Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
V dont know wat is good4d self.So v r not even selfish but
sensish,serving d senses which r like poisonous snakes.4 one with
Uncontrld senses,d doors of hell r wide open.Not dat he experiences
hell after death but now itself.1who ctrls d senses like a snake
charmer is really a man of steady intelligence.
Selfish or Sensish?
Now I am Ur disciple,a soul surrendered2U,Kindly instruct wat is
best4me.Becoz I know no one but You-Arjuna2Krsna.Arjuna was so
fortunate2have LordKrsna as SpiritualMaster.But whoever delivers d msg
of Krsna without distortion is as good as Krsna.So it's important dat
v surrender2a BonafideSpiritualMaster
I dont know, What is best4me!
Som people can b cheated4som time but all cannot b cheated all d
time.People r becoming intelligent enuf2understand d genuineness of
vedic culture.Even50yrs ago people had atleast satisfactory lives
unlike d frustrated1s 2day.Becoz modern civilization failed2c&feed d
soul&is only decorating d dead body :(
Satisfied with decorating d dead body?
An ant in d corner of a room knows very little abt other houses.City
is beyond it's power of understanding.Country is even more!
World,Universe is simply out of reach.Dat isnt d fault of d Creator
but d inability of ant2c d reality.Our power2understand creation is
ltd.Wat2speak of d Creator who is unltd!
Do v have d Power2understand d Powerful???
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Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty 2010)
This is a very gruesome situation where a pious brahamana couple engaged in the activities of garbhadhana samskara are becoming harassed by a rakshasha who goes as far as eating the brahamana just at the time in the middle of this samskara – an awkward time and the most cruel and gruesome act has been performed by this king.
Back tracking in the chapter we find that it is due to the fact that he had offended Vaishista and he was been cursed by him and therefore the king became a rakshasha. The curse of such a powerful sage is so great that an otherwise qualified person can become degraded. Therefore one must be careful in dealing with saintly persons…
'One is respectful that is an important theme,' that we serve the saintly person respectfully we pray at the dust of their feet which means that we are prepared to accept them as our superior and accept them as those who are more capable in devotional service than we are, who are more capable in pleasing Krishna than we are.
So, our service is not so significant and there are others who are making a much greater sacrifice than we do therefore we are always in this mood to recognise the service of others…
One may inadvertently overlook a saintly person and one might inadvertently forget to offer due respect to a saintly person.
If we think: "I am very qualified, I am aristocratic, I am learned, and I am wealthy and good looking as well. All these wonderful qualities I have and people know it and therefore they are respecting me" – then therefore it will be more difficult to give respect.
Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty 2010)
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Be careful in your dealings
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Then spiritual life becomes magic when we are inspired. So one has to conquer Krsna!
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Are you convinced!?
Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.6.45]
TEXT 44:
The famous example of this was presented by Lord Caitanya, who accepted Thakur Haridasa as one of His most important disciples. Although Thakur Haridasa happened to take his birth in a Moslem family, he was elevated to the post of namacarya by Lord Caitanya due to his rigidly attended principle of chanting three hundred thousand holy names of the Lord daily: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. And because he chanted the holy name of the Lord constantly, it is understood that in his previous life he must have passed through all the ritualistic methods of the Vedas, known as sabda-brahman. Unless, therefore, one is purified, one cannot take to the principle of Krishna consciousness nor become engaged in chanting the holy name of the Lord, Hare Krishna.
Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
He is above the vedic rituals
symptom of love is that the devotee wants to see that his Lord's name, fame,
etc. become widespread. He wants to see that "My Lord's name be known
everywhere." This is love. If I love somebody, I want to see that his
glories are spread all over the world. And Krsna also says in the
Bhagavad-gita, na ca tasmat manusyesu kascit me priya-krttamah, anyone who
preaches His glory, nobody is dearer to Him than that person.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.6 -- New Vrindaban, September 5,
the symptom of love
Seeking-right-thing in wrong-place
My Dear Dinesh,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated "nil'' and I have also received the package of tapes by separate post. Thank you very much for them.
