Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
The desert of Material existence has exhausted me.But today I will
cast aside all troubles by diving into the lake of Lord Hari and
drinking freely of the abundant waters of His splendor.The lotuses in
that lake are His hands&feet&the fish are His brilliant shining eyes.
That lake's water relieves all fatigue-Mukunda mala stotra
Dive into this lake!
From: Bhakti Vikasa Swami <>
We want to stop these killing houses. It is very, very sinful. That is why
all over the world they have so many wars. Every ten or fifteen years there
is a big war—a wholesale slaughterhouse for humankind. But these
rascals—they do not see it, that by the law of karma, every action must have
its reaction.
You are killing innocent cows and other animals—nature will take revenge.
Just wait. As soon as the time is right, nature will gather all these
rascals and slaughter them. Finished. They'll fight amongst
themselves—Protestants and Catholics, Russia and America, this one and that
one. It is going on. Why? That is nature's law. Tit for tat. "You have
killed. Now you kill yourselves."
They are sending animals to the slaughterhouse, and now they'll create their
own slaughterhouse. [Imitating gunfire:] Tung! Tung! Kill! Kill! You see?
Just take Belfast, for example. The Roman Catholics are killing the
Protestants, and the Protestants are killing the Catholics. This is nature's
law. It's not necessary that you be sent to the ordinary slaughterhouse.
You'll make a slaughterhouse at home. You'll kill your own child--abortion.
This is nature's law. Who are these children being killed? They are these
meat-eaters. They enjoyed themselves when so many animals were killed, and
now they're being killed by their mothers. People do not know how nature is
working. If you kill, you must be killed. If you kill the cow, who is your
mother, then in some future lifetime your mother will kill you. Yes. The
mother becomes the child, and the child becomes the mother.
from Journey of Self Discovery 6.5, Slaughterhouse Civilization.
Slaughterhouse Civilization
Must Watch-Bilva Mangala Thakur-By Bhaktivedanta Players@Bhaktivedanta Manor
Posted by dinesh
May 29
Must Watch-Bilva Mangala Thakur-By Bhaktivedanta Players@Bhaktivedanta Manor
All d conditioned souls in this world have
1.Imperfect senses(limited2a range)
2.Hence,Tendency2get illusioned
3.Tendency2commit Mistakes
4.Tendency2cheat2hide mistakes.
There4whatever knowledge acquired thru senses is not
perfect.PerfectKnowledge(Vedic literature) is gotten only from
PerfectKnowledge from PerfectSource!
D senses(jnanendriyas-Knowledge acquiring senses,karmendriyas-senses
which perform action) r higher than d sense
objects(eg.food4tongue),mind is higher than senses,intelligence is
still higher than mind but He(d Soul) is above all these.Contact of
senses with sense objects creates attachment,fear,anger-BG
He is higher than d elements.
D Lord is situated in everyone's heart.He gives
intelligence&delusion.He is d original SourceOfKnowledge.He is d
GoalOfKnowledge.He is d compiler of Vedanta.D purpose of
VedicKnowledge is2Understand d SupremeLord,not2show d self2b a great
scholar.All d rituals r useless without this understanding-BG15.15
Vedanta2Understand it's Compiler not4scholarly work.
Even tho d 4 divisions of human society 1.Brahmanas-Situated in d mode Goodness.
2.Kshatriyas-Passion 3.Vaishyas-Passion&Ignorance.
are created by d LordHimself4dGradual developmnt of GodConsciousness
among people,He isnt bound2these4divisions.These4divisions r
classified based on d tendency of men 2wards a particular work which
is determined by d modes he acquired¬ by birth.ButTaking birth in
Brahmana's family is favourable-BG:4.13
Varnasrama2Engage Right People4d Right Work
by HG Manoram Chaitanya das
Dear God Brothers and Sisters,
Dandavats Pranams !
Jai Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudev.
Today is a very important day for all of us as it is the appearance day festival of our spiritual mentor, God father, Our Lord, Master and deliverer Srila Acarya pada.
We may be in different places but our hearts are together in celebrating this great day.
We all love gurumaharja and to love gurumaharaja means to love his children and that is none other than us. The best service we can all do for gurumaharaja is to love and feel for each other from deep within our hearts and that is the best offering for Vyasa Puja. Our movement is bonded not with laws and rules but only framed with human relationships, love and compassion.
