
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna


What is Life?

Life in this world has a lot of conditions to keep it running stable. We have several aspects to take care of and doing great in one and missing out in other areas in life wont do much good. 

We need to work on all platforms of physical body, mental, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and social needs. How you run your single day is how your life would be. Little things add up eventualy after weeks, months and years. Therefore, the secret of compounding your efforts and seeing success is in your daily routines. Do not under estimate what a 30 min daily routine can do to you after months of consistent practice.

So my friend have good daily routines for all these aspects of life by dedicating time and energy for each one of these areas to have a balanced, healthy and peaceful life. 

Physical Health 
 1. Diet - routines important 
 2. Exercise - routines important
 3. Oil massage - routines important
 4. Herbs and supplements - routines important

Mental, Emotional and Social Health
 1. Socializing with close family and friends
 2. Managing your stress levels from work and other life situations 
 3. Keeping your emotional health stable by being mindful and aware of your surroundings and the people around you. 
 4. Staying away from mean people or narcissistic type of people or those that you dont get along so well. Stay Far away from those that drain your mental energy like vampires. Keep those only with who you feel peace and calm in their presence.
 5. Regulating Sleeping habits and cycles and early to bed.
 6. Keeping your space organized and clean

Intellectual Health:
 1. Learn something new about anything for making your life better. It could be religious/spiritual or technology that helps make life better or about health or pyschological impact and needs.
 2. Keep the intellect sharp by regular connection with advanced wise people who have seen the life and have a vision. You are made of the closest five people who you regularly associate with. So choose association wisely.

Spiritual Health:
 1. This goes beyond the 3 dimensional life we perceive with our senses and mind
 2. Prioritize Spiritual happiness which is beyond senses mind and intellect for it's the core of your heart. Spirit is above the body mind senses and intellect. 
 3. Learn spirituality from ancient texts and those that are experts in that field.

More later….


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