Kirtans of Mother Karnamrita
Song Name: Adharam Madhuram
Official Name: Śrī Śrī Madhurāṣṭakam
Author: Sri Vallabhacarya
ISKCON desire tree
adharaṁ madhuraṁ vadanaṁ madhuraṁ
nayanaṁ madhuraṁ hasitaṁ madhuraṁ
hṛdayaṁ madhuraṁ gamanaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhi-pater akhilaṁ madhuraṁ
vacanaṁ madhuraṁ caritaṁ madhuraṁ
vasanaṁ madhuraṁ valitaṁ madhuraṁ
calitaṁ madhuraṁ bhramitaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhi-pater akhilaṁ madhuraṁ
veṇur madhuro reṇur madhuraḥ
pāṇir madhuraḥ pādau madhurau
nṛtyaṁ madhuraṁ sakhyaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhi-pater akhilaṁ madhuraṁ
gītaṁ madhuraṁ pītaṁ madhuraṁ
bhuktaṁ madhuraṁ suptam madhuraṁ
rūpaṁ madhuraṁ tilakaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhi-pater akhilaṁ madhuraṁ
karaṇaṁ madhuraṁ taraṇaṁ madhuraṁ
haraṇaṁ madhuraṁ ramaṇaṁ madhuraṁ
vamitaṁ madhuraṁ śamitaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhi-pater akhilaṁ madhuraṁ
guñjā madhurā mālā madhurā
yamunā madhurā vīcī madhurā
salilaṁ madhuraṁ kamalaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhi-pater akhilaṁ madhuraṁ
gopī madhurā līlā madhurā
yuktaṁ madhuraṁ bhuktaṁ madhuraṁ
hṛṣṭaṁ madhuraṁ śiṣṭaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhi-pater akhilaṁ madhuraṁ
gopā madhurā gāvo madhurā
yaṣṭir madhurā sṛṣṭir madhurā
dalitaṁ madhuraṁ phalitaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhi-pater akhilaṁ madhuraṁ
1) His lips are sweet, His face is sweet His eyes are sweet, His smile is sweet His heart is sweet, His gait is sweet—Everything is sweet about the Emperor of sweetness!
2) His words are sweet, His character is sweet His dress is sweet, His belly-folds are sweet His movements are sweet, His wandering is sweet—Everything is sweet about the Emperor of sweetness!
3) His flute is sweet, His foot-dust is sweet His hands are sweet, His feet are sweet His dancing is sweet, His friendship is sweet—Everything is sweet about the Emperor of sweetness!
4) His singing is sweet, His yellow cloth is sweet His eating is sweet, His sleeping is sweet His beauty is sweet, His tilaka is sweet—Everything is sweet about the Emperor of sweetness!
5) His deeds are sweet, His liberating is sweet His stealing is sweet, His love-sports are sweet His oblations are sweet, His tranquility is sweet—Everything is sweet about the Emperor of sweetness!
6) His gunja-berry necklace is sweet, His flower garland is sweet His Yamuna river is sweet, His ripples are sweet His water is sweet, His lotuses are sweet—Everything is sweet about the Emperor of sweetness!
7) His gopis are sweet, His pastimes are sweet, His union is sweet, His food is sweet, His delight is sweet, His courtesy is sweet — Everything is sweet about the Emperor of sweetness!
8) His gopas are sweet, His cows are sweet His staff is sweet, His creation is sweet His trampling is sweet, His fruitfulness is sweet—Everything is sweet about the Emperor of sweetness!
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Karnamrita dasi - Story of Pingala
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Smart Question Coaching Resources
7 P's Personal Performance Process
These performance questions catch your blind spots, keep you on track and improve your habits. Become more focused, clear, creative, purposeful, aware and balanced.
There is magic in taking time to ask yourself the right questions that will pop out the right answers for you. At least monthly, if not weekly, spend about an hour and answer all of these questions. Be brutally honest with yourself. Once you have answered the questions, create a list of action steps for your next week or month. Do this process regularly and watch your life change.
Patterns, processes, procrastination, habits:
Where can I be more efficient in my life?
What 5 things have I been procrastinating?
What are my time wasters?
What excuses keep me stuck?
Problems, past, pain:
Where am I vulnerable?
Where do I hold myself back?
What am I afraid of?
What stresses me?
For what problems must I ask for solutions?
