
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

She is looking at me or not? **Confused???

Excerpt from

THE WAY OF DEATH by HH Jayadvaita Swami

by H.H.Jayadvaita Swami

According to an authoritative book on body language there is one device: you are not looking at her but while you are not looking at her she looks at you and keeps looking at you, and keeps looking at you until you get the creping feeling that someone is looking at you. Then, because you get this feeling that she is looking at you, you turn toward her. And that's when she turns away. And it is done with a certain gesture – what are you looking at me for??! And that of course creates further interest. Now, that she has turned away, he is totally confused, this is what is called in the hypnosis the "confusion technique". Now he is confused, was she looking at me, or was she not looking at me? I thought she was looking at me but now I was looking at her. He is completely bewildered and he does not know what's going on except that his mind is drown in thinking about the women – was she looking at me, or was she not looking at me? Was I looking at her?

So sanair, slowly the woman attracts the man. One of our ISKCON teachers of young ladies confided with me that at a certain age the girls discover that if they move in certain way, dress in certain way, they can melt the guy down. And that power becomes a kind of fascination for the girl, she has to use it.

So women all over the world would act in a way that's attractive, it's just their nature. They are constructed by the world's great expert, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He says, "mama maya durataya", my illusory energy is practically unsurpassable because I did really god job in constructing it. Particularly in the form of woman. Some place in the second canto, I think, it is said that Lord Brahma after creating so many things saw that the material energy was not sufficiently manifest, and therefore he created the form of the woman to finish the job.

So the woman is naturally made in such a way that she will be attractive to man and she will act in a way that will be attractive to man. Even if she is chaste and she is shy, that will be attractive to man. How chaste and shy that girl is! That will be attractive. Women are by nature attractive because Krsna made them in that way.
So sanair maya, maya means that what it's not what you think it is. Yopayati sanair maya yosid deva-vinirmita. The woman who slowly attracts one tam ikseta, one should see in this way – atmano mrtyum, as death.

And not just an ordinary death but ätmano måtyum, death for the soul. Death of this body, that's inevitable. For one who is born death is certain. But this is ätmano måtyum, death for the soul. The killer of the soul is mentioned in Isopanisad. How does one kill the soul? The soul is described as eternal, everlasting. So how do you kill the soul? You kill the soul by identifying it with material energy. You kill spirit by identifying with matter. Soul is sat cid ananda but matter is temporary. Matter is a source of misery and covers knowledge. So when the soul is identifying with matter then it is practically killing himself. Or if you get the soul to identify with matter you are killing the soul.

And how is the soul identifying with matter? By association, attraction between man and woman.

pumsah striya mithuna-bhavam etad
tayor mitho hrdaya-granthim ahuh
ato grha-ksetra-sutapta-vittair
janasya moho 'yam aham mameti

The attraction between male and female is the basic principle of material existence. On the basis of this misconception, which ties together the hearts of the male and female, one becomes attracted to his body, home, property, children, relatives and wealth. In this way one increases life's illusions and thinks in terms of "I and mine." (Bhagavatam 5.5.8)

Full Lecture:


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 8/22/10

The human form of life is the life of responsibility where one is responsible for his actions and where every action has a reaction. So that is there. But the human form of life offers us that freedom to choose, to choose for the Supreme Lord. That freedom is given to us and as soon as we take up this devotional service we become further empowered. The human form of life is already more empowered than the animal form of life – but when one takes up service to Krishna then we become empowered and with that empowerment we gain our freedom. Empowerment is what freedom is about…

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur is explaining that the jiva that is taking up devotional service is empowered witht the Cit and the Anand Shaktis. That is logical because the spirit soul who is the spiritual world in the condition of Sat Cit Ananda, eternity full of bliss and full of knowledge. But in this material world eternity is not attained. In this material world we are in a temporary situation, in a temporary body- but the other two: full bliss and full knowledge can be obtained within this material body.

Like that, one becomes empowered – this knowledge potency and this bliss potency – first to limited degrees but to ever increasing degrees, there is basically no limit to that.

It is there that we find our freedom!

(Kadamba Kanana swami, New Radha Kunda August 2010)


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Relationship matters!

Our Society (ISKCON) is like one big family and our relationships should be
based on love and trust. We must give up the fighting spirit and use our
intelligence to push ahead.
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
In his letter to Upendra, 6th August, 1970.

Krishna is gopika-kaantha. Radha-kaantha. That is Krishna's real
identification. He is gopika-kaantha, and He is Radha-kaantha. This
relationship with Krishna and gopis, that is the highest perfectional
realization of the Absolute Truth.
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
In his conversations in Mayapur, 29th March, 1975.

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Nature is so perfectly designed like a prisonhouse!

You cannot stop the sex unless you are fully in Krsna consciousness. It is
not possible.And that is the material bondage. In the material prisonhouse
they have got so many means-big, big walls, handcuff, chain -- but nature is
so perfect that simply give you a beautiful woman, and you are all prisoner.
Big wall, handcuff and chain -- everything is complete

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Morning Walk -- September 29,1975,Ahmedabad

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"Letter From Srila Prabhupada"

Dwijamani Das sent a message to the members of Letter From Srila Prabhupada.
Dwijamani Das
Dwijamani DasAugust 23, 2010 at 5:30pm
Subject: 22 August, 1968
22 August, 1968
My Dear Daniel,
Please accept my blessings. I am so much thankful to you for your good wishes, and your realization that you are the eternal servant of Krishna. It is the primary understanding of our constitutional position. Actually, we are servant, but in the conditioned state, every one of us posing as the master. The sooner we forget that we are not master, we are servant; and if even though we are not inclined to serve Krishna, we have to become the servant of our senses. So the sooner we realize this fact, that our constitutional position is servant, that means we are liberated. Liberation means to be situated in one's original position. Just like a man suffering from fever, so relief from fever means to be situated in normal condition. So service is our normal condition, but this service being misplaced, we are not happy but as soon as the service is placed to the right person, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, everything becomes happy and successful.
Please go on chanting "Govinda Jaya Jaya, Govinda Jaya Jaya, Radha Ramana Hari, Govinda Jaya Jaya'', along with "Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare. Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama, Rama, Hare Hare.'' And in any condition you shall be happy without any doubt. Thanking you once more for your postcard, and I beg to remain
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: Daniel -- Montreal 22 August, 1968
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