
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Gotten Crazy???

In today's world,when v talk d truth people kick us but if v cheat by
some word jugglery,v will be welcomed.People have almost gotten crazy
dat they dont
know wat is real good4d self.There
was a girl with a bone tied around her neck.When asked,she says it's
fashion.industrialization creates only crazy hippies as in d west.


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The Duty Must Be There!


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via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 19/02/11

First in Krishna Consciousness there is a duty, which must be there. There are so many duties – duties to the spiritual master, duties to principles of purity, duties according to the scriptures, duties given to us by the arcaryas. It governs everything - the time we rise and the duty must be there first. If duty is not in place, then there is something hollow, and then there is the vacuum in our spiritual life. When there is such a vacuum, than our bhakti cannot really grow. For sometime, it may look like that bhakti grows very nicely, but if there is a vacuum remaining in our duty, then all that bhakti that emerges so nicely – will at one point just collapse! So the duty must be there!

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm, February 2011)


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We Have To Make it Meaningful


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via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 20/02/11

Once upon a time, I was travelling around the world and I came to a particular town where the City was located on the coast. I went to the local temple and the temple president wasn't there, so I asked where he was. They said:

"Oh, he went to the beach"

I said, "Okay".

They said, " Three days ago?"

"Three days ago?"

"Yes - three days ago, and he never returned."

So, being from the Netherlands and having a thing with the sea, I naturally took advantage of the situation, to go to the beach. I went there, and yes I saw him, and he was sitting in front of the ocean – staring out over the water. Well, I sat down next to him and didn't say anything. After about fifteen or twenty minutes, I said to him:

"Nice view isnt it?"

Well, you know from one thing gradually another and we wound up with a whole conversation. Then he started to reveal his heart – and what it was…what it really was – there were was a question that hit him which was:
"Who am I? Reeeaaally?"

That question had come into his mind and that question remained in his mind for three days now. So you could say it was an acute identity crisis, which happens in this world. Some people indeed suffer from an identity crisis, and it also happens to devotees who at one point just after years of practise of actually following devotional standards of going through the sashtras, as outlined by Srila Rupa Goswami, and seriously engaging in hearing, chanting and cultivating devotional service - some people get this identity crisis: 'Why? What is it?' Because, all along they were in a Shakespearian production. They were somewhere on stage acting out a role, but somehow or another it didn't really hit home – it didn't really connect to their feelings. Yes that can happen. This particular case was a little extreme. I do not think that there are many such stories of people going to the beach from Krishna Consciousness – not that, but others are showing the same symptoms but through another degree, but still wondering: "Who am I really?"

So with Krishna Consciousness, if we really want it to happen for us, then we have to make it meaningful. Meaningful – first of all for Krishna, because we are doing everything for Krishna, and Krishna also means the spiritual master – because he is the representative of Krishna!

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm, February 2011)


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Another ISKCON !


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via KKS Blog by (Jan) on 21/02/11

We are in the material world and we cannot understand what happens, when someone leaves the material world, we cannot see where a person goes. The most difficult thing, when someone leaves this planet is that they go from our sight, if we could only see where they are for a moment, than it would be so much easier, than it would be much easier to accept.

In Kartika we heard a story during some remembrances about Srila Prabhupada and there was a grhasta couple and the wife somehow or other died and then the husband was very upset and very alone and then that night in a dream Prabhupada came and Prabhupada said:
"Would you like to talk to your wife?" 
He said: "Yes, yes!" And then he heard her voice. He couldn't see her but he heard her voice and she said that:"Everything is all right here, it's very nice. Jayananda is here, Visnujana is here, George Harrison is here also! And Prabhupada is here and everything is very nice." 

