V c d world as a reflection of our mind.V observe things&understand it
according2our ltd knowledge&experience.So our judgement isnt d reality
always.4Eg,wen v c wid a colored glass everything appears of dat color
but isnt real.Likewise,d ActivitiesOfSupremeLord&His devotees may
appear like ours but is not so
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
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via Gita Coaching by akrura@gmail.com on 20/03/11

An ideal husband and wife are generally called Laksmi-Narayana to compare them to the Lord and the goddess of fortune, for it is significant that Laksmi-Narayana are forever happy as husband and wife.
A wife should always remain satisfied with her husband, and a husband should always remain satisfied with his wife.
In the Canakya-sloka, the moral instructions of Canakya Pandita, it is said that if a husband and wife are always satisfied with one another, then the goddess of fortune automatically comes.
In other words, where there is no disagreement between husband and wife, all material opulence is present, and good children are born.
Generally, according to Vedic civilization, the wife is trained to be satisfied in all conditions, and the husband, according to Vedic instruction, is required to please the wife with sufficient food, ornaments and clothing.
Then, if they are satisfied with their mutual dealings, good children are born.
In this way the entire world can become peaceful ...
- Srila Prabhupada
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via Gita Coaching by akrura@gmail.com on 16/03/11

In the material world a so-called family is a combination of several persons in one home to fulfill the terms of their imprisonment. As criminal prisoners scatter as soon as their terms are over and they are released, all of us who have temporarily assembled as family members will continue to our respective destinations.
As water passes down a river, many straws and grasses are carried from the shore. These straws and grasses come together in the river's current, but when the waves toss this way and that, they are separated and carried somewhere else and float alone in the water.
Similarly, the innumerable living entities within this material world are being carried by the waves of material nature. Sometimes the waves bring them together, and they form friendships and relate to one another on a bodily basis of family, community or nationality. Eventually they are thrown out of association by the waves of material nature, and they are inevitably separated by the waves.
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via Gita Coaching by akrura@gmail.com on 23/03/11