Perceptions and perspectives of myself and others:
What are the needs/desires of my boss or partner or family?
What is God's agenda for me?
What contacts or friends do I want to develop more?
What negative or limiting thoughts keep jumping into my mind?
What key choices am I ready to make?
How can I create another or larger or easier income stream?
In what areas do I want to receive more learning?
How can I be more productive and effective?
Where are some opportunities for me to give?
Principles and values:
What 3 areas in my life do I want to recommit to?
Where do I need to clarify my stand or position?
What deeds or actions need my forgiveness or acceptance?
What can I do to increase balance in my life?
What value is most important for me to express now?
Purpose, potential, passion, power, possibilities, path:
What are my deepest heart-felt desires, dreams and visions?
Where are my life purpose and goals unclear?
How can I experience a greater sense of meaning in life?
What new ideas are teasing me these days
Peace of mind, play, pleasure, pamper:
When do I feel greatest happiness in my life?
What can I do to have more fun in all areas of my life?
How can I get more stillness, solitude and peace in my life?
When you have completed the answers and the resulting action steps, ask yourself, "What am I missing? Is there anything else?" Use questions often. The subconscious mind is always answering. We must only practice asking and then listening.
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Smart Question Coaching Resources
7 P's Personal Performance Process
These performance questions catch your blind spots, keep you on track and improve your habits. Become more focused, clear, creative, purposeful, aware and balanced.
There is magic in taking time to ask yourself the right questions that will pop out the right answers for you. At least monthly, if not weekly, spend about an hour and answer all of these questions. Be brutally honest with yourself. Once you have answered the questions, create a list of action steps for your next week or month. Do this process regularly and watch your life change.
Patterns, processes, procrastination, habits:
Where can I be more efficient in my life?
What 5 things have I been procrastinating?
What are my time wasters?
What excuses keep me stuck?
Problems, past, pain:
Where am I vulnerable?
Where do I hold myself back?
What am I afraid of?
What stresses me?
For what problems must I ask for solutions?
Perceptions and perspectives of myself and others:
What are the needs/desires of my boss or partner or family?
What is God's agenda for me?
What contacts or friends do I want to develop more?
What negative or limiting thoughts keep jumping into my mind?
What key choices am I ready to make?
How can I create another or larger or easier income stream?
In what areas do I want to receive more learning?
How can I be more productive and effective?
Where are some opportunities for me to give?
Principles and values:
What 3 areas in my life do I want to recommit to?
Where do I need to clarify my stand or position?
What deeds or actions need my forgiveness or acceptance?
What can I do to increase balance in my life?
What value is most important for me to express now?
Purpose, potential, passion, power, possibilities, path:
What are my deepest heart-felt desires, dreams and visions?
Where are my life purpose and goals unclear?
How can I experience a greater sense of meaning in life?
What new ideas are teasing me these days
Peace of mind, play, pleasure, pamper:
When do I feel greatest happiness in my life?
What can I do to have more fun in all areas of my life?
How can I get more stillness, solitude and peace in my life?
When you have completed the answers and the resulting action steps, ask yourself, "What am I missing? Is there anything else?" Use questions often. The subconscious mind is always answering. We must only practice asking and then listening.
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Click on the title to access an article.
"Krishna is attracted to a humble heart, not a heart filled with pride. To suspend thoughts of our daily dramas while chanting is a challenge, but it's required. The more we can simplify our lives and center our activities on Krishna, the easier it is to put aside plan-making and worry while chanting. Krishna will reveal Himself more and more, and we will see how He is our maintainer and protector."
"...if we want to become good at something, then we must find people who are already good at it."
"I've found that focused, attentive chanting benefits all my other activities. I can be more present and attuned to my environment and feel Krishna's presence more acutely than before."
By Arcana Siddhi devi dasi
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Creating a Culture of Pure Chanting
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Smart Question Coaching Resources
7 P's Personal Performance Process
These performance questions catch your blind spots, keep you on track and improve your habits. Become more focused, clear, creative, purposeful, aware and balanced.
There is magic in taking time to ask yourself the right questions that will pop out the right answers for you. At least monthly, if not weekly, spend about an hour and answer all of these questions. Be brutally honest with yourself. Once you have answered the questions, create a list of action steps for your next week or month. Do this process regularly and watch your life change.