Our God Brother in Mayapur once approached Guru Maharaj and asked him, "If you have free time, what will you teach your disciples?" probably, Prabhu expected him to say that gurudev would teach deep aspects of Radha Krishna Bhakti and secrets of the Bhagavatam and pastimes of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Surprisingly, Guru Maharaj's answer was very different. He said, "If I have time to teach my disciples, I would teach to respect their parents, elders, friends and Vaishnavas, teach them to help, serve and assist others in their service, teach them to forgive and forget others mistakes, teach them to show love, affection and compassion to their God Brothers and Vaishnavas, teach them to have a big heart to accept everyone without any conditions."
Gurumaharaj further continued and said if you love someone, someone will love you. If you show mercy, someone will be merciful to you. If you judge someone, someone will judge you. If you have trust and faith in someone, someone will have trust and faith in you. If you insult someone, someone will insult you. If you encourage someone to serve Guru and Krishna to their ability, someone will encourage you in this regard. If you harm someone, someone else will harm you too. If you show compassion on the face during another devotees sorrow or falldowns and secretively enjoy his state at heart, someone also will do the same to you.
Prabhu said that this was all worldly and materialistic aspects. Guru Maharaj immediately said that this is the problem with our devotees. We talk high principles of Bhakti and preach extensively about Krishna Consciousness, but fail to realize and imbibe these so-called simple but great human qualities, which are the very foundation of Vaishnava character.
Guru Maharaj also said the main impediment which retards the growth of a Vaishnava is his envy and ill feelings towards other Vaishnavas who are contributing their mite to serve Guru and Krishna. Prabhu understood the in-depth feelings of Guru Maharaj and thanked him for enlightening him on this very important but most fundamental aspect.
So, Let us all begin with love for each other, respect for each other and compassion for each other and genuinely feel for each other's welfare. We need to cry when other devotees are in sorrow and deviate from the path. We must extend our support to everyone to the best of our ability.
All our programs should be defined with love, bhakti, and concern for others. We all know that Srila Prabhupada said that he made a house where the whole world can live in. Let us fulfill Srila Prabhupada's dream by building a strong family relationship, which will build a magnificent house.
Charity begins at home. Before we reach out to the people with our preaching, let us revolutionize ourselves with the teachings of Guru Maharaj to prabhu.
At the end of the day we have no one else other than devotees to cry and feel for us. Relationships between god brothers and god sisters become strong and simple when we start to think that we are nobody and good for nothing.
Kindly beg at the dust of your lotus feet not to take any offence from my offering. The world we live needs a positive change and it starts from us.
Many thanks for taking time to read my email.
Manoram Chaitanya das
Most Important Instruction Of Gurumaharaj-HH.Jayapataka Swami
Heart Breaking Truth:The safe levels of radiation of mobile
phones&other devices set by FCC r well above d actual safe limits,a
famous bio-electric researcher Dr.Frey says.In Sweden,people ban cell
towers by ramming vehicles on it,as those nearby develop cancer.This
is d other side of advancement.When something is perfect,there is
nothing like advancement.Infers:imperfect things need
advancement.Why?Becoz our senses r imperfect&works within a
Advancement means, still we are imperfect.
Reincarnation studies by scientists find instances like,a
Child being born with no fingers,but clues from d child's PastLife
memories reveal that she died of having cut her fingers by some
means.V may wonder that she has a different body now,but it is d
soul(consciousness) that is transferred from1body2other.These findings
r inline with BhagavadGita,"Whatever State of being1remembers while
quiting d body,that state1attains without fail".Some things r beyond
experiment.In d same life,v've different
bodies@boyhood,youth,oldage,then what is d difficulty2understand that
v'll get a different body after death?-HH.Bhanu Swami,Pandal program
You are what you think!
In the name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the All-Compassionate
"May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon You"
Praise be to Allaah, we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah
As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu
When the REAL Volcano Blows...
by Asma bint Shameem
Millions of passengers stranded across the globe, families desperate to return home...
thousands upon thousands of flights canceled causing chaos across the world.....
Billions of dollars lost by the airline industry as airspace across Europe shut down....
the economy, of not only a major continent, but the entire world affected...all in a matter of just a few days.
Food supplies ran short as fresh produce rotted in cargo.
Health officials issued warnings concerning public health, while experts worried about severe weather worldwide.
And why?
All because a volcano, only a mile and a half wide in size, somewhere way up north, let out its steam and ashes.
Subhaan Allaah!
Could you ever imagine that something like this, taking place thousands of miles away from your home, could actually disrupt your life and plans?
Yet the ripple effect of its massive ash cloud reverberated worldwide and literally paralyzed man.
All it took was one little blow.....from a small volcano....out of the many, much bigger, and more powerful volcanoes that Allaah has created on this earth.
And all this volcano is, is a trivial, trivial creation from among the creations of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Taala.
