
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Night4them is day4others!

Wat is night4all beings(who r in ignorance)is day4d introspective
sages(who r beyond d touch of material modes of
goodness,passion,ignorance).Wat is unthinkable4a spiritualist is d
most pleasant4d materialist&vice-versa.All material activities have a
beginning&an end,so wise men doesnt delight in them-BG


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Are we controlling or controlled?

V try2Lord over all dat v
c&ctrl.BloodFlow,Digestion,HeartBeat,Evacuation isnt in our Ctrl.No
matter how hard v try,v can never win over MaterialNature as long as v
try2exploit it4our senses.My MaterialNature is very
difficult2overcome.But those who've surrendered2Me can easily cross
beyond it-LordKrsnaBG


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Fwd: Sriman-Mahaprabhor-Asta-Kaliya-Lila

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From: "Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)" <>
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 22:10:57 +0530
Subject: Sriman-Mahaprabhor-Asta-Kaliya-Lila

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From: Saci Gaurasundara Das . <>
Date: Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 2:56 PM
Subject: Sriman-Mahaprabhor-Asta-Kaliya-Lila


*by Srila Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakura*


*1. sri-gauranga-mahaprabhos-caranayor ya kesa-sesadibhih*
sevagamyataya sva-bhakta-vihita sanyair-yaya labhyate
tam tan-manasikim smrtim prathayitum bhavyam sada sattamair
naumi pratyahikam tadiya-caritam sriman-navadvipa-jam

Devotional service to the lotus feet of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu is far
beyond the perception of Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Lord Sesa-naga and the
rest; but it is continually indulged in by the Lord's own devotees, and it
is always available to other souls as well. Now I will begin my description
of the process of manasi-seva (service to the Lord executed within the
mind). This process is fit for continuous remembrance by the most virtuous
sages. Therefore I offer my most respectful obeisances to the eternal daily
life and pastimes of the Lord born in Navadvipa.


*2. ratryante sayanotthitah sura-sarit-snato vabhau yah prage*
purvahne sva-ganair-lasaty upavane-tair-bhati madhyahnake
yah puryam-aparahnake nija-grhe sayam grhe 'thangane
srivasasya nisamukhe nisi vasan gaurah sa no raksatu

At the end of night (before sunrise), Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu gets up
from His bed, stretches His body, talks with His wife and washes His face;
(2) in the morning, He is massaged with oil and bathes in the celestial
Ganges river, then worships Lord Vishnu; (3) in the forenoon period, He
enjoys discussing topics about Lord Krishna with His devotees during visits
to their homes; (4) at midday, He enjoys pastimes in the gardens on the bank
of the Ganges; (5) in the afternoon, He wanders about the town of Navadvipa,
sporting with all the residents; (6) at dusk, he returns home to worship
Lord Vishnu and perform other rituals; (7) in the evening, He goes with His
associates to the courtyard of Srivasa Pandita to chant the holy names and
dance in ecstasy; (8) and at night, He returns home to go to sleep. May this
Lord Gaura protect us all.


*3. ratryante pika-kukkutadi-ninadam strutva sva-talpotthitah*
sri-visnu-priyaya samam rasa-katham sambhasya santosya tam
gatva 'nyatra dharasanopari vasan svad-bhih sudhautanano
yo matradi-bhir-iksito 'ti-muditas tam gauram-adhyemy-aham

At the end of the night, upon hearing the pleasant sounds made by many birds
such as the cuckoos, the roosters, and others, Sri Gaura arises from His
bed. With His wife, Sri Vishnu Priya, He discusses many topics concerning
the transcendental mellows of Their mutual loving affairs, and thus They
become very pleased. Then He gets up and goes to another room, wherein He
sits upon a raised sitting place and is assisted by His devotees in washing
His lotus face with nicely scented water. Thereafter, He very happily visits
His mother, Sri Saci Devi, as well as other friends and relatives in the
home. I meditate thus on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura-sundara.