Patterns, processes, procrastination, habits:
Where can I be more efficient in my life?
What 5 things have I been procrastinating?
What are my time wasters?
What excuses keep me stuck?
Problems, past, pain:
Where am I vulnerable?
Where do I hold myself back?
What am I afraid of?
What stresses me?
For what problems must I ask for solutions?
Perceptions and perspectives of myself and others:
What are the needs/desires of my boss or partner or family?
What is God's agenda for me?
What contacts or friends do I want to develop more?
What negative or limiting thoughts keep jumping into my mind?
What key choices am I ready to make?
How can I create another or larger or easier income stream?
In what areas do I want to receive more learning?
How can I be more productive and effective?
Where are some opportunities for me to give?
Principles and values:
What 3 areas in my life do I want to recommit to?
Where do I need to clarify my stand or position?
What deeds or actions need my forgiveness or acceptance?
What can I do to increase balance in my life?
What value is most important for me to express now?
Purpose, potential, passion, power, possibilities, path:
What are my deepest heart-felt desires, dreams and visions?
Where are my life purpose and goals unclear?
How can I experience a greater sense of meaning in life?
What new ideas are teasing me these days
Peace of mind, play, pleasure, pamper:
When do I feel greatest happiness in my life?
What can I do to have more fun in all areas of my life?
How can I get more stillness, solitude and peace in my life?
When you have completed the answers and the resulting action steps, ask yourself, "What am I missing? Is there anything else?" Use questions often. The subconscious mind is always answering. We must only practice asking and then listening.
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From: Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)
*Hare Krishna* !**
*The wood-cutter and the axe*
Once upon a time a strong wood-cutter asked a timber merchant for a job. The
timber merchant was happy to oblige. The pay was good and so were the
work-conditions. Therefore, the wood-cutter was determined to do his best.
The timber merchant presented the wood-cutter with an axe and showed him
where to work. The first day, the wood-cutter brought eighteen trees.
"Congratulations !" the boss said. "Go on working like that."
Motivated by the boss's words, the wood-cutter tried harder the next day,
but he could cut down only fifteen trees. The third day he tried even
harder but cut down only ten trees. Day after day, he brought fewer and
fewer trees.
"I must be losing my strength," the wood-cutter thought. He went to the
timber merchant and apologized, saying that he could not understand what was
going on.
"When was the last time you sharpened your axe ?" the timber merchant asked.
"Sharpened ? I have had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been busy trying
to cut trees," said the wood-cutter.
*Moral of this story*
Our lives are like that. We sometimes become so busy that we do not have
time to sharpen our axe. In today's world, it seems that everyone is busier
but unhappier than ever. Why is that ?
Could it be that we have forgotten how to stay sharp ?
There is nothing wrong with activity and hard work, but Krishna does not want
us to become so busy that we neglect what is truly important in life, such
as taking time to pray and to read the scripture. We all need time to
relax, to think and chant, to learn and grow.
If we do not take time to sharpen our axe, we will become dull and lose our
effectiveness. So start today. The only way you can do your job
moreeffectively and add
a lot of value to it is by chanting the holy names of the Supreme God.
Krishna has time to listen, but do you have time to pray ?
*Questions for your own introspection*
*and necessary action*
01) What practical steps are you taking to sharpen your own axe (head
and heart) on daily basis ?
02) What are your valuable realizations after you have adopted the
above measures ?
03) How did this story contribute to your own life ? Could you kindly
give me your valuable feedback, please ?
04) Could you kindly pass on this instructive story to others, if you
are benefitted please ?
*Source* : Page 15 and 16 from the book "Tales of wisdom" of the
Vaishnava Seva Kendra, Belgaum, India.
Chant Hare Krishna and Be Happy...
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Instructive story for spiritual upliftment -- The wood-cutter and the axe.
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One example is Arjuna - Arjuna at the end of the battle of Kuruksetra was asked by Krishna to take his bow Gandhiva and get down from the chariot - and just as he got down from the chariot, right in front of his eyes the chariot caught on fire!
Arjuna was shocked: 'The invincible chariot, the chariot I got from Agni - how can this chariot burn…Krishna!
Krishna , how can this chariot burn, this is impossible!
This chariot, how can it be consumed by fire, it has even survived brahmastras! Even brahmastras couldn't touch this chariot and now it's burning by fire, how can this be?!
