
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Living In The Material World


 Living In The Material World Lyrics
» George Harrison
I'm living in the material world
Living in the material world

can't say what I'm doing here
But I hope to see much clearer,
after living in the material world

I got born into the material world
Getting worn out in the material world
Use my body like a car,
Taking me both near and far
Met my friends all in the material world

Met them all there in the material world
John and Paul here in the material world
Though we started out quite poor
We got 'Richie' on a tour
Got caught up in the material world

From the Spiritual Sky,
Such sweet memories have I
To the Spiritual Sky
How I pray
Yes I pray
that I won't get lost
or go astray

As I'm fated for the material world
Get frustrated in the material world
Senses never gratified
Only swelling like a tide
That could drown me in the
material world

From the Spiritual Sky,
Such sweet memories have I
To the Spiritual Sky
How I pray
Yes I pray
that I won't get lost
or go astray

While I'm living in the material world
Not much 'giving' in the material world
Got a lot of work to do
Try to get a message through
And get back out of this material world

I'm living in the material world
Living in the material world
I hope to get out of this place
My salvation from the material world
Big Ending



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Hymns from the Holy Scipture Quarran


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ISKCON Time Bomb-Part-1



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SMS Updates of the fortnight!

Sun rises everyday in d east,it is d source of energy4all living
beings.Not even 1 day it rises from d west.Not by chance,this nature
functions.Our stomach digests all food,heart pumps blood thru out d
body."Mayadyaksena prakrti.. this material nature works under My
Supervision"-Krsna in BhagavadGita :)

A Deer&Doe in a BeautifulGarden enjoying grass in d melody of bees
buzzing around.Deers r FondOfMusic.D foolish animal fails2c d Tiger on
one side which is ready2pounce while hunter on d other side pointing
Deer-A family man
Bees' Buzz-Pleasing child's talk

When a man finds money on road,3 things he can do
1.Put it in his pocket
2.Leave it as it stays
3.Find its owner&hand over.
Both 1&2 r fools.3 is d intelligent.
1-Materialist(ExploitsNature2satisfy his own senses)
2-Impersonalist(Deny his own existence&d SupremeLord's)
3-Devotee(Tries2pls d Lord's Senses)

Happiness&Distress is a perception by senses&mind.1must
learn2tolerate&remain steady@both.Women cook@kitchen even during
summer.2d degree 1gets attached2a particular thing in this world,2that
degree 1gets disappointed&get Fear&anger when losing it,becoz this
world is temporary&FullOfMiseries-BhagavadGita.

Just fix ur mind upon Me(TheSupremePersonalityOfGodhead)&engage all ur
Intelligence in Me.Thus u will live in Me always,without a

Without being Self-Controlled, without being Disciplined and without
being fully Obedient,no one can become Successful in following the
instructions of the Spiritual Master,and without doing so,no one is
able to go back to Godhead(Spiritual World/Abode of God)-Srimad

Those who fix their minds on My personal form and are always engaged
in worshiping Me with great and transcendental faith are considered by
Me to be d most perfect-Lord Sri Krsna in Bhagavad-Gita#12.2

1 who knows that MyBirth,MyActivities r transcendental/divine will not
take birth again in this world upon leaving their present

God is 1
So He's giving food2every1.
d birds
d beasts
d elephants
d Hindus
d Muslims
d Christians
He is protecting every1&equal2every1. But if u bcome His devotee,He
takes special care of u.He gives special protection2His pure
devotees(those with no personal/ulterior motives)-Bhagavad Gita As It
Is # 9.29

Religion means d law given by God.Just like d law given by d state,by
govt,u've2accept it. There's no question that d govt is muhammedian
govt/christian govt/hindu govt.Law given by govt,u must accept,u cant
deny.So God is neither HinduGod,nor MuslimGod,nor ChristianGod.God is
God.His laws r equal2all-BG

V act according2our mind&d resultant action is there
immediately.Nature's law,God's law,is there.It's not God's creation
that somebody is suffering from some painful condition&somebody is
enjoying.No,v infect ourselves with some contamination becoz this
material world is full of contamination.u must remain very
cautious.Otherwise you'll have2suffer-His Divine Grace A.C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
In his conversations in Mayapur,19th March,1976

The Lord accepts the least qualification of the living entity and
awards him the highest reward. That is the standard of His character.
Therefore, who but the Lord can be the ultimate shelter???
Srimad Bhagavatham#3.2.23

D occupational activities,a man performs according2his own position r
only so much useless labor if they do not provide attraction4d message
of d Personality of Godhead-SB#1.2.8

4my own pleasure,I never Fear2commit any sin.Im devoid of pity&Im full
of selfishness.Im Sorry@other's happiness.Im an inveterate liar.Indeed
I delight in others' miseries-Amara Jivana,Bhakti Vinoda Thakur.
"Having awakened faith in My narrations,being disgusted with all
material activities,knowing that all sense enjoyment leads2misery,but
still being unable2renounce sense enjoyment,My devotee shud remain
happy&worship Me with faith&conviction.Even tho sometimes he is
engaged in sense enjoyment,My devotee knows it gives miserable
results&he sincerely,repents such activities-SB#11.20.27-28

