
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Half mind – Dull!


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via by Aatish on 10/04/11

Transcribed By Hina
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Cranberra March 2011)

Prabhupada many times used to say to some of his disciples:
"You are dull … are very dull!. You are not registering. It's all going, and it's just happening but you are not there! Only half present! Half mind – Dull!"
Yes this is our condition since currently we are chanting but we are not appreciating.
Partially, because we are covered by ignorance!


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Serious Residents


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via by Aatish on 10/04/11

Transcribed by Annie
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, March 2011, Melbourne)

We are residents of Kaliyuga. We are inclined towards sin, inclined to cut corners, inclined to be slack, inclined to sense gratification, inclined to cheat, inclined towards dishonesty, to say "Oh! It's too difficult!' inclined to make endless excuses to escape. We have to be serious.


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SMS updates

O Govinda,Anything in this world other than Your service is full of
anxiety,fear,distress.There4,all I need is service2U birth after
birth.When in Ur service even if d results fail,I am rest assured
becoz I've seen Jatayu who failed but attempted in serving U has
attained all perfection in life

Even tho d athiest childishly denies d existence of God,God gives him
all necessities of life.5yr old boy Prahlad was so powerful by his
devotion2d Lord,dat his athiestic father cudnt kill him by any of his
mighty powers.D father asked,where do u get so much power from? boy
said,our source is d Same Lord


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The Gopis Love – no self interest?


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via by Aatish on 4/6/11

Transcribed by Bhakta Jan
(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sydney, Australia, March 2011)

Ramananda Raya was such a devotee, because Ramananda Raya, he understood the pure love that the Gopis had for Krishna. He was able to explain that and he explained how it was completely selfless and how in their worship there was nothing like:
"Give me"
"Bless, please bless my house"
"Bless my family, bless my this, bless my that, bless my car…Lord while you're blessing may You as well bless everything."

No, nothing like that! The Gopis, they couldn't care less about their own things, they had no self-interest at all…………..

"Well, Well is that true Maharaja, is that true? You know, when Akrura came, he came to Vrndavana with his chariot to take Krishna and Balarama to Mathura, isn't it so? And Krishna and Balarama stood on that chariot and they were laughing and it really looked like they wanted to go. Everyone was in shock. Yashoda was totally shocked, totally shocked!
The cowherd boys were lying unconscious in the forest and the Gopis were grabbing the reins and said: "He cannot go!" But Akrura, being a powerful Kyshatria, just drove away, leaving the residents of Vrinadavana broken hearted in separation.
And Vrindavana just shrivelled up, the Yamuna dried up and everyone was just broken hearted. Why? If Krishna wanted to go to Mathura why didn't the Gopis dance in front of the chariot? If they loved Him so much, if they were totally surrendered to Him, and they loved Him completely, they should have danced, they should have been happy, 'O.K. we are going to Mathura' 'Jay! Jay, jay, going to Mathura!' They should have danced in front of him. 'Yes, if that makes Krishna happy, it makes us happy! We have no other desire than the happiness of Krishna. Wherever He wants to go.' Isn't it?"
But it looks like these Gopis had some selfish desire after all, because they wanted to keep Krishna in Vrndavana for themselves. When Krishna was going off to Mathura, they knew very well, that these ladies of Mathura are very sophisticated, "We are never going to see Him again" It looks like that doesn't it?"
No! That was not the reason, it was not jealousy! That was not the reason, it was not selfishness! Then what was it?
What it was, was that the Gopis knew, the Gopis knew very well:
"Krishna has gone mad. He has lost it. He has lost it! He has totally gone mad! He is leaving Vrndavana! He is insane! He is hurting Himself now, because outside of Vrndavana, He cannot be happy. Therefore we cannot let Him go! We cannot let Him fall prey to this madness; we must save Him and stop Him from leaving Vrndavana, because only in Vrndavana, this is the only place where He can be happy."

And in this way, the Gopis were completely selfless even when they stopped the chariot of Akrura.
There was no self-interest. Amazing!
Ramananda Roy understood this topmost love and explained it to be the highest, the highest devotional service.


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Turtle lane and the Fast Lane


Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via by Aatish on 4/6/11

Transcribed by Bhakta Frederick
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, January 2011)

Some years ago in Germany, they had on the Autobahn, where there is no speed limit, they had a sign, and the sign said: "Turtles to the right,"
Yes, You saw a whole line of turtles walking and then in the middle lane there's a medium speed and in the fast lane there's a whatever, unlimited speed.
But all the turtles to the right – so in the Sankirtana movement of Lord Caitanya, there also are different lanes and many of us may be in the turtle lane!
What to do, right!?
If you then look at Rupa Gosvami, Sanatana Gosvami, Srinivasa Acarya they are in the fast lane – It's just inconceivable – "whoosh!' They flash their lights!" – and they don't eat, they don't sleep, they just fly by and we are looking like – how is this all possible!!!? "This is inconceivable"
So in this way we are just, well, struggling a bit, but we do our best. Our best is to be faithful – faithful in chanting and then we come together and have these kirtan gatherings and tank up and get some energy. We will walk away from here with something, with some strength, some energy to apply ourselves once again, and then in the end… in the end, we are very optimistic, because we know that there is the mercy of Srila Prabhupada.
That mercy of Srila Prabhupada extends even further than what Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu brought. It it said Lord Nityananda made a channel – a channel to make Krishna-prema descend into this world, and then Prabhupada brought it to the modern world in the West.
Then Prabhupada, on the strength of his service – on the strength of his extraordinary service, he attracts Krishna, and by attracting Krishna he can even attract the mercy of Krishna upon those who are not very pure and serious at all.
And that is our hope, that simply by taking shelter of Srila Prabhupada, Krishna's mercy will be attracted.


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