How can it be?!"
Krishna said: 'Oh my Dear Arjuna, throughout the battlefield of Kuruksetra all this time I was protecting this chariot.
It was not by the strength of the chariot that it didn't burn.
It was by my protection"
Arjuna never knew that and all along there was Krishna 's protection - so undoubtedly there is Krishna's mercy beyond what we can see!
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 27th October 2010, Vrndavana)
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beyond what we can perceive
The City of Nine Gates-Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.5.12]
Sakhya Rasa: In this rasa one feels that Krishna...
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Kadamba Kanana Swami:
Here we find a description of Maharaja Uttanapada, who was extremely exalted, extremely pious and yet inspite of all his good qualities became excessively attached by enjoyment and paticularly favoured his younger beautiful queen - The result was that when she was behaving inappropriately in relationship to Dhruva (Dhruva wanted to join his brother who was seated on the lap of the King ,then Dhruva was denied by his stepmother and the king at that time didn't object – afraid to lose the favour of his younger queen) -
So this is the nature of a man who has become controlled by the desires of material enjoyment. One should avoid it and avoid association of such man - If such qualities are within us we should rise above – we should put the interest of Krishna before any other interest...

So we are preparing and we have to make that commitment, commitment to the Lotus feet of the Spiritual master whose committed to pure devotional service to Krishna, and in that way we place devotional service before anything!
There is an interesting verse it says : " Whether you have material desires or whether you don't have material desires you should engage full force in pure devotional service"
So one might wonder how can one engage in pure devotional service if one has material desires; 'Isn't it that for pure devotional service one has to be free from material desires?"
– so what is meant by this?

It is meant that even if one is still under the influence of material desire that he should make a commitment to unflinchingly engage in the pure process of devotional service – it is devotional service that is pure. The purity is referring to devotional service – not that the devotee may be pure but is situated in pure devotional service and thus is protected from the lower nature.
Human nature is there and is used in the process of bhakti, human nature is not denied – that would be impersonalism, that would diminish our service because the Lord has empowered every devotee with particular talents and therefore they are to be used in the service of the Lord.
It is said that one should simply engage things in connection to the Supreme Lord – so we are not trying to supress our natures but express them within the culture of bhakti and in that way there is ample room and ample protection - therefore even if there are material desires, even within bhakti - if there are the ways to enjoy the senses and it is always connected to Krishna – that way even the sense enjoyment become purified – for example by taking Krishna Prasadam - Krishna Prasadam is transcendental but if we are not transcendental we may not take it in a transcendental way:
"You may be more interested in Cream than in Krishna! …"
So in this way initially we may be attracted by cream and eventually we will be more attracted to Krishna than our cream! That is the nature of taking prasadam.
So devotional service is a natural process but we simply have to make commitments.
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 27th October 2010, Vrndavana)
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Make That Commitment
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My vow for Kartika
So Kartika is the time to tighten up the loose screws of all the loose ends and to bring it back to the real standard. Kartika! This is our chance- one month! Only one month- of course after that month it becomes a habit! Habits are like that; that if you do something for one month then it's easy to keep on doing it. So in this way we can take so much advantage- simple things. I thought my main objective is meditation in this month, to increase my remembrance of Krsna and to increase my service both in quantity and quality. And I thought especially I'll focus on quality because quantity is not so easy. Already there is so much to do in a day, already such a hectic life, how much more can I physically manage? And I don't want Kartika to become a total stress situation where I'm just doing these very intense vows, the kind of vows that drive me to the edge and that at the end of the month- if I make it till the end- I just hate Kartika and may be even Krsna! Not that, not that. So, no, I will not make it a month full of stress. Therefore I thought, no, this year I will not do something huge, I will not take one really big vow, I thought that I have a different strategy- I'll take many little one's! And also Krsna gave me some idea about chanting. I thought I'm going to chant extra rounds but I'm not going to fix it that every day I must chant so many extra rounds but I'll just fix a number for the whole month and then I can adjust you know. Like, I'll have my busy days and I'll chant less and on days that I have the opportunity I'll chant more and in this way it averages out. And in this way I'll survive and I'm still chanting extra rounds. I thought it was a good idea! Really!
And then I thought, many small things…Yes, I'll read something; I thought every night I will read 5 minutes something about Krsna, Krsna book- 5 minutes about Krsna a night. That's nice. It's not a big 'wow wow'- big Kartika vow. But it's one of those things that you know is nice but that you just get slack in these kind of things. You know that it is a nice thing to do, but you know…it's just one thing that you don't do! But I said, no in this month of Kartik I will do. So many such things…I will not tell you everything that I'm going to do but I told you this much just to kind of inspire everyone of how we can do something. It's still early enough; after this lecture you can quickly jot down a few things that you're going to do this month. Just a few things, like that. And if we do that, if we really do it…that's the thing, you must do it. Don't say, 'I will do it' and then don't do it- do it, do it for that month! So such a change, you'll be surprised! You'll surprise yourself! Really! You'll find that your Krsna consciousness would have so much increased just from one month like this practising in the month of Kartika.
Full transcsript
(KKSwami, October 2009, Durban, SA)
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Kartika Meditations 2
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(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Pretoria, South Africa 2010)
Be generous to Krishna, give time, give our energy, give our intelligence, give our wealth, give our words to Krishna and chant.
It is simple as that and then everything will come, everything!
Prabhupada said: 'This movement turns crows into swans' ...
One must be very positive:
"I will do it, I will do it!"
How to do it: "by taking the mercy and then one becomes stronger and more and more empowered and then everything is possible - then no more fall downs."
Fall downs are a problem for devotees who are falling down from spiritual standard and somehow or other getting entangled in lusty desires and all their reactions.
That is there, that is the problem. But fall down is not something that is inevitable not that:
'I know, I can't help it, I can't get over this, I just can't do it.'
Then the answer is do lots of service, do lots of service and then by working hard for Krishna we will change and we will be able to do it.
Be generous to Krishna, give time, give our energy, give our intelligence, give our wealth, give our words to Krishna, chant.
As simple as that and then everything will come, everything!
Prabhupada said this movement turns crows into swans.
Crows they eat garbage or rather animals that are squashed on the road and the crows they are feasting!
Sometimes you see squashed crows in India, we see animals squashed on the road and then on top you see crows squashed on the road - they were too much absorbed in their feast and they didn't notice what was coming and then they themselves are added to the feast as the chutney for the next chunk of crows!
It is like that!
Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Pretoria, South Africa 2010)
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Don't remain a crow!
From: Dr Satish Gosain
From: Radha Krishna
One day, I dreamt that I went to Heaven and an angel was showing me around. We walked side-by-side inside a large workroom filled with angels. My angel guide stopped in front of the first section and said, ' This is the Receiving Section. Here, all petitions to God said in prayer are received.
I looked around in this area, and it was terribly busy with so many angels sorting out petitions written on voluminous paper sheets and scraps from people all over the world.
Then we moved on down a long corridor until we reached the second section.
The angel then said to me, "This is the Packaging and Delivery Section. Here, the graces and blessings the people asked for are processed and delivered to the living persons who asked for them." I noticed again how busy it was there. There were many angels working hard at that station, since so many blessings had been requested and were being packaged for delivery to Earth.
Finally at the farthest end of the long corridor we stopped at the door of a very small station. To my great surprise, only one angel was seated there, idly doing nothing. "This is the Acknowledgment Section, my angel friend quietly admitted to me. He seemed embarrassed. " How is it that there is no work going on here? ' I asked.
"So sad," the angel sighed. "After people receive the blessings that they asked for, only very few send back acknowledgments."
"How does one acknowledge God's blessings?" I asked?
"Simple," the angel answered. Just say, "Thank you, Lord."
"What blessings should they acknowledge? " I asked.
"If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep you are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish, you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy. "
"And if you get this on your own computer, you are part of the 1% in the world who has that opportunity. "
"If you woke up this morning with more health than illness... You are more blessed than the many who will not even survive this day. "
"If you have never experienced the fear in battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation ... You are ahead of 700 million people in the world..."
"If you can attend a temple without the fear of harassment, arrest, torture or death you are envied by, and more blessed than, three billion people in the world."
"If your parents are still alive and still are very rare."
"If you can hold your head up and smile, you are not the norm, you're unique to all those in doubt and despair..."
Ok, what now? How can I start?
If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing in that someone was thinking of you as very special and you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world who cannot read at all.
Have a good day, count your blessings, and if you care to, pass this along to remind everyone else how blessed we all are.
