
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

We Can Rise Above It

Rays of Hope...from HH.Kadamba Kanana Swami Maharaj


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via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 11/21/10

The modes of material nature in this way are afflicting us. But we are not helpless in the matter. The modes of material nature may create waves for us, and these waves comes through our consciousness - due to our conditioning and these influences as I described earlier a little bit in astrological terms. So we can clearly see that they are there, but we can rise above it, and that is what we can do by taking shelter.

So the waves that are there drag us along, but we can swim in another direction, and the more we take shelter of devotional service – the stronger we become as a swimmer - and the less these waves will have a grip on us. The more we can determine our course, than the less we are dragged along by the currents and the under currents. That is an interesting point to consider. So we are not helpless. We are not at all forced – we just act by the modes. But depending on which mode influences us, then we will be strongly swept up in the waves.

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Melbourne, October 2010)


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Self Confidence

Self Confidence

The business executive was deep in debt and could see no way out. Creditors were closing in on him. Suppliers were demanding payment. He sat on the park bench, head in hands, wondering if anything could save his company from bankruptcy.
Suddenly an old man appeared before him. "I can see that something is troubling you," he said. After listening to the executive's woes, the old man said, "I believe I can help you."
He asked the man his name, wrote out a cheque, and pushed it into his hand saying, "Take this money. Meet me here exactly one year from today, and you can pay me back at that time."
Then he turned and disappeared as quickly as he had come. The business executive saw in his hand a cheque for $500,000, signed by John D. Rockefeller, then one of the richest men in the world!
"I can erase my money worries in an instant!" he realized. But instead, the executive decided to put the uncashed cheque in his safe. Just knowing it was there might give him the strength to work out a way to save his business, he thought.
With renewed optimism, he negotiated better deals and extended terms of payment. He closed several big sales. Within a few months, he was out of debt and making money once again.
Exactly one year later, he returned to the park with the uncashed cheque. At the agreed-upon time, the old man appeared. But just as the executive was about to hand back the check and share his success story, a nurse came running up and grabbed the old man.
"I'm so glad I caught him!" she cried. "I hope he hasn't been bothering you. He's always escaping from the rest home and telling people he's John D. Rockefeller. " And she led the old man away by the arm.
The astonished executive just stood there, stunned. All year long he'd been wheeling and dealing, buying and selling, convinced he had half a million dollars behind him.

Suddenly, he realized that it wasn't the money, real or imagined, that had turned his life around.


MORAL:-  It was his newfound self-confidence that gave him the power to achieve anything he went after.


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Need association and knowledge for staying in goodness, Digest 337

From: ISKCON DC <>

Digest 337: November 21st, 2010. Answers by His Holiness Romapada Swami
You are invited to send your questions to His Holiness Romapada Swami at with the word "Question" included in the subject line
or submit your question at

Need association and knowledge for staying in goodness
712) I have a question about how to break the maya and to deal with karmic
baggage. I come from a highly intelligent family. I however, suffer from
manic depression. I am the youngest and the least intelligent. So, things
are more difficult for me.

The good news is that the Gita IS taking hold. Because of the Gita, issues
and problems are beginning to heal and my behavior has changed drastically
over the four months that I have listened to it. I enjoy working and giving
my work to Krishna, and I enjoy the nectar of an audio Gita everyday.

I consider myself a sudra, NOT because of my intellect, but because of my
disability. I enjoy words and how they work. I am word-smith. I am actually
more Hindu, than a Hare-Krishna. I do believe I am a dualist. I would say
that BOTH devotional service and philosophical rumination/discourse are

I still deal with paranoia and the shame from my karmic baggage. When the
maya comes over me, it is hard to feel Krishna even though I know He is
there.  A part of me still feels Krishna (atman?) but that part cannot act,
because of the mode of passion and the circumstances still "color" my
perceptions. It is not until later that I can understand what is going on
and correct it. I get caught up in guilt and shame and think that I am

Where I live, the Hindu community stays hidden, so I don't get the benefits
of any Yogi instruction. I need to stay close to the mode of goodness. I
need to strengthen my knowledge. Respectfully, I ask for ideas.

Answer: Within Part 1 of my reply, I will first address your question re.
staying uncovered by maya and closer to goodness.

