
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Krishna never leaves us!


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 1/18/11

Of course in the beginning we can hardly preceive Krishna. Where is Krishna? We are in the material world, we are adding Krishna to our life and little by little some Krishna is there. And then we are again caught up in the pushings of the senses. Our senses are pushing, our bodies are requiring and we are responding. We are making the arrangements. But then still Krishna is there. Even if sometimes we become so overwhelmed by the material energy, Krishna is there. He doesn't go away. And then, even if temporarly He goes into the backround afterwards He is back, again and again.

Transcribed by Bhakta Jan
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Amsterdam 2010)


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Wealth,Influence are fallible soldiers

Duryodhana-Our strength is immeasurable.V r carefully protected by all
d gr8 warriors Bhisma,Drona etc.but D army of pandavas is ltd.He's
unable2c d presence of d SupremeLordKrsna(who's d abode of
GoodFortune) by d side of pandavas.Likewise v feel powerful by
wealth/influence but is checked by Time(Krsna)


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Knowledge is light, Ignorance is darkness

There's nothing new v can do in this MaterialWorld however great d
MaterialAdvancements b.V can do only d same old
eating.sleeping,mating,fearing in various bodies.This MaterialWorld is
Dark-Ignorance,without sun.Actually it's pitch dark.God/His servants
only gives Light-Knowledge dat DeliversFallenSouls!


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These kirtans are in my mind for will like it.

These kirtans are in my mind for years..hope you will like it too.

You can download by right clicking and choose the option "save link as" to save the mp3 to the pc.


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Death is fear personified!

Death is like Kitten in d mouth of cat4devotees of Lord Krsna(In
BG,Krsna says those who worship Me&always think of Me will surely
come2Me(2Spiritual world,upon leaving this body) while4others(misers)
it's like rat in d mouth of cat(becoz 1has2repeatedly take birth&die
in diff bodies which is miserable)


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