
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Eternal servants


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via KKS Blog by (Jan) on 28/03/11

When we come to the point to realise that we are the eternal servants of Krishna, then nothing can change that. Nothing! Because no matter what happens – it's eternal! Nothing in the world, even if the whole world ceases to exist, we are still the eternal servant of Krishna.

And that is how a devotee becomes like a lamp in a windless place, a lamp that doesn't flicker. Because once that knowledge is there, once that conviction is strong and firm then nothing can change our position, nothing in the world can affect that position.

(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Cape Town, South Africa, March 2011)


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A Play of Nectar on the Tongue!


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via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 29/03/11

There is one kind of sweet rice which is known as the amrta keli. Keli means it's playing - it is like a play of nectar on the tongue – amrita is nectar – amrta keli ….Do you know how to make sweet rice? Maybe you don't but I will tell you:

It is said that the perfect mix of rice sugar and milk – is one to sixteen – one rice two sugars and sixteen milk. Some people when they make sweet rice, they put the rice in and they boil it. When the rice is sort of cooked, "sweet rice hogaya! Baaniya!". Then put some almond flakes in there and there you have it. Let it cool down and then serve it out, but then the rice is at the bottom and the milk is at the top. That is useless! That's not sweet rice! That's milk with rice!

Real sweet rice means that you have to stir! You are there and you are stirring and stirring and when the milk is on the fire – then do not leave it alone, not even for a second! Stay there and stir and stir and keep stirring it up. In this way we are stirring and stirring and gradually the natural water in the milk begins to evaporate and it becomes thicker. The rice is cooked and the two begins sort of merge into one substance, where you cannot separate the rice from the milk – it has become one! Now don't keep stirring and stirring and make it thick like rice pudding, since it still needs to be liquid, but one substance –that's called sweet rice.

But, that's not amrta keli. In amrta keli, what you need to do is when it gets to the perfect substance then you add more milk and then you boil it down again and you keep on stirring… you stir more…and then at one point the rice just begins to dissolve and you cannot see the difference anymore between the rice and the rest of the substance – it has become one paste - this is amrta keli!

You can get that only in one place in the world. Mainly in Yamuna where the deity is known as a Khira Joyti Gopinath or the deity that stole the kheer. So that must be a good sweet rice – even the deities were stealing it! He stole it for his devotee – Madhavanda Puri. When Madhavanda Puri got the pot of that sweet rice – he ate the sweet rice and after that he also ate the pot! Seriously – everyday he broke it, and he ate a little piece of the clay pot. So,if the Lord has stolen it you, than that is the right mood.

Anyway, that is what we require. We have to make our spiritual life 'amrta keli' - so we have to make it more thick and we have to boil it down even more. First the quantity, such as - more time with the devotees, more servers, more chanting, more kirtan. Then improve the quality - try to become a real servant! Try and really bow down to the dust of the feet of the vaishnavas! In that way we can gradually get the taste – that's the trick. So it's not cheap! It's not a matter of walking in and walking out, it's not instant – but this is what we want!In this world nowadays people have instant coffee and everything - instant enlightenment:

" I am have already been chanting for 3 days and still no prem – I think it does not work!"

No ! One has to stir and stir – and make it thick and rich! And fill ones life with worship of Krsna!

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty, 11th December 2010)


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Remembering Srila Prabhupada - Possible by Practice

"... After about an hour we returned to the temple for guru-puja and
Srimad-Bhagavatam class. The verse described how Kardama Muni kept his
mind fixed on Lord Visnu, and in his short talk Srila Prabhupada gave
a few good examples of how one can do one's work and still remain
thinking of Krsna. "In South India there is a class of professional
dancer. They take a big jug on the head and without any ring, it is
kept as it is. The head is shaved, but they are so practiced to keep
the balance that the pot does not fall down. It remains exactly. This
is an art — they will dance, and the pot on the head will never fall
down, keeping the balance.

"So by practice it is possible. There are many professional vendors,
they keep their basket on the head and taking a child, going and
canvassing, 'We have got this fruit.' It never falls down. They are
keeping the balance. So this is a crude example that everything can be
done by practice. There is another example Rupa Gosvami gives, that a
woman who has got an extra lover besides the husband. So she's always
thinking of that lover although she's busy with household affairs.
That means if you want somebody very seriously, you can think of him
always, twenty-four hours, in spite of your being engaged in so many
duties. It is possible. So we have to practice this Krsna

He told us that although in the spiritual world we do not have to work
to maintain our existence, here in the material world we do, yet still
we have to become Krsna conscious. His words were pertinent because as
soon as he finished his lecture Atreya Rsi, Dayananda and the others
would be going out to engage in seemingly mundane jobs. So he cited
another example to encourage them that what they are doing is actually
spiritual. "Because a devotee has nothing to do with material things.
Even if he works for maintenance of the body, that is not material.
Just like Bhaktivinoda Thakura who was magistrate. But it is not for a
magistrate to write so many books — siddhanta-purnam. So he was in a
different transcendental platform. So that is possible. The mind may
be absorbed in Krsna's thought, satatam kirtayanto mam, tusyanti ca
ramanti ca. That is possible by practice."

