
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Fools adjust2problems,wise dont!-fools special in fools month :)

Only fools adjust2problems but wise finds d root cause2arrive@a
solution.D very presence of pain in d body infers dat something is
incompatible wid us.Some say pain&pleasure r part of life2hide their
ignorance.Our real self(soul) is beyond time,space but now is bound by


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via Gita Coaching by on 4/03/11

Devotee: What is recreation for a Krsna conscious person?

Prabhupada: Recreation? Dancing. (laughter) Come on, dance with us. Is it not recreation? And when you get tired take prasadam. Do you want more recreation than this? What is your answer. Is it not recreation?

Devotee: Yes. I think it is difficult for someone who comes from...

Prabhupada: Why difficult? Dancing is difficult? Chant and dance?

Devotee: It's easier for a devotee who lives in the temple.

Prabhupada: Oh, but as you come, anyone can come. Everyone is welcome. We don't charge anything for this dancing. You go to ball dance and so many other dances, you pay for it. But we don't charge. We simply, our, these students simply beg something because we have to maintain. We don't charge anything. So if you simply come and chant for recreation, it is very nice. Everything is there in Krsna consciousness. We want music, there is music. We want dancing, there is dancing. You can bring nice musical instruments, you can join. We distribute nice palatable dishes. So practically this is a system of recreation only. (laughter) Yes. If you seriously think, you'll find, this system, there is no labor at all. Simply recreation. Su-sukham [Bg. 9.2]. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita in the Ninth Chapter you'll find, su-sukham . Everything is pleasing and happy. Find out anything in our system, that this is troublesome. Tell me practically, anyone. "This point is very troublesome." Just put your counterargument. Simply pleasing. It is simply recreation. That's all.


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Jaya Srila Prabhupada!


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via KKS Blog by (Jan) on 31/03/11

Once in the spiritual world, Krishna went to his devotee and he said to his devotee: "I want you to go to the material world."

The devotee said: "Oh no, I don't want to go! Because I don't like austerity."

"That's all right," Krishna said, "you don't have to do anything! All you have to do is write books, and I will do the rest."

That devotee was Srila Prabhupada.

Transcribed by Bhakta Jan

(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Pringle Bay, Western Cape, South Africa, March 2011)


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We see d world as a reflection of our mind!

V c d world as a reflection of our mind.V observe things&understand it
according2our ltd knowledge&experience.So our judgement isnt d reality
always.4Eg,wen v c wid a colored glass everything appears of dat color
but isnt real.Likewise,d ActivitiesOfSupremeLord&His devotees may
appear like ours but is not so


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via Gita Coaching by on 20/03/11

An ideal husband and wife are generally called Laksmi-Narayana to compare them to the Lord and the goddess of fortune, for it is significant that Laksmi-Narayana are forever happy as husband and wife.

A wife should always remain satisfied with her husband, and a husband should always remain satisfied with his wife.

In the Canakya-sloka, the moral instructions of Canakya Pandita, it is said that if a husband and wife are always satisfied with one another, then the goddess of fortune automatically comes.

In other words, where there is no disagreement between husband and wife, all material opulence is present, and good children are born.

Generally, according to Vedic civilization, the wife is trained to be satisfied in all conditions, and the husband, according to Vedic instruction, is required to please the wife with sufficient food, ornaments and clothing.

Then, if they are satisfied with their mutual dealings, good children are born.

In this way the entire world can become peaceful ...

- Srila Prabhupada


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