So from that story it seemed, that what Prabhupada used to say, that there is another ISKCON in the spiritual world, that there really is another ISKCON in the spiritual world and that everybody is there and so on... no more politics - maybe a little bit, but transcendental. So don't worry. Anyway, so that is all very nice. So after hearing that he felt very relieved from his sadness. And thought:
"Oh everything is fine, now I know she's all right, everything O.K." And he felt a lot better.
So there is no doubt, there is no doubt that for a devotee the future is very auspicious.


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How to Execute the Desire to Preach?

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Mathajis,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudev.

Recently I was going through the diary which contained my conversations with our beloved Gurudev, HDG Mahavishnu Gosvami Maharaj. I seek the permission of the devotees to allow me to share an excerpt from one of the conversations. I will try and list down the points which I had taken down on my note book. We had noted this conversation down in point form. In this mail we have tried to put together all the points in paragraphs for ease of reading, as such the sentences may not be flowing as it should be. Kindly forgive us.

During one phone conversation, I had asked Maharaj that despite having the desire to preach and do more in devotional service, I was not able to push myself to practically execute that desire due to some form of inertia. The answer that Maharaj gave proved the type of unique transcendental experience he had in dealing with any matter put in front of him.

Maharaj said, "The motive must be very clear. Why do we want to preach and do more in seva? A sincere road sweeper is better than a fake transcendentalist. Please remember this. Have the desire, but don't worry too much about it. The time will come when these desires will be fulfilled, a time when you will be free to spend more time with such things. The word inertia is very nice. Even though desire is there we cannot do. This inertia is because of contact with modes. Our activities are not controlled thats why the modes are always fighting with each other within us. The desire to do the seva is in the mode of goodness, the inertia is there because passion and ignorance are fighting with goodness. Until the activities are controlled the inertia will always keep the desire dormant.

You should not get into these things artificially. The inertia also is naturally there because you are artificially trying to get into these things. Just be sincere. Try to squeeze sadhana in your daily life. As you fit your sadhana in, then your day becomes full. Don't make time for unnecessary things. Even if sense gratification must be present, please keep it very minimal and in that also four regulative principles must be maintained. The best way to enjoy is to stick to these principles. As the day is full with your work and sadhana then your senses are not exposed to matter. The reason for inertia and lethargy is our senses and mind being are exposed to matter in the modes. This matter drains our energy. This matter is the unnecessary activities. If our activities dwell around work, sadhana and regulated sense gratification then our senses are in-line to come and grasp the spiritual topics. It may be difficult to maintain this routine but we must try. In this routine we can experience happiness in the modes of goodness. And being satisfied and happy like this we can slowly free ourselves from the attachments. Like this, freedom is achieved to execute the desire to preach and perform more seva. Just be sincere in your day to day life. Remember Krishna sincerely. Just remember Him. Does it take so much effort to remember? It is not a show. In your own time just remember Him. Where is the difficulty?

Look at our Prabhupada, the structure of his life - how he gradually moved with desire to preach, how he conducted his activities. Eventually he was free to convert the whole world. Every soul is unique. Understand your position and conduct your activities according to the instructions of Bhagavatam. Be honest, remember Krishna intensely in all your activities, don't hanker and you will have your freedom to preach. This I guarantee."

Maharaj ended off with a very interesting point with regards to preaching, "We should not lose our self in the fire of preaching. Exhaustion for preachers is very bad. We should look fresh and bright to everyone who comes in front of us. That is devotee. If we preach to the extent that we are completely lost, what is the point? Preaching should not be done for sense gratification. Preaching is a must, but regulated life is also needed. These things we must understand practically."

My master made it so clear to me as always. If I ever go wrong in this life I only have myself to blame. Prabhus and Mathajis, please kindly keep us in your prayers. All glories to Gurudev.

I will end this post with a jewel from Srila Gurudev which HG Devakinandan prabhu had shared with us. It is very much related to what Maharaj was trying to emphasize in the above conversation. Maharaj said, "One requires unlimited patience to create favourable circumstances to liberate oneself from material sense gratification."

Thankyou very much.
Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva,
Madan Mohan das,


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