- We compromise what we know is right
- We are afraid to confront what we need to change
- We are afraid to desire
- We are afraid to love
- We are not ready to pay the price of success
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via KKS Blog by noreply@blogger.com (aatish) on 30/03/11
As soon as one somehow or the other connects to devotional service one becomes purified.
Srila Prabhupada has this great conviction and on the strength of that he was ready to approach anyone and everyone - he wasn't considering who is qualified and who is not qualified because he had this strong faith.
Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm 2011)
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Ready to approach anyone and everyone
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via KKS Blog by noreply@blogger.com (aatish) on 26/03/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami 2011)
I was in one temple and they had a big office full of computers and all these devotees were typing these letters.
Suddenly, I was thinking:" Are they writing these letters to us.!!!"
Then I got thirty mails after breakfast!"
And then they complain:" He is not answering my emails!"
I always say: "If I don't answer your email then that's very good. Because then there is the good chance that I'm actually chanting my rounds and reading Srimad Bhagavatam"
When I answer all my emails very faithfully then you should doubt about my chanting because it is not humanly possible to answer to all those emails.
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'He is not answering my emails!'
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via KKS Blog by noreply@blogger.com (aatish) on 26/03/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm 2011)
Knowledge can increase our eagerness in devotional service. The more knowledge we develop about the potency of the Holy Name, the potency of devotional service, the more eager we will be to perform and to take advantage because then we realise that it is not impossible. Although emotionally at present spiritual life seems too difficult: 'It is nice, it is good, it is the truth, but it is too difficult."
This tendency to think that :'Yes I believe in Krishna Consciousness, I believe in bhakti yoga, I believe that it is the truth but I don't believe in myself, I don't believe that I can do it" - this is the more subtle form of faithlessness.
People that say "I don't have faith in devotional service" - we can say that is unfortunate but if we just study the arguments and logic, then many of us can accept it - Why would God not be ever fresh?
Why would He not be all powerful?
Why would He not be all knowing?
Why would He not be all famous?
Why would He not be a person?
When everywhere there is a person and everywhere there is a personality then why not Him, if He is the origin. Shouldn't the creation reflect the nature of the creator logically speaking?
Like that one can hear the logical argument and accept the system of belief of Krishna Consciousness and it makes sense and it gives a complete picture but then what?
We have no self confidence:
'I have never been successful in my life'
'I know my limitations'
'I just can't do it'
'I have already tried and I couldn't do it.'
'I tried following the four regulative principles but I couldn't do it and therefore it is too difficult for me so maybe I go and do hata yoga.'
Totally missing the point that success is not measured whether we can follow the four regulative principles or not - in the pre stages we may not be able to follow the four regulative principles that doesn't matter, we simply keep trying. Prabhupada often said that failure is the pillar of success just like it is natural for a child to walk but it takes a certain amount of effort like in the beginning the child will fall and fall and fall again and again and again until one day he will walk.
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I Just Can't Do It
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via KKS Blog by noreply@blogger.com (Yadurani dd) on 27/03/11
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura said, "I will hear from that person, who has bound Krsna with such a strong bond of love in his heart, that even Krsna Himself cannot break it." Let's fix ourselves in commitment to a principle, let's fix ourselves is some service, let's fix ourselves in commitment to chanting Hare Krsna and then maintain it..... and then fix ourselves in more of the same and more and more...and never take a step backwards. Just follow in the footsteps of the great devotees, gopi-bhartuh pada-kamalayor dasa-dasanudasah (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Padyavali 74). Then one day, we will obtain that unbreakable love...
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, March 2011, South Africa)
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Even Krsna cannot break it
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via KKS Blog by noreply@blogger.com (Jan) on 27/03/11
Although devotees are meant to have ideal relationships, it's not always like that. One devotee complained to Prabhupada and Prabhupada said: "Don't expect that it is Utopia!"
It's not about the temple!
"But I thought when I would join the temple that everything would be really just wonderful, and I thought that basically we would be in the spiritual world."
No, no, no. The temple is the railway station. There you board the train to the spiritual world. It's not that it's already the spiritual world.
It is the station and well you know, you say: "I'm not getting on board of that train! I'm not! I'm not getting on board of this train!"
"Why not?"
"Because I don't like the station!"
That's ridiculous. That's crazy, right?
"I'm not getting on board of that train, because I don't like the station!"
That's stupid, because the train is going to get you out of that station!
(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Cape Town, South Africa, March 2011)
It's not about the temple!
"But I thought when I would join the temple that everything would be really just wonderful, and I thought that basically we would be in the spiritual world."
No, no, no. The temple is the railway station. There you board the train to the spiritual world. It's not that it's already the spiritual world.
It is the station and well you know, you say: "I'm not getting on board of that train! I'm not! I'm not getting on board of this train!"
"Why not?"
"Because I don't like the station!"
That's ridiculous. That's crazy, right?
"I'm not getting on board of that train, because I don't like the station!"
That's stupid, because the train is going to get you out of that station!
(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Cape Town, South Africa, March 2011)
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The temple is a railwaystation
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via KKS Blog by noreply@blogger.com (Jan) on 28/03/11
If you really think about it, most people would say: "Material desires! If only I could become free from my material desires then it would be easy – I could fly in Krishna consciousness because I have a taste for Krishna consciousness. But, I have these material desires and if only I was free from these material desires."
Therefore it seems that the biggest obstacle in spiritual life is our material desires.
But that is not at all the conclusion of the scriptures. The conclusion of the scriptures has a totally different angle on the matter. The scriptures are saying that th-e biggest problem is not material desires because material desires are doomed, they can't survive.
The one thing that is a problem in spiritual life are offences. Offences made against the Name and against the Vaishnavas. Disrespect for the Name and disrespect for the Vaishnavas. Disrespect for the deities and disrespect for the scriptures. This kind of attitude can cause a delay in spiritual progress. Therefore this is our biggest problem.

(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Brisbane, Australia, March 2011)
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What is the greatest challenge?
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via KKS Blog by noreply@blogger.com (Jan) on 28/03/11
When we come to the point to realise that we are the eternal servants of Krishna, then nothing can change that. Nothing! Because no matter what happens – it's eternal! Nothing in the world, even if the whole world ceases to exist, we are still the eternal servant of Krishna.
And that is how a devotee becomes like a lamp in a windless place, a lamp that doesn't flicker. Because once that knowledge is there, once that conviction is strong and firm then nothing can change our position, nothing in the world can affect that position.
(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Cape Town, South Africa, March 2011)
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Eternal servants
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March 2011
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