
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna - Friendship is important Part 2 - Friendship is important Part 2

Friendship is important Part 2

Posted: 24 Jun 2011 12:59 PM PDT


(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm, June 2011)

Prabhupada was careful to engage the gift in the service of Krsna, to respect the gift, and to respect the relationship.

So (sanskrit) giving gifts, receiving gifts, (sanskrit), yes, discussing about Krsna Consciousness, but involving our heart, just from where we are – what is real,  so revealing one's mind confidentially, (sanskrit) taking prasadum together….. Once we were taking prasadum together and Giriraj Maharaja was with us, and he said:

"It's a proven fact that when cows eat together, then they give more milk."

That's proof of the benefit of taking prasadum together. So, exchanging prasadum, giving prasadum, receiving prasadum, .. these things are the formula to create friendship.

Okay, let's begin and trust… (sanskrit) means trust to be trustworthy, to be favourable to another person, to accept someone, and to say:

"Okay, we'll help!"

Prabhupada and the Baby Blanket

Posted: 24 Jun 2011 12:46 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami)

Prabhupada sometimes got gifts and didn't know what to do with them. Like Upendra was a little eccentric and he brought Prabhupada his baby blanket . Don't ask me how, but he kept his baby blanket – the one from the cradle, he kept it throughout his whole life, and when he joined the Hare Krishna movement, he one day presented this baby blanket to Prabhupada, and Prabhupada looks at it and says:

"What is this?"

He said:

"Prabhupada this is my most treasured possession. This is my original baby blanket!"

And Prabhupada is like looking at it and thinking:

"Oh my God!"

Anyway, he got the baby blanket and thought:

"What am I going to do with this?"

The next day the baby blanket was somewhere on the floor like a seat for someone to sit on. So Prabhupada found a purpose, and he didn't just throw it away and used another useless gift:

"What am I going to do with this blanket – chuck it out".

No he found a purpose for it, and somehow used it. That was Prabhupada, because when a gift is given then it must also be received and valued, then that makes a relationship!

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College Conspiracy-All degree holders must watch this!

Coutesy: Mahat Tattva Das


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Man as Industrial Palace

Check the video in my blog

Der Mensch als Industriepalast [Man as Industrial Palace] from Henning Lederer on Vimeo.


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the opinion of an ass

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bhakti Vikasa Swami <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2011 06:50 -0700
Subject: the opinion of an ass
To: achintya <>, BVKS Sanga
<>, "(Krsna) Katha" <>, "(ISKCON)
Lipa Dalmacija" <>, Prabhupada Said

What is the value of opinion when the people are like dogs and asses? What
is the use of taking the opinion of an ass? This vox populi -- taking the
opinion of the public -- is degrading modern society. If the public is
composed of drunkards, smokers, meat eaters, gamblers, and woman hunters,
then what is the value of their opinion? Why take the opinion of
fourth-class men? What Krsna says -- that is the standard. Krsna is the
supreme, and His version is final. No other opinion is allowed. When I
introduced the principle "No illicit sex life," I didn't ask for opinions --
"It must be done." ... Our program is not vox populi. We are saying only
what the authoritative scriptures say. If you actually want to do social
welfare, then you must take to the standard formula as given in the

Room Conversation with Director of Research of the Dept. of Social Welfare
-- May 21, 1975, Melbourne

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The devotional service of the Supreme Lord is the only process by which all problems of all classes of men can be solved.

Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.9.34]

TEXT 33:

kim punar brahmanah punya

bhakta rajarshayas tatha

anityam asukham lokam

imam prapya bhajasva mam



How much greater then are the brahmanas, the righteous, the devotees and saintly kings who in this temporary miserable world engage in loving service unto Me.



In this material world there are classifications of people, but, after all, this world is not a happy place for anyone. It is clearly stated here, anityam asukham lokam: this world is temporary and full of miseries, not habitable for any sane gentleman. This world is declared by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to be temporary and full of miseries. Some of the philosophers, especially the minor philosophers, say that this world is false, but we can understand from Bhagavad-gita that the world is not false; it is temporary. There is a difference between temporary and false. This world is temporary, but there is another world which is eternal. This world is miserable, but the other world is eternal and blissful.


Arjuna was born in a saintly royal family. To him also the Lord says, "Take to My devotional service and come quickly back to Godhead, back home." No one should remain in this temporary world, full as it is with miseries. Everyone should attach himself to the bosom of the Supreme Personality of Godhead so that he can be eternally happy. The devotional service of the Supreme Lord is the only process by which all problems of all classes of men can be solved. Everyone should therefore take to Krishna consciousness and make his life perfect.

Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


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