
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna



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via Gita Coaching by on 1/17/11

They have taken from nature, but they are thieves because everything in nature belongs to Krsna. Isavasyam idam sarvam: "Everything is God's creation." (Iso, mantra 1)

In Bhagavad-gita Krsna states that if one does not perform yajna [sacrifice], he is a thief. Yajna means acknowledging that things have been taken from Krsna.

We should think, "Krsna, You have given us many, many things for our maintenance." This much acknowledgement Krsna wants; that's all. Otherwise, what can He expect from you? What are you in His presence?

We should acknowledge Krsna's kindness. Therefore, before we eat we offer the food to Krsna and say, "Krsna, You have given us this nice food, so first You taste it." Then we eat it.

- Srila Prabhupada


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via Gita Coaching by on 1/17/11

The highest pleasure of this material world is sex life. Even in the spiritual world there is sex pleasure in Krsna. But this is not something like sex life in the material world.

Here in the material world the energy is sex, and in the spiritual world the energy is love. Here the love is misrepresented in sex. That is not love, but lust. Love is only possible with Krsna, nowhere else.

In the spiritual life there is no sex life. In the spiritual world there is no sex intercourse. Although there is man and woman, there is no sex intercourse. By chanting the glories of God there in the spiritual world, they get so much great pleasure that is far beyond this pleasure of sex life.

If you have something best then you forget low grade pleasure. So this sex pleasure is lower grade pleasure. It is not pleasure, it is illusion, but in material world this is the greatest pleasure.

Therefore everyone they are coming back to this sex pleasure, everyone. Even so-called religionists and swamis, they are coming down to the sex pleasure. Because in this material world that is the only highest pleasure. So, so long one will be attracted by the sex pleasure it is still in the material world.

In the spiritual world there are very, very beautiful women, thousand, thousands times. Here, in the heavenly planets, they are calculated the best perfectional body of the woman. But in the spiritual world, still further. But there is no attraction of sex.

They are working together, serving together, everything. But the sex attraction, there is no. They are elevated so much in the service of the Lord.

Sex attraction is a kind of pleasure. So there are different types of pleasure.

Here, if somebody, good foodstuff is there, and.... That is also another sense pleasure, and by the time one beautiful woman is canvassing, "Now, come and let us enjoy," he will give up this good food. He'll go for sex. Because he will think this is better than that. So one pleasure is rejected if one is engaged in better pleasure.

Param drstva nivartate [Bg. 9.59]. So in the spiritual world the service of the Lord is so pleasing, that they can neglect this sex pleasure. That is spiritual world. They have no attachment for sex pleasure.

The sex attraction is very great in the material world. But in the spiritual world it is different. From Srimad-Bhagavatam we know that the opposite sex namely the female members of Vaikuntha are many many times more beautiful than they are in the heavenly planets. Their hips and attractive smiles cannot stimulate sex urge passion of the man or male devotees.

I never discourage marriage, providing it is for Krsna's service and not for simply sex life. It is always meant for a higher purpose. In God's creation there is male and female even in the spiritual world and there is purpose for such creation. This purpose is so that male and female may join together, not for sex-life, but to glorify the Lord.

From Srimad-Bhagavatam we learn that in Vaikuntha the women are much more beautiful in their figure, smiling, dressing, etc., but the men and women there are so much attracted by the chanting of Hare Krsna that they do not get any sex impulse even by intimate mingling.

Here also we sometimes get very good example, because when our nice boys and girls are dancing together in chanting Hare Krsna at least for that time they forget all about the sex impulse. This is perfection of life, to be so much attracted to Krsna that all insignificant pleasures are utterly forgotten.

In spiritual life also there are men and women. They are very beautiful and attractive, but they are all so much absorbed in thought of Krishna that in the spiritual world there is no sex life. That means that Krishna consciousness is so sublime and happy that it surpasses the pleasure of sex life.

- Srila Prabhupada


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via Gita Coaching by on 1/19/11

Q: What would you like people to say at your funeral?

A: He ruined my illusion. He ruined my sense gratification. I hated him but later I understood - he is my well-wisher.


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Ajamila goes back to Godhead


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He might even kiss you!


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 1/18/11

One can focus on the meeting and pastimes of Radha and Krishna in Vrindavan, and there are of course many scriptures describing these pastimes, but because these pastimes resemble the love affairs between male and female in this world, they are not recommended for those who are affected by lust. The exchanges between Radha and Krishna, or Krishna and the gopis, are of that nature. But there's no lust, it is all full, selfless dedication.
How can we understand that?
How can we even discuss it in too much detail publicly?
A little bit we understand that it is there; we cannot go too deep.

But sometimes, Prabhupada said surprising things. In Mayapur, there's this young girl in the early days, and Prabhupada said,
"So, are you attracted to Krishna?"
She said, "Yeah! Yeah!"
Prabhupada said, "Krishna is a young boy,"
he then said:
"He might even kiss you!"
He just said it like that! She went all red and everything!
But these things are very difficult to understand, Krishna's loving affairs. So one has to be pure from lust to really understand.

Transcribed by Bhakta Frederick
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm, Jhulana-yatra, August 2010)


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