Those who fix their minds on My personal form and are always engaged
in worshiping Me with great and transcendental faith are considered by
Me to be most perfect.
(Lord Sri Krsna - Bhagavad gita 12.2)

For one who sees Me everywhere and sees everything in Me,I am never
lost, nor is he ever lost to Me-(Lord Sri Krsna - Bhagavad-Gita 6.30)

Ignorance is no xcuse.LawsOfNature r so strict that no 1 can escape d
reactions of their actions.A BurningFire is impartial2child/adult.Just
as a calf find his mother even in d midst of 1000s of cows,d reactions
of actions hit d doer without fail.Moment by moment,v r sowing seeds
by our thots,words,deeds.


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Prabhupada's Appearance Day (part 2)-2 impress others means, 2 use our false ego


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 9/8/10

(Kadamba Kanana Swami ,Croatia Sep 2010)

So again we see how Prabhupada is glorious and we also see that Prabhupada is also made of mercy and that he was not a self made man, a self made acharya – he was also made of mercy of others, that the mercy of Srila Visvanatha Cakravati Thakur made a huge part in his life and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saravati Thakur became the lord of his life.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Prabhupada was everything to him, whatever his spiritual master said, that was important. And when we are reading about Srila Bhaktisiddhanta and how he did things then we see how Prabhupada also did.

Like for example Prabhupada used to say my spiritual master used to like diorama exhibitions by making dolls of various personalities, Krishna's pastimes and depicting the pastimes in that way, and Prabhupada asked several of his devotees to make such kind of dioramas…
… in the early days in Mayapur there was a sign to make such diorama exhibitions and Prabhupada wanted in Mayapur a wonderful exhibition, he wanted an exhibition of all the preaching of the world and show what was going on. Srila Prabhupada was exactly following in the footsteps of his spiritual master because it was actually Srila Bhakti Siddhananta Sarasvati Thakur who organised this theistic exhibition – which was a huge thing in Calcutta….big field near the Victoria memorial.
And there Srila Bhakti Siddhanta..for example he had one acre land, that's a huge area of land- he had a map made of concrete in 3 D, a relief map, and this map was showing, the whole path that Lord Chaitanya went to south india in all the holy places and it was also showing all the temple s of the Gaudiya Matha in all of India. And people could walk into this map which was coloured and very beautiful, they could see little temples in all these holy places, and they could also see many dioramas depicting different aspects of the philosophy. Prabhupada used the same tool of preaching from his spiritual master.
His false ego did not get in the way, that is the one thing that we see in Srila Prabhupada, abscence of false ego – when he first went to preach in Ameriaca one person tried to understood what he had to say, - this newcomer described it:
'Here I saw this elderly Indian gentleman, he looked scholarly with his glasses, book…he had this big book that he was reading from like a really old looking Indian book and he looked very scholarly and he was very serious about what he was saying, and it was difficult to understand because he had such a heavy Bengali accent, but he was definitely really trying, really trying to communicate something and therefore I really wanted to hear what he had to say because I thought.. "it might be important" the fact that he had took so much trouble and was so serious about communicating his message, so I listened very carefully. And as I began to listen , I began to understand him better and I realised here is someone with no pretence, there is no show, he is not trying to impress anybody…this person is not trying to impress anybody – he is simply trying to give the truth'
and that was the point that struck that person. He later on became a leading devotee in Prabhupada's movement. And that was a very good observation, a very interesting observation, which I always remember - that Prabhupada didn't try to impress anybody. That means he didn't have any false ego – that is what false ego is to impress somebody:
Look at me- false ego – to add something to what we are, we all try and make an impression and we are very concerened with the impression that we make – any maybe if we are not making the good impression we are all disturbed... or if someone says something that damages our reputation – big thing!
'Oh how can you say this about me!"
So it is so nice that Srila Prabhupada had no desire to impress anyone…but he could impress people for Krishna! Oh yes! Oh yes he could, he could! He could also dress in silks, he could also say that the spiritual master should be offered the best – and when they picked him up in a Rolls Royce and the press jumped on it … They asked him 'Oh so you came in a Rolls Royce'
And Prabhupada said: 'Yes the spiritual master should be offered the best, in fact an ordinary Rolls Royce will not do, it should be a golden Rolls Royce!'
So you can imagine the press! They were making notes!! They sure were:
"Swami wants Golden Rolls Royce" … big headlines!
Absoluteley , so Prabhupada was ready, ready too impress but still Prabhupada had this unique aloof mentality of not caring about public opinion!

(Kadamba Kanana Swami ,Croatia Sep 2010)


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