And look how it affected man. Look how it affected his life. It left him powerless, weak and subjugated.
So what will you do O man, when the entire earth will shake and the skies will shatter...when the stars will fall and the mountains will crumble?
To whom will you run and where you will you hide?
Doesnt this volcano and its ash make you think of Allaah....His Irresistible Power, His Invincible Might....His Authority and Command?
Doesnt this show His Supreme, Unsurpassable Ability to do anything and everything, any which way He pleases?
And all this is easy for Allaah.
And if it wasnt for Allaah and His Immense, Overwhelming Mercy towards His slaves, He could have done this every day.
Every single day, there could be volcanoes blowing ashes....or the earth trembling.....or the sky falling on our head.
Yet, it is He that placed mountains on the earth so that it wouldnt shake and made it stable and walkable and liveable...for us to flourish and farm and cultivate. And He made the sky a roof over our heads, a shade and a protection from the elements in space. Shouldnt we be thankful?
"He (Allaah) has created the heavens without any pillars, that you see and has set on the earth firm mountains, lest it should shake with you." (Surah Luqman: 10)
And if it wasn't for His Favor and Generosity, there would be no night and no day.
Or there would be a long night, a night so long that it would be continuous until the day of resurrection. Or a day that is continuous until the Day of resurrection.
"Say: 'What would you think if Allah should make the day continuous for you till the Day of Resurrection, what god, other than Allah, shall bring you the night to sleep in. Will you not see?''
Say: 'Think! What if Allah should enshroud you in unceasing night till the Day of Resurrection, what god, other than Allah, shall bring you light! Will you not hear?' (Surah al-Qasas:71-72)
How scary that is and unimaginable! Yet Allaah does not do that to us. He gives a short night so that we can rest therein and a short day for us to be up and about and work. Shouldnt we be grateful?
There would be no clouds, no rain, no wind, no food.
No air to breathe, no clothes to wear....
no eyes to see with, no ears to hear with and no feet to walk with. No heart to love and no memories to remember.
No butterflies, no flowers, no colors and no beauty.
No families, no friends, no loved ones.
Birds wouldn't fly and ships would sink.
No cars, no planes, no computers.
Subhaan Allaah. I can go on and on.
Yet out of His Compassion and Kindness he gives us all that without asking, and every single thing that we did ask for, every single day of our lives, to every single one of us.
And He gave you of all that you asked for, and if you count the Blessings of Allaah, never will you be able to count them. Verily! Man is indeed wicked and thankless. (Surah Ibraaheem: 34)
Alas! As Allaah says, we are ungrateful and thankless. We are so involved in our lives, its fun and enjoyment, so engrossed in all the blessings that we have around us, that we forget to thank the Lord of the blessings. We are so arrogant that we associate everything to our selves and our achievements and our power. We lose sight of the source of the blessings, the One who gave us the blessings in the first place.
We forget that the best way to thank Allaah is to submit to obey Him and worship him the way He deserves to be worshipped, without associating partners with Him Subhaanahu wa Taala. Not to disobey him and to follow the Sunnah that His Messenger (Sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam) brought.
Therefore, Allaah sends us reminders...reminders, like ash from an insignificant volcano, that incapacitates and debilitates us, so that we may remember and that we may be thankful and submit to His Might and Power.
So take lesson from these signs and reminders that your Lord sends to you and truly appreciate His innumerable blessings upon you and thank Him from the bottom of your heart. Realize the Ultimate, Supreme Greatness of your Lord and the fragility and insignificance of your own.
Know that you are nothing but a speck of dust in front of the Mighty Plan of the Lord of the worlds and if He so wished, you would be annihilated in less than a second and there is nothing, absolutely nothing, you could do about it.
So live your life according to what He has ordered and submit to Him before its too late.
Where are you going to go when the 'REAL' volcano blows...?
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When the REAL Volcano Blows...
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May 2010
- Freedom from Reaction!
- Warning to Cupid!
- Dive into this lake!
- Slaughterhouse Civilization
- Must Watch-Bilva Mangala Thakur-By Bhaktivedanta P...
- Excess Argumentation is never decisive!
- Worship Him with Intelligence!
- PerfectKnowledge from PerfectSource!
- Elements of forms Restored
- How2become dear2Him?
- He is higher than d elements.
- Vedanta2Understand it's Compiler not4scholarly work.
- Varnasrama2Engage Right People4d Right Work
- Most Important Instruction Of Gurumaharaj-HH.Jayap...
- Advancement means, still we are imperfect.
- You are what you think!
- Links Discovered
- When the REAL Volcano Blows...
- ► April 2010 (33)
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