The best means to counteract maya is to somehow or other stay in constant
touch with Krishna.

mam ca yo 'vyabhicarena
bhakti-yogena sevate
sa gunan samatityaitan
brahma -bhuyaya kalpate

"One who renders service unto Me, through the linking process of bhakti-
yoga, unfailing in all circumstances, at once transcends the modes of
material nature and comes to the spiritual platform." (BG 14.26)

Krishna is the "Supreme-Atman" or the "Super-soul", and is above maya, He
is even beyond material goodness. Because Krishna is above maya, anyone in
touch with Him also rises above maya. Krishna is like the Sun, and maya is
compared to darkness. Where there is light, there can be no darkness.

The Self is by nature superior to Maya, but because it is an infinitesimal
spark, it is susceptible to become covered. But when it is connected to the
Supreme Self, it cannot be covered.

Particularly in the practice stage, it is to be expected that one will
experience ups and downs in consciousness, due to past conditioning.

But by continuing to connect to the Supreme Self, in all circumstances,
somehow or other, however feeble one's strength and clarity at such times
may be --  the influences of passion and ignorance will gradually subside.
Soon one becomes established in steady goodness.

Your specific question is how to remember/feel Krishna's presence when you
feel particularly covered/pushed by the modes. Of all the different methods
of linking to Krishna, hearing and chanting transcendental sound vibrations
that directly praise Krishna are particularly most powerful.

For hearing to be effective, it should be from the lips of a liberated
soul, who is free from any tinge of material desires or sins. The sound
vibrations from a pure person can penetrate the heart and revive one's
intrinsic knowledge, even at such times when we become covered or lost in
deep forgetfulness. Hearing about Krishna and/or repeating His Holy Names
is guaranteed to dissipate the cloud of maya and uproot karmic baggage,
just as the rising sun can dissipate thick fog.

The Gita also acknowledges your belief that devotional service and
philosophical understanding go side by side.

"Religion without philosophy is sentimental, or sometimes fanatic, and
philosophy without devotional service is just dry empiricism." Even a
person with knowledge can fall prey to maya, as seen in the history of even
great sages and demigods. But by pure devotional service, particularly
hearing from a pure soul, one's knowledge matures into realization, and
then one does not fall down.

If you have access to Srila Prabhupada's audio recordings and particularly
his chanting, may I recommend you to try listening to them?

You wrote about being overcome with feelings of guilt or shame. Regret for
one's lapses can be beneficial – it makes one humble and sober, and
humility is the beginning of true knowledge. Sincere regret also prevents
such tendencies from turning into habits. But excessive remorse and
lamentation are in the Mode of Ignorance. The process of self-realization
may take time but those who are persistent will eventually be victorious.
Even if forgetful or covered over sometimes, the moment you get clarity,
you can re-cover and re-instate yourself again without looking back. When
dark feelings tend to overpower you, recall the Gita's emphatic words of

*BG 9.30* <>: "Even if one commits the most
abominable action, if he is engaged in devotional service he is to be
considered saintly because he is properly situated in his determination."

*BG 9.31* <>: "He quickly becomes righteous
and attains lasting peace. O son of Kunti, declare it boldly that My
devotee never perishes."

*BG 9.32* <>: "O son of Prtha, those who take
shelter in Me, though they be of lower birth — women, vaisyas [merchants]
and sudras [workers] — can attain the supreme destination."

Instead of feeling undone, an aspiring transcendentalist uses such times to
reflect within and search where their knowledge or understanding is weak or
lacking, and thus delves deeper into the mysteries of Bhagavad-gita's

Part 2: Designations such as brahmana/sudra, intelligent/dull, man/woman –
all these pertain to the body only. They are not the permanent identity of
the Self. The spirit soul is sat-cit-ananda-vigraha -- eternally full of
pure knowledge and bliss; the soul can neither be a sudra nor less

Indeed, the rigid external designative approach to the different castes &
orders of society has led to the corruption of the original Varnashrama on
which "Hinduism" is based. By adopting suitable means and by higher
association, a sudra can become higher than a brahmana, even in the present

"A person, whatever he may be, can attain the perfection of a twice-born
brahmana <> by undergoing the spiritual
disciplinary actions under the guidance of a bona-fide spiritual master,
exactly as a chemist can turn gun-metal into gold by treating it with
mercury." (Hari-bhakti vilasa)

Conversely a brahmana can degrade himself to sudra or lower. A
transcendentalist does not invest much thought and energy on their
present/past disposition, knowing these to be non-permanent. Instead they
devote whatever time is at their disposal to try to realize their eternal,
original, pure nature in relation to the Supreme Soul.

