
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

When & Why Do You come?

Arjuna:When will U come?.Krsna:Whenever&wherever there is a decline of
religious practice&predominant rise of irreligion,I descend
Myself.Arjuna:Why do U come?.Krsna:2protect My devotees,2destroy d
miscreants,2re-establish d principles of religion,I Myself
appear,Millenium after Millenium.BG#Chap4.txt.7-8

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No loss in fighting as a warrior,even if seen thru karmic reactions!

Ur enemies will describe u in many unkind words,they'll think u have
left d battle field out of fear only.They dont think that u've left
out of compassion4relatives&friends.Either u'll b killed on d
battlefield&attain heaven or u'll conquer&enjoy earthly
kingdom.There4get up with determination&fight!-BG#2

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~No problems except self-created ones

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bhakti Vikasa Swami <>

Prabhupada: Actually there is no problem. Why there should be problem? There
are 8,400,000 species of life. Out of that, human being are 400... Out of
that, 80%, they are uncivilized. So all these living entities have no
problem for eating. This 20% or 15% people who are called as civilized, they
have problem. They have created problem. At least in India, say, hundred
years before, there was no problem for eating, even for the sudra class or
any... No, there was no... The society was so made, there was no problem.
Why fifty years? In 1933 or '36 in Vrndavana somebody wanted milk, some
pilgrimage amongst ourselves. So went to a house. So, "Can you supply us
some milk?" "Ah, how much you want?" So it was about ten pounds. So she
supplied immediately, one woman, and when she was offered price, "Oh, why
shall I take a price for ten or twenty pounds of milk? Oh, you can take it."
That is my practical experience. Milk was so freely available. So simply we
are creating problems by godless civilization. That is a fact.

Hamsaduta: Once you said we are making solutions to self-created problems,
and we think it's advancement.

Prabhupada: Yes.

Hamsaduta: We've created a big thing and then make so many solutions.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Room Conversation -- December 21, 1970, Surat


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Dishonor is worse than death!

"If u dont perform ur religious duty(as prescribed in Vedic
scriptures) of fighting u'll certainly get sins4neglecting ur
duties&Lose ur reputation as a fighter.People will always speak of ur
infamy&4a respectable person dishonor is worse than death.So It's
better2die in d battle&not withdraw",BG#2.33-34

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Sacrifice makes one happy!

WithoutSacrifice,1can never live happily on this planet or in this
life:what then in d next? Existence in this world is due2multiple
reactions2our SinfulLives.Ignorance is d coz of SinfulLife,birth after
birth.Only in HumanLife can1understand
Religion,EconomicDevelopmnt,Ctrld Enjoyment,Liberation:BG#4.31

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