*4. pratah svah sariti sva-parsada-vrtah snatva prasun-adi-bhis*
tam sampujya grhita-caru-vasanah srak-candan-alankrtah
krtva visnu-samarcan-adi sa-gano bhuktv-annam-acamya ca
dvitram canya-grhe sukam svapiti yas tam gauram-adhyemy-aham

In the morning, after sunrise, the Lord goes with His associates to bathe in
the Ganges river. While bathing, they also worship mother Ganges by offering
flowers, incense, and other presentations. After this, they come onto the
bank of the river, where He is dressed with exquisite cloth and decorated
with fresh flower garlands, sandalwood paste and other ornaments. Then they
all return to His home in order to perform opulent worship of Lord Vishnu,
as well as other rituals, after which they partake of the foodstuffs which
were offered to Lord Vishnu. After washing His hands and mouth, Lord Gaura
goes into another room to rest very happily for awhile. I meditate thus on
the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura-hari.


*5. purvahne sayanotthitah su-payasa praksalya vaktr-ambujam*
bhaktaih sri-hari-nama-kirtana-paraih sarddham svayam kirtayan
bhaktanam bhavane 'pi ca sva-bhavane kridan-nrnam vardhayaty-
anandam pura-vasinam ya urudha tam gauram-adhyemy-aham

Upon the arrival of the forenoon period, the Lord gets up from His nap and
stretches His body. Then he washes His lotus face with sweetly scented
water. Meeting with His devotees, who are all very fond of chanting Sri
Hari-nama-kirtana, He personally tastes and relishes the chanting of the
holy names. Thus He sports, sometimes in the homes of various devotees, and
sometimes in His own home. It this way, He increases the ecstatic pleasure
of all the townspeople to limitless heights. I meditate thus on the daily
pastimes of Sri Gaura-chandra.

PERIOD 4 (10:48 A.M. - 3:36 P.M.) : MIDDAY PASTIMES

*6. madhyahne saha taih sva-parsada-ganaih samkirtayad-bhir-bhrsam*
sadvaitendu-gadadharah kila saha-srilavadhuta-prabhuh
arame mrdu-marutaih sisiritair-bhrnga-dvijair-nadite
svam vrnda-vipinam smaran bhrahmati yas tam gauram-adhyemy-aham

During the midday period, Lord Caitanya continues to enjoy the performance
of intensely enthusiastic chanting and dancing, surrounded by His own dear
devotees such as the moon-like Advaita Acarya, Gadadhara Pandita, and the
divine madman Srila Nityananda Prabhu. Afterwards, they all wander
throughout the gardens and groves on the bank of the Ganges, where they
enjoy the sweet cooling breezes from the river. Hearing the pleasant sounds
of the bumblebees in those gardens, the Lord remembers His own ecstatic
pastimes of Radha and Krishna as they are occurring simultaneously in His
own forest of Vrndavana. I meditate thus on the daily pastimes of Sri


*7. yah sriman-aparahnake saha-ganais tais-tadrsaih premavams-*
ta-drksu svayam apyalam tri-jagatam sarmani vistarayan
aramattata eti paura-janata-caksus-cakorodupo
matra dvari-mudeksito nija-grham tam gauram-adhyemy-aham

During the splendidly beautiful afternoon period, the Lord and His devotees
become equally maddened in ecstatic love, and being ornamented like this,
they expand every-increasing ripples of auspicious benefit for all the three
worlds. In this mood, they leave the gardens and travel back toward His
home. On the way, they satisfy the eyes of all the townspeople, just as the
moon satisfies the cakora bird with its moonbeams. Reaching home, the Lord
is lavished with loving attentions by His mother. I thus meditate on the
daily pastimes of Gaura.