The pressure you must have felt to live up to the standard of the rest of
your family is understandable. But every living entity is endowed with some
unique ability that they can use in service to God. Identify what that gift
is in yourself, and by utilizing whatever gifts you are endowed with at
present to connect with and serve Krishna, you can realize the perfection
of your life, notwithstanding what past dispositions or baggage you may

For example, Valmiki was a hunter turned to a great poet, but by
delineating the activities of the Lord in the Ramayana, he became immortal.
The perfection of any asset or talent is not in how high /low it is in
worldly estimation, but how well it is used in the service of the Supreme.
(Please see As you do so, your intrinsic
spiritual intelligence will increasingly unfold. I hope this addresses your
questions and your heart.

Digests 1-336 are available with subject classification at
Digest 1-242 are included as a PDF file at:
Lectures: and
Brief biography of His Holiness Romapada Swami:

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Judger/Learner What are we trying to be?

Note:Click Display images in your mail if unable to see the below pictures!

Judger Questions
  • Whose fault is it?
  • What’s wrong with me? 
  • What’s wrong with the other person? 
  • How can I prove I’m right? 
  • How can I be in control? 
  • Why bother?  
Generally lead to: 
  • A mood of pessimism, stress, and limitations 
  • A mindset that is reactive, inflexible, and judgmental 
  • Win-lose relationships and results (at work and at home) 

Learner Questions:

  • What do I want?
  • What do I appreciate about myself (and the other person)?
  • What’s useful about this?
  • What can I learn?
  • What’s possible?
  • What’s best to do now?
Generally lead to:
  • A mood of optimism, hope, and possibilities
  • A mindset that is thoughtful, flexible, and accepting
  • Win-win relationships and results (at work and at home)


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First Class


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via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 11/18/10

First class person - they learn from hearing only.

Second class person - they hear but still they do not learn. So they only learn through experience.

Third class person – they hear and then they experience the trouble - and still they don't learn – those are fools.

But as a devotee, most of us are second class. Most of us learn through experience.

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Canberra, October 2010)


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HH.Bhakti Tirtha Swami's archives

Audio Archives

Video Archives

Transforming Lust into Love! Audio book


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Chain me nearby and maintain me as You will

Song Name: Sarvasva Tomar Carane
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: Saranagati (Section: Goptritve Varana Song 3)

sarvasva tomār, caraṇe saṁpiyā,
poḍechi tomāra ghare
tumi to' ṭhākur, tomāra kukur,
boliyā jānaho more
bāṅdhiyā nikaṭe, āmāre pālibe,
rohibo tomāra dwāre
pratīpa-janere, āsite nā dibo,
rākhibo gaḍera pare
tava nija-jana, prasād seviyā,
ucchiṣṭa rākhibe jāhā
āmāra bhojan, parama-ānande,
prati-din ha'be tāhā (44)
ISKCON desire tree
bosiyā śuiyā, tomāra caraṇa,
cintibo satata āmi
nācite nācite, nikaṭe jāibo,
jakhona ḍākibe tumi
nijera poṣana, kabhu nā bhāvibo,
rohibo bhāvera bhore
bhakativinoda, tomāre pālaka,
boliyā varaṇa kore
1) Now that I have surrendered all I possess, I fall prostrate before Your house. You are the Supreme Lord. Kindly consider me Your household dog.
2) Chain me nearby and maintain me as You will. I shall remain at the doorstep and allow no enemies to enter Your house. I will keep them at the bounds of the moat surrounding Your home.
3) Whatever remnants Your devotees leave behind after honoring Your prasada will be my daily sustenance. I will feast on those remnants with great ecstasy.
4) While sitting up, while lying down, I will constantly meditate on Your lotus feet. Whenever You call, I will immediately run to You and dance in rapture.
5) I will never think of my own maintenance but rather remain transported by a multitude of ecstasies. Bhaktivinoda accepts You as his only support.


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I am a wicked materialist, always addicted to worldly desires, and no good qualities do I possess

Song Name: Gopinath Mama Nivedana Suno
Official Name: Gopinath (Part one)
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: Kalyana Kalpataru (Section: Upalabdhi Vijnapti Song 1)

gopīnāth, mama nivedana śuno
viṣayī durjana, sadā kāma-rata,
kichu nāhi mora guṇa
gopīnāth, āmāra bharasā tumi
tomāra caraṇe, loinu śaraṇa,
tomāra kiṅkora āmi
gopīnāth, kemone śodhibe more
nā jāni bhakati, karme jaḍa-mati,
porechi soṁsāra-ghore
gopīnāth, sakali tomāra māyā
nāhi mama bala, jñāna sunirmala,
swādhīna nahe e kāyā
gopīnāth, niyata caraṇe sthāna
māