
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Compassion shud b 4d soul

Material compassion,lamentation&tears r all signs of ignorance of d
real self as soul.Compassion4d soul is self-realization.2day No1knows
where compassion shud b applied.Compassion4d dress(external body)of a
drowning man is senseless.While speaking learned words,u r
lamenting4wat isnt worthy of grief-BG,KK bindu.


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From Dream to Reality!

Life's a dream.Wen in day,v think v r husband/wife/son..of
such&such&forget d dream dat v had d LastNight where v wud've seen d
self as a celebrity flying or fearing Enemies chasing etc unmindful of
d relations of our day dream.But in dis day dream,there's a
chance2know wat,why,where,how v r&act properly to get into reality
i.e.seeing things as they are&acting accordingly.


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Life is not a mere chemical combination as proposed by scientists of
tiny brain.If Life comes from chemicals,produce an ant or grass in lab
or give life2d dead.Let scientists Answer2this,rather than bringing
clay(already here)frm moon by spending our tax money.Real probs of
life r oldage,disease,death.

Human life is meant4conquering d birth&death.D modern so-called
scientists dont have d ways2gain victory over death.They're only
concerned wid comforts4body which is sure2die.1must engage in
DevotionalService or KrsnaConsciousness2bcome free frm
birth&death.Bcome MyDevotee,Worship Me,u'll come2Me-Krsna,BG

Trees eat/drink thru their legs(roots).Similarly,d SupremeLord can eat
wid His eyes(deity) itself,wen v offer foodstuff2Him.He's nt
starving&in want of our food,but accepts it as a sign of Love.Pilgrims
take a handful of water frm d flowing massive Ganges river&offer it
back2MotherGanges,which is devotion

Wen v c a Ford car,v remember it's founder,Ford.Likewise,1can c d
SupremeLord's hand in nature thru d eyes of vedic lit,d perfect manual
given by d Lord(who is complete&perfect)2d suffering souls of material
world.This MaterialNature's working(created,maintained&destroyed)
under My Supervision-SriKrsna,BG

Story of Newton's laws:
A cow ws walkin
NEWTON stopped it,
He found his first law "an object continues to move unless it's stopped"

He gave a FORCE by Kicking d Cow, it Gave a Sound "MA"!
he formulated the 2nd Law, F=MA!!

After sumtim d Cow gave a kick to Newton then he formulated the 3rd Law i.e,


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If, however, you think that the soul [or the symptoms of life] is always born and dies forever, you still have no reason to lament, O mighty-armed.

Bhagavad-gītā As It Is 2.26

atha cainaḿ nitya-jātaḿ

nityaḿ vā manyase mṛtam

tathāpi tvaḿ mahā-bāho

nainaḿ śocitum arhasi


If, however, you think that the soul [or the symptoms of life] is always born and dies forever, you still have no reason to lament, O mighty-armed.


There is always a class of philosophers, almost akin to the Buddhists, who do not believe in the separate existence of the soul beyond the body. When Lord Kṛṣṇa spoke the Bhagavad-gītā, it appears that such philosophers existed, and they were known as the lokāyatikas and vaibhāṣikas. Such philosophers maintain that life symptoms take place at a certain mature condition of material combination. The modern material scientist and materialist philosophers also think similarly. According to them, the body is a combination of physical elements, and at a certain stage the life symptoms develop by interaction of the physical and chemical elements. The science of anthropology is based on this philosophy. Currently, many pseudo religions — now becoming fashionable in America — are also adhering to this philosophy, as well as to the nihilistic nondevotional Buddhist sects.

Even if Arjuna did not believe in the existence of the soul — as in the vaibhāṣika philosophy — there would still have been no cause for lamentation. No one laments the loss of a certain bulk of chemicals and stops discharging his prescribed duty. On the other hand, in modern science and scientific warfare, so many tons of chemicals are wasted for achieving victory over the enemy. According to the vaibhāṣika philosophy, the so-called soul or ātmā vanishes along with the deterioration of the body. So, in any case, whetherArjuna accepted the Vedic conclusion that there is an atomic soul or he did not believe in the existence of the soul, he had no reason to lament. According to this theory, since there are so many living entities generating out of matter every moment, and so many of them are being vanquished every moment, there is no need to grieve for such incidents. If there were no rebirth for the soul, Arjuna had no reason to be afraid of being affected by sinful reactions due to his killing his grandfather and teacher. But at the same time, Kṛṣṇasarcastically addressed Arjuna as mahā-bāhu, mighty-armed, because He, at least, did not accept the theory of the vaibhāṣikas, which leaves aside the Vedic wisdom. As a kṣatriya,Arjuna belonged to the Vedic culture, and it behooved him to continue to follow its principles.


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Kali Yuga, deeply rooted within us


Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 23/03/11

Kaliyuga is deeply rooted within us. It's not the Government. It's not the multi-nationals. It's not Bill Gates. It's not all these kinds of things. It's not the ruthless politicians who are the enemy.
We have this sign in the zoo:"This way to the Dangerous Animals"
and then you go to the lions, the tigers, the crocodiles, and then there's a sign:
"To the Most Dangerous Animal!"
Then you go around the corner, and there's a mirror waiting for you!
That's Us! The most dangerous animal! We are our own worst enemy!
We are the most influenced by Kaliyuga. If it wasn't within us, then how could we be influenced by it?

Transcribed by Annie
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Melbourne 2011)


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