ATTN: Acknowledge Dept.
"Thank you Lord, for giving me the ability to share this message and for giving me so many wonderful people with whom to share it."
If you have read this far, and are thankful for all that you have been blessed with, how can you not send it on???? I thank God for everything, especially all my family and friends.
What is the moral of this ?
1) We are always ready to ask for blessings, but very rarely do we acknowledge and express our gratitude to God when we receive them.
2) Most of the time we treat the all-loving and all-powerful God as our mere order-supplier and we take Him for granted. We need to essentially avoid this catastrophic attitude.
3)Although the blessings of the Lord are there right before us and they are as clear as the broad day light, we fail even to recognize them.
4) Imagine how God must be feeling pained with our attitude of lack of gratitude. When we give someone a cup of tea, we generally expect a 'thank-you' and we feel bad if he does not tell us. When that is the case in the matter of an ordinary cup of tea, how much more should we be careful with the Lord for what all the precious gifts that we have been receiving from Him since time immemorial and we continue to receive in future, even without our asking for them.
5)Sastras categorically say that blessings do not stay in an ungrateful heart – just as water does not stay in a pot which has plenty of holes.
How to apply it in our own lives ?
01) We need to cultivate the habit of seeing, on day-to-
day basis, the countless blessings the all-loving Lord has given us out of His causeless mercy, in our life.
02) Having seen thus, we need to express our deep
gratitude to Him on day-today basis, with full
sincerity, from the core of our hearts , for all the
blessings –- blessings of the past, present and also of the future.
03) Whenever we pray to God for something, immediately after our petitioning, we must also express our deep gratitude, in advance itself, and also after the blessings of the Lord manifested in our life.
04) The expression of gratitude should come out of our
deep love to God and it must gush out very
naturally and very spontaneously, and from the very depths of our heart.
Our gratitude to : Our dear Darshak Prabhu and Hiranya Pandit Prabhu for making this story available to us for all of our benefit.
Are we thankful to God for all His blessings to us ?
One day, I dreamt that I went to Heaven and an angel was showing me around. We walked side-by-side inside a large workroom filled with angels. My angel guide stopped in front of the first section and said, ' This is the Receiving Section. Here, all petitions to God said in prayer are received.
I looked around in this area, and it was terribly busy with so many angels sorting out petitions written on voluminous paper sheets and scraps from people all over the world.
Then we moved on down a long corridor until we reached the second section.
The angel then said to me, "This is the Packaging and Delivery Section. Here, the graces and blessings the people asked for are processed and delivered to the living persons who asked for them." I noticed again how busy it was there. There were many angels working hard at that station, since so many blessings had been requested and were being packaged for delivery to Earth.
Finally at the farthest end of the long corridor we stopped at the door of a very small station. To my great surprise, only one angel was seated there, idly doing nothing. "This is the Acknowledgment Section, my angel friend quietly admitted to me. He seemed embarrassed. " How is it that there is no work going on here? ' I asked.
"So sad," the angel sighed. "After people receive the blessings that they asked for, only very few send back acknowledgments."
"How does one acknowledge God's blessings?" I asked?
"Simple," the angel answered. Just say, "Thank you, Lord."
"What blessings should they acknowledge? " I asked.
"If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep you are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish, you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy. "
"And if you get this on your own computer, you are part of the 1% in the world who has that opportunity. "
"If you woke up this morning with more health than illness... You are more blessed than the many who will not even survive this day. "
"If you have never experienced the fear in battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation ... You are ahead of 700 million people in the world..."
"If you can attend a temple without the fear of harassment, arrest, torture or death you are envied by, and more blessed than, three billion people in the world."
"If your parents are still alive and still are very rare."
"If you can hold your head up and smile, you are not the norm, you're unique to all those in doubt and despair..."
Ok, what now? How can I start?
If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing in that someone was thinking of you as very special and you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world who cannot read at all.
Have a good day, count your blessings, and if you care to, pass this along to remind everyone else how blessed we all are.
ATTN: Acknowledge Dept.
"Thank you Lord, for giving me the ability to share this message and for giving me so many wonderful people with whom to share it."
If you have read this far, and are thankful for all that you have been blessed with, how can you not send it on???? I thank God for everything, especially all my family and friends.
What is the moral of this ?