*8. yas-tri-srotasi sayam-apta-nivahaih snatva pradipali-bhih*
puspadyais ca samarcitah kalita-sat-pattambarah srag-dharah
visnos-tat-samay-arcanam ca krtavan dipali-bhis taih samam
bhuktv-annani su-vitikam api tatha tam gauram-adhyemy-aham

At dusk, the Lord bathes with His dear friends in the river Ganges, who
flows in three parts. They devoutly worship the Ganges by offering ghee
lamps, flowers, and other articles. Afterwards, the Lord puts on fresh
silken clothes and is adorned with flower garlands and other decorations.
Then, He worships Lord Vishnu by performing the evening arati ceremony,
offering ghee lamps and other articles. Afterwards, He and His friends
partake of the foodstuffs and betal nuts that were offered to Lord Vishnu. I
thus meditate on the daily pastimes of Lord Gaura.


*9. yah srivasa-grhe pradosa-samaye hy-advaita-candradi-bhih*
sarvair-bhakta-ganaih samam hari-katha-piyusam-asvadayan
premananda-samakulas-catula-dhih samkirtane-lampatah
kartum kirtanam-urdhvam-udyama-paras tam gauram-adhyemy-aham

In the evening time, the Lord goes to the home of Srivasa Pandita,
accompanied by Srila Advaita-chandra and other dear associates. Meeting with
the multitude of His devotees, He tastes and relishes the nectar of topics
concerning Lord Hari, and His mind becomes most agitated with the ecstasies
of pure love of Godhead. Then, becoming very lustful to relish the
congregational chanting of the holy names of the Lord, He orchestrates the
performance of intensely jubilant sankirtana which attains the summit of
passionate glorification of the holy names. I thus meditate on the daily
pastimes of Sri Gaura-sundara.

PERIOD 8 (10:48 P.M. - 3:36 A.M.) : MIDNIGHT PASTIMES

*10. srivas-angana avrto nija-ganaih sarddham prabhu-bhyam natann-*
uccais-tala-mrdanga-vadana-parair gayad-bhir-ullasayan
bhramyan srila-gadadharena sahito naktam vibhaty-adbhutam
svagare sayanalaye svapiti yas tam gauram-adhyemy-aham

Continuing well into the night, the Lord dances and dances in the courtyard
of Srivasa, surrounded by His most intimate devotees. His most ecstatic sing
is accompanied by His devotees who are expert in playing rhythms loudly on
the mridanga drums. He wanders and dances with Sri Gadadhara Prabhu in the
most astonishinng way, througout the night, until just before dawn. Then He
returns to His own home, where retires to His bedchamber and falls asleep
with His wife. I thus meditate on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura-nataraja.


*11. sri-gauranga-vidhoh sva-dhamani navadvipe 'sta-kalodbhavam*
bhavyam bhavya-janena gokula-vidhor-lila-smrter-aditah
lilam dyotayad-etad-atra dasakam prityanvito yah pathet
tam prinati sadaiva yah karunaya tam gauram-adhyemy-aham

Sri Gauranga, the Moon over Navadvipa, is manifest in His own abode during
eight periods of each day and every day. His pastimes should be remembered
by meditative devotees before they remember the pastimes of Sri Krishna, the
Moon over Gokula. If someone lovingly reads or recites the Lord's eternal
daily pastimes as they are illuminated in the ten verses of this prayer,
then the Lord is immensely pleased with that person, by His own merciful
compassion. I thus meditate on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaurachandra.

*Reprinted with permission from Krsna Prema Vani magazine, Vol. 2, No. 2,
March, 1995. Copyright Hari Nama Mission, Badger, California.* *

Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.


To serve the feet of the acaryas in association of the devotees is my
desire birth after birth

Your Humble Servent :-Saci Gaurasundara Das

Chant:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare
Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.& be Happy

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Sri Krishna Hari Das
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Glimpse of Sri Krishna Caitanya's Pastimes!

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Happy or Hippy?

1who desires2b free frm all miseries must hear abt,glorify&also
remember d SupremeLordKrsna,who is d Supersoul,d Controller&d Saviour
from all miseries-SB#2.1.5

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