Saturday, May 16, 2009
Thunder !
The sweetest sounds to mortals given Are heard in Mother, Home, and Heaven. ~William Goldsmith Brown
Definitely in heaven!
Of all the descriptions given in the scriptures about Krishna, the one I have most trouble visualizing or conceptualizing in my mind are the sounds of the spiritual world. The one thing I yearn most to hear... Krishna's flute, the cakora birds, the koyal, the peacocks, and of course the 'deep resounding thunderlike' voice of Krishna.
"Krishna's deep voice resounds like a rumbling cloud and his tinkling ornaments allure the ears...." - Chapter 6, Gayatri Mahima Madhuri
This quote about his voice was a little hard to find. I used to wonder and wonder if there are any descriptions about Krishna's voice and then I chanced upon this when I was reading the Gayatri book. But there are countless about his ever enchanting, mesmerizing flute playing :)
"..Krishna's flute vibrates eight different tunes. Demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva break their meditation and forget everything when the first tune pierces their ears. Lord Siva stops playing his din-din drum. Lord Brahma sits astonished on his lotus flower, and Lord Ananta Sesa begins swaying hypnotically.
The second tune makes the Yamuna flow backwards.
The moon stops moving upon hearing the third tune.
Cows run up to Krishna, and stand motionless with upraised ears to drink the nectar of the fourth tune.
The fifth note brings the gopis madly running-eager for Krishna's love.
The sixth tune creates autumn, replete with juicy fruits and rich foliage
Stones melt when caressed by this note
The seventh note instantly ushes in all six seasons manifesting their full splendor with gentle, sensous southern breezes carrying the perfumed aromas of fresh forest flowers.
The eighth note of Syama's seductive flute takes the name of Radha...."
Well I don't know whether it is going to take me lifetimes or just this lifetime to hear what I yearn to hear but one thing is for sure.... all my yearnings for sounds of the spiritual world is COMPLETELY satisfied by .....
Ching Ching Chinggg....
Ching Ching Chinggg....
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare...
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare...
Yess.....those soul stirring kirtans that just teases those senses of ours with visions of the spiritual world and incomparable bliss...