I am very pleased to learn that both you and your wife have been lecturing on Krishna Consciousness at the George Washington University and there was good response to your program. You simply read our books and if you simply reproduce the purport of Srimad-Bhagavatam or Bhagavad-gita, people will take it very seriously. So, of course, you must understand the purport and reproduce it in your own language. That will be very good, but someway or other if in some way you present the purport of Srimad-Bhagavatam or Bhagavad-gita that will be also very good. The idea is that we should not make any addition or subtraction of mental speculation, but we should endeavor, even if we do not fully understand from our present platform, to present simply the philosophy as we have received it directly and realized it by practical experience.
Regarding the Uher tape recorder, it will be very welcome. Our "Dicto-trans'' dictaphone is not working and is always giving some difficulty; if the Uher is in good condition, it will be most useful. Also I would like to record permanent tapes at the same time that I am making dictaphone tapes. Can you arrange some device so that one control microphone will stop and start recording on both machines simultaneously?
Salt should be added to the vegetables after they are in masala, it should not be cooked directly in the ghee. Regarding recipes for a cookbook, I think Yamuna devi has made one collection of Prasadam recipies so you may contact her in this connection.
Please offer my blessings to your good wife Krishna devi and child. It is very encouraging to me that Visnu Arati is being raised from her very birth in Krishna Consciousness and is spontaneously chanting Hare Krishna. No other yoga system can be so practiced even by a little child.
If Krishna devi is continuing to feel weakness she may reduce any strenuous activity and increase the number of rounds chanting. I hope her health has improved by now.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: Dinesh -- Los Angeles 22 January, 1970
You must understand the purport and reproduce it in your own language
If v dont pay electricity bill4long d line will b cut.Similarly,v take
so much light,air,water from nature&if v dont repay by our
sacrifices(Offerings)&worship God/His representatives,v bcome
sinners.Only by sacrificing d results2Lord Vishnu,1can escape d
reactions of 1's work&become satisfied&peaceful!
Pay tax2govt? why not2God?
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My family gives me protection, fallible solders what kind of protection can they give us?
My money will protect me - and then you get some economical crises or suddenly your bank has gone bankrupted and you lose your money or it has no more value.
Like that what security is there in this world?
No security. Simply our only security is Krishna.
Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty 2010)
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What security is there ?
Of all d yogis,1who constantly thinks of Me is d
best-LordSriKrsna-BG.So it's not necessary4a yogi2have long
beard,saffron dress,beads,kamandal but Krsna in heart.He may b
travelling beside us in a bus/train/flight in a pant,shirt but
meditating upon Krsna.So not all d beard,saffron r yogis,most r
Yogis(Spiritualists) or Bhogis(Sense enjoyers) ???
One who does good, My friend, is never overcome by evil
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The mind should be fixed in self. We are self and Krsna is also self. So, just like if you fix up your eyes on the sun, then you can see the sun and yourself also.
Sometimes in dense darkness we cannot see ourself also. That you have experienced. So I cannot see my body in dense darkness. Although body is with me, I am the body or I am whatever I am, I cannot see myself.
So if you are in the sunshine, sunlight, then you see the sun as well as yourself. Therefore to see the self means first of all see the Supreme Self. The Supreme Self is Krsna.
In the Vedas it is said, Kathopanisad, nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam. The Supreme Self is the chief eternal of all eternals. He is the chief living being of all living beings.
So this Krsna consciousness movement means to fix up in self.
If you fix up your mind in Krsna, then you can fix up your mind in everything.
If you take care of your stomach, then you take care of all the bodily limbs. If your stomach is supplied nice nutritious food, the stomach is cleared of all disturbances then you keep good health.
If you pour water in the root of the tree, then you take care of all the branches, leaves, flowers, twigs, everything, automatically.
So if you take care of Krsna then you do the best service to all others. Automatically.
- Srila Prabhupada
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There may be thousands of beautiful women before a devotee, but that does not disturb his mind.
He sees they're all energies of Krsna. "They are gopis of Krsna. They are enjoyable by Krsna. I have to serve them. They're gopis. Because I am servant of the servant." Gopi-bhartuh pada-kamalayoh dasa-dasa-dasanudasah [Cc. Madhya 13.80].
So a devotee should try to engage all beautiful women in the service of Krsna. That is his duty. Not to enjoy them. That is sense gratification. This is the position of a devotee.
