takes.

In our Live Gita Coaching Course, I'll share ways to cultivate that level of 108% commitment in your own life.

Join me at the Live Gita Coaching Course to discover:

- Tips for releasing the pain, hurt and fear of the past ... all of which serves as an anchor to slow your progress
- Ways to keep your attention focused on achieving your goals when crises, challenges and other people threaten to distract you
- Suggestions for reaching deep within yourself to find the faith and determination to keep going when all outward signs are telling you to stop
- How to identify and root out the negative self-talk that can derail your dreams
- Powerful examples of what relentless determination looks like

And much more!

We cover the full spectrum of challenges you'll face when cultivating relentless determination.

My friends, there's no doubt you'll face challenges on the path to success. But whether challenges become roadblocks or solid stepping stones is up to you. Join me at the Live Gita Coaching Course for inspiration and practical strategies for cultivating an attitude of relentless determination.

While having a lot of fun, humor, singing and dancing together, we learn powerful success principles from the Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and, most importantly, learn and practice how to apply them to your own life - every single day!

I look forward to seeing you at the Live Gita Coaching Course.

Sincerely dedicated to your success,
Akrura dasa - Gita Coaching Courses Worldwide

Gita Coaching Courses may be held at any location worldwide. They are usually free. I just need to get to you somehow.


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Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via Gita Coaching by on 7/4/11

After the battle in Lanka, when Ravana had been killed by
Lord Rama's arrow, Hanuman was sent to bring back Sita
Devi to her Lord. When Hanuman arrived at the asoka
forest where Sita Devi was being held captive, the female
demons still weighed on Sita Devi to renounce Rama.

They criticized Rama and threatened Sita. Seeing this,
Hanuman wanted to kill them, but Sita forbade him. She
said, "I have been a guest in Lanka. How, then, can I see
my hosts slaughtered? I am not like that hunter."

Hanuman immediately wanted to know which hunter Sita
Devi meant. She explained, "Once there was a hunter who
had killed many animals. As he was walking through the
forest one day, he noticed that a large tiger was following
him. Afraid, he quickly climbed a tree. Glancing up, he
was terrified to discover that a dangerous bear was sitting
on the branch above him.

He was clearly in a dilemma:
on the ground a hungry tiger and above him a dangerous
bear. The tiger noticed the hunter's predicament and
called out to the bear, 'Kick him down. Then I will have
something to eat and leave you alone.' After giving it some
thought, the bear, however, said, "I can't do it. He is my

At this the tiger changed his strategy and addressed the
hunter: ‚I only need to eat something today. Human or
bear, I don't care. If you kick the bear down, I won't harm
you.' The hunter immediately climbed up and kicked the
bear off his branch. The bear, however, managed to grab a
lower branch and then climbed back to safety.

Again the clever tiger changed strategies. 'Don't you see
what a rascal the hunter is? You should never shelter a
dangerous cobra. So kick the hunter down.' The bear
however again said, 'No, the hunter may have acted
wrongly – in fact, the whole world may act wrongly – but
I do not have to give up my path. I never harm a guest no
matter what he does.'"

Sita added, "And this is Hanuman why I request you
to spare the female demons. We always have to follow
dharma. Dharma will protect us. Do not pay heed if others
do not follow their dharma. Make sure you do!"

(As told by Sacinandana Swami)


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It's better to be impressed than depressed.

It's better to be creative than confused.

It's better to be a winner than a whiner.

It's better to be a victor than a victim.


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