1) We are always ready to ask for blessings, but very rarely do we acknowledge and express our gratitude to God when we receive them.
2) Most of the time we treat the all-loving and all-powerful God as our mere order-supplier and we take Him for granted. We need to essentially avoid this catastrophic attitude.
3) Although the blessings of the Lord are there right before us and they are as clear as the broad day light, we fail even to recognize them.
4) Imagine how God must be feeling pained with our attitude of lack of gratitude. When we give someone a cup of tea, we generally expect a 'thank-you' and we feel bad if he does not tell us. When that is the case in the matter of an ordinary cup of tea, how much more should we be careful with the Lord for what all the precious gifts that we have been receiving from Him since time immemorial and we continue to receive in future, even without our asking for them.
5) Sastras categorically say that blessings do not stay in an ungrateful heart – just as water does not stay in a pot which has plenty of holes.
How to apply it in our own lives ?
01) We need to cultivate the habit of seeing, on day-to-
day basis, the countless blessings the all-loving Lord has given us out of His causeless mercy, in our life.
02) Having seen thus, we need to express our deep
gratitude to Him on day-today basis, with full
sincerity, from the core of our hearts , for all the
blessings –- blessings of the past, present and also of the future.
03) Whenever we pray to God for something, immediately after our petitioning, we must also express our deep gratitude, in advance itself, and also after the blessings of the Lord manifested in our life.
04) The expression of gratitude should come out of our
deep love to God and it must gush out very
naturally and very spontaneously, and from the very depths of our heart.
Our gratitude to : Our dear Darshak Prabhu and Hiranya Pandit Prabhu for making this story available to us for all of our benefit.
Are we thankful to God for all His blessings to us ?
From: Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)
From: Sandeep Kumar Maheshwary
Greater than God—an essay
Nagaraja dasa
Srila Prabhupada sometimes told stories about a king in Bengal and his court jester, Gopal Ban.
One morning, when Gopal arrived for the king's daily amusement, the king asked him, "Gopal, what's the difference between you and a jackass?"
Guessing the distance between him and the king, Gopal replied, "Sir, the difference is about three feet."
The king laughed heartily, even though the joke was on him.
Srila Prabhupada told this story to show that although God receives the highest honor and respect, He enjoys taking the role of a subordinate. He's more satisfied by intimate relationships than official ones.
In another story that illustrates the same point, Prabhupada told of a British prime minister who had once kept a guest waiting outside his office while he played "horsey" for his grandson.
Lord Chaitanya's followers combed the Vedic scriptures to draw out the most comprehensive description of God. In other places we may learn about God's omnipotence, but in the tradition of Krishna consciousness we learn about God's personality—in striking detail. It's like the difference between knowing a judge in court and knowing him at home.
God in His majesty is God at work; Krishna is God at home.
Lord Chaitanya taught us to aspire to be with Krishna in His eternal home, in the pure, relaxed atmosphere of Vrindavana. Whereas awe and reverence pervade other parts of the spiritual world, in Vrindavana love rules. Krishna's devotees there don't know, or care, that He is God. They love Him, that's all. And they're eager to serve Him.
We infinitesimal souls are all eternal servants of God. There's no escaping our role; it's our nature. We can serve God willingly, as devotees, or unwillingly, by serving His material energy, as we unwillingly grow old, get sick, die, and so on. In our rebellious spirit, the idea of servitude seems repulsive. But the pure souls in the spiritual world know service to be the source of unparalleled bliss. Why? Because, quite simply, the residents of Vrindavana serve Krishna by being His friends, His relatives, His respected elders, and so on. What could be better than that? They serve Him by their relationship with Him, because that's what He wants.
Just as we like to enjoy a variety of relationships, so does God. A husband and wife may be happy in each other's company, and may have relationships with friends, subordinates, and superiors, but still they choose to have children and so create new relationships.
Because Krishna is unlimited, He likes to enjoy an unlimited number of relationships, each unique. We each have a unique relationship with Krishna, revealed when our love for Him matures. The relationships between Krishna and His eternal associates are free of the hardships that plague the analogous relationships in the material world. In the spiritual world, all exchanges flow from pure love and are therefore perfect.
While impersonalists want to become one with God, devotees can attain the position of being greater than God. In the intimacy of pure love, they can tell God what do to, and He loves to hear it.
Greater than God—an essay
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