He's not pierced by the arrows of Cupid, but he sees everything, nirbandhe krsna-sambandhe. He sees everything in relationship with Krsna. Yukta-vairagyam ucyate. That is vairagyam.
He does not accept anything for his sense gratification, but he engages everyone in the service of Krsna. Then we can get out of the influence of the arrow of Cupid. This is the process.
- Srila Prabhupada
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If you want actually to make progress in your devotional life, the utsahan, enthusiasm, is the first thing. If you are lacking enthusiasm, then you should rest, instead of making too much agitation within the mind.
If something has dropped in the water, in the river, you cannot see the things dropped within the water by agitating the water. Just stand still for some time. As soon as the water is settled up, you'll see the things as they are.
So as soon as our enthusiasm is agitated, it is better to sit down in any temple suitable and chant Hare Krsna. There is no question of being disappointed.
After all, we commit so many mistakes. That is human nature. To err is human. That is not fault. But try to rectify with cool head.
That is required.
- Srila Prabhupada
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Other people can hurt us to the extent we allow them to hurt us.
Our immediate reaction in moments when we are not understood, when our truth is not being accepted, is being hurt. This reaction is our own choice.
Actually, it is not that others hurt us. We hurt ourselves by how we choose to react.
Why we always have a tendency to fight for proving that our opinion is right?
This is redundant and brings a huge loss of energy.
I know what my thought is, I know that my motives are truthful and right and if the other person does not accept this, does not understand that, this is not our problem but his.
If I think like this, I cannot put myself in a situation to choose being hurt as a reaction. I will not react like this in that moment.
- Maja Muše
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They have taken from nature, but they are thieves because everything in nature belongs to Krsna. Isavasyam idam sarvam: "Everything is God's creation." (Iso, mantra 1)
In Bhagavad-gita Krsna states that if one does not perform yajna [sacrifice], he is a thief. Yajna means acknowledging that things have been taken from Krsna.
We should think, "Krsna, You have given us many, many things for our maintenance." This much acknowledgement Krsna wants; that's all. Otherwise, what can He expect from you? What are you in His presence?
We should acknowledge Krsna's kindness. Therefore, before we eat we offer the food to Krsna and say, "Krsna, You have given us this nice food, so first You taste it." Then we eat it.
- Srila Prabhupada
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The highest pleasure of this material world is sex life. Even in the spiritual world there is sex pleasure in Krsna. But this is not something like sex life in the material world.
Here in the material world the energy is sex, and in the spiritual world the energy is love. Here the love is misrepresented in sex. That is not love, but lust. Love is only possible with Krsna, nowhere else.
In the spiritual life there is no sex life. In the spiritual world there is no sex intercourse. Although there is man and woman, there is no sex intercourse. By chanting the glories of God there in the spiritual world, they get so much great pleasure that is far beyond this pleasure of sex life.
If you have something best then you forget low grade pleasure. So this sex pleasure is lower grade pleasure. It is not pleasure, it is illusion, but in material world this is the greatest pleasure.
Therefore everyone they are coming back to this sex pleasure, everyone. Even so-called religionists and swamis, they are coming down to the sex pleasure. Because in this material world that is the only highest pleasure. So, so long one will be attracted by the sex pleasure it is still in the material world.
In the spiritual world there are very, very beautiful women, thousand, thousands times. Here, in the heavenly planets, they are calculated the best perfectional body of the woman. But in the spiritual world, still further. But there is no attraction of sex.
They are working together, serving together, everything. But the sex attraction, there is no. They are elevated so much in the service of the Lord.
Sex attraction is a kind of pleasure. So there are different types of pleasure.
Here, if somebody, good foodstuff is there, and.... That is also another sense pleasure, and by the time one beautiful woman is canvassing, "Now, come and let us enjoy," he will give up this good food. He'll go for sex. Because he will think this is better than that. So one pleasure is rejected if one is engaged in better pleasure.
Param drstva nivartate [Bg. 9.59]. So in the spiritual world the service of the Lord is so pleasing, that they can neglect this sex pleasure. That is spiritual world. They have no attachment for sex pleasure.
The sex attraction is very great in the material world. But in the spiritual world it is different. From Srimad-Bhagavatam we know that the opposite sex namely the female members of Vaikuntha are many many times more beautiful than they are in the heavenly planets. Their hips and attractive smiles cannot stimulate sex urge passion of the man or male devotees.
I never discourage marriage, providing it is for Krsna's service and not for simply sex life. It is always meant for a higher purpose. In God's creation there is male and female even in the spiritual world and there is purpose for such creation. This purpose is so that male and female may join together, not for sex-life, but to glorify the Lord.
From Srimad-Bhagavatam we learn that in Vaikuntha the women are much more beautiful in their figure, smiling, dressing, etc., but the men and women there are so much attracted by the chanting of Hare Krsna that they do not get any sex impulse even by intimate mingling.
Here also we sometimes get very good example, because when our nice boys and girls are dancing together in chanting Hare Krsna at least for that time they forget all about the sex impulse. This is perfection of life, to be so much attracted to Krsna that all insignificant pleasures are utterly forgotten.
In spiritual life also there are men and women. They are very beautiful and attractive, but they are all so much absorbed in thought of Krishna that in the spiritual world there is no sex life. That means that Krishna consciousness is so sublime and happy that it surpasses the pleasure of sex life.
- Srila Prabhupada
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Q: What would you like people to say at your funeral?
A: He ruined my illusion. He ruined my sense gratification. I hated him but later I understood - he is my well-wisher.
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How can we understand that?
How can we even discuss it in too much detail publicly?
A little bit we understand that it is there; we cannot go too deep.
But sometimes, Prabhupada said surprising things. In Mayapur, there's this young girl in the early days, and Prabhupada said,
"So, are you attracted to Krishna?"
She said, "Yeah! Yeah!"
Prabhupada said, "Krishna is a young boy,"
he then said:
"He might even kiss you!"
He just said it like that! She went all red and everything!
But these things are very difficult to understand, Krishna's loving affairs. So one has to be pure from lust to really understand.
Transcribed by Bhakta Frederick
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm, Jhulana-yatra, August 2010)
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He might even kiss you!
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Transcribed by Bhakta Jan
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Amsterdam 2010)
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Krishna never leaves us!
Duryodhana-Our strength is immeasurable.V r carefully protected by all
d gr8 warriors Bhisma,Drona etc.but D army of pandavas is ltd.He's
unable2c d presence of d SupremeLordKrsna(who's d abode of
GoodFortune) by d side of pandavas.Likewise v feel powerful by
wealth/influence but is checked by Time(Krsna)
Wealth,Influence are fallible soldiers
There's nothing new v can do in this MaterialWorld however great d
MaterialAdvancements b.V can do only d same old
eating.sleeping,mating,fearing in various bodies.This MaterialWorld is
Dark-Ignorance,without sun.Actually it's pitch dark.God/His servants
only gives Light-Knowledge dat DeliversFallenSouls!
Knowledge is light, Ignorance is darkness
Death is like Kitten in d mouth of cat4devotees of Lord Krsna(In
BG,Krsna says those who worship Me&always think of Me will surely
come2Me(2Spiritual world,upon leaving this body) while4others(misers)
it's like rat in d mouth of cat(becoz 1has2repeatedly take birth&die
in diff bodies which is miserable)
Death is fear personified!
O fish like soul, why have you fallen into the entangling nets of Maya?
Dishonor is worse than death.4a person with reputation,dishonor is
worse than dying.Arjuna was a great military general:MahaRatha means
1who can fight with 1000s of men alone.If Arjuna leaves d battle,all
other generals will consider he left d battle field out of Fear
only¬ on compassion4d opponents.So LordKrsna said it was
better4Arjuna2die than2Run away from fighting.Arjuna once defeated
Lord Shiva&having pleased Him,LordShiva gave pasupata astra-a weapon.
So Arjuna was so famous4his victory.LordKrsna advised2engage in
violence4d right cause.Violence is also required@times2set
Do or Die!
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January 2011
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- Krishna-Balaram
- Selfish or Sensish?
- I dont know, What is best4me!
- Satisfied with decorating d dead body?
- Do v have d Power2understand d Powerful???
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- Are you convinced!?
- He is above the vedic rituals
- the symptom of love
- Seeking-right-thing in wrong-place
- You must understand the purport and reproduce it i...
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