- From "A Transcendental Diary Vol 4" by HG Hari Sauri Prabhu


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Learning to think of Krishna always

Tamala Krsna: Can Krsna give us the ability to someday remember every
word that you are saying to us now? Because I myself, I forget so
much. I want to hear just how you are talking and I can't.

Prabhupada: What is that? I don't follow.

Tamala Krsna: I want to be able to hear you saying exactly what you're
saying now. I want to always be able to hear it, but I forget. My
memory is very poor.

Prabhupada: Why? No. If we try... Memory may be poor. Everything
depends on cultivation. If you cultivate something, your memory
increases. Everyone becomes expert not in one day but by cultivation.
Similarly, if you try to remember, then your memory will help you to
remember. It is not difficult. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita,
that we have to try to remember Krsna. He's so beautiful, His
instructions are so nice. If we simply remember Krsna... That was the
perfection approved by Lord Caitanya.

I think I have narrated the story.

When Lord Caitanya was traveling in South India in a big temple,
Ranganatha temple, He went to see the Deity, and He saw one brahmana
was reading Bhagavad-gita. And people were joking him, "Oh, Mr.
brahmana, how you are reading Bhagavad-gita?" Because they were the
neighbors, they knew that this brahmana was illiterate and he was
studying Bhagavad-gita. So they were joking. But the brahmana did not
care them. He was taking the book and in his own way he was reading.
Caitanya Mahaprabhu saw this incident, He came to the brahmana. So He
asked the brahmana, "My dear brahmana, what you are reading?" So he
could understand "This persons is not joking with me; He is serious."
So he explained, "My dear sir, I am reading Bhagavad-gita.
Unfortunately, I am illiterate. I do not know even the alphabets."
"Why you are reading Bhagavad-gita?" So he said that, "My spiritual
master knows that I am illiterate, but still, he has asked me to read
Bhagavad-gita. What can I do? Therefore I have taken this book. I am
seeing simply. I do not know how to read." "Oh, that's all right. You
cannot read. But I see that you are crying. How you are crying if you
are not reading?" "Yes, I am crying. Of course, there is cause." "What
is that?" "As soon as I take this Bhagavad-gita, I remember Krsna.
Krsna is sitting as driver and Arjuna is hearing. I have heard the
story. I know something of the instruction but cannot read. So as soon
as I take this book, this picture comes before me and I simply think,
'Oh, how Krsna is nice that He has become a charioteer of His devotee.
He is so great. Still, He has accepted a menial service of His
devotee.' This gives me so much pleasure that I cry." Caitanya
Mahaprabhu embraced him, "Your Bhagavad-gita reading is perfect. You
have taken the essence." So this is the thing.

If you simply remember Krsna is teaching Arjuna and Arjuna is hearing,
if you simply remember the picture, that is sufficient. Even if you
think that you cannot read. Because after all we have to become Krsna
conscious. We haven't got to become a learned man to argue with
another learned man. If it is possible we can do that, but that does
not make any difference if I cannot argue with others or if I cannot
teach very nicely Bhagavad-gita to others. Simply if I remember this
picture, that is perfection. Because we have to become Krsna
conscious. We have to simply think of Krsna. You think in any way.
That is your perfection. Smartavyah satatam visnuh. This is the
injunction. You have to think of Visnu always. This is samadhi; this
is meditation; this is yoga siddhi, perfection of yoga.

So one who has learned to think of Krsna always, he is already on the
perfectional stage. Aradhito yadi haris tapasa tatah kim
[Narada-pancaratra]. If one has come to this stage, just to understand
Krsna the great, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and he's
surrendered soul, "Krsna, whatever You like You do. I am
surrendered."... This is aradhana. Therefore Lord Caitanya embraced
the brahmana, "Yes, your study of Bhagavad-gita is perfect." Because
one has to come to this stage, thinking of Krsna always. So if one
does not come to this stage, simply by academic education, he says "It
should be like this. The interpretation should be like this," he's
simply wasting time. Frog philosopher. One has to come to this stage.

Srila Prabhupada - 1968/11/25 Los Angeles, Bhagavad-gita 2.1-10 Lecture

The only way to counteract the effects of this age of Kali is chanting
the Holy Names of Lord Krsna. There is no other way. There is no other
way. There is no other way. (Brhan Naradiya Purana)
Chant and be happy - "Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare/
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare"


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You May Be in dis world but you are not of dis world

A self realized soul laments neither4d living nor4d dead Becoz he
knows dat d soul,d Actual person is deathless&death is only4d external
body&not d soul.Jesus said,u(soul) may b in dis world but u r not of
dis world.D soul can never b cut in2pieces,nor burnt by fire,nor
drowned by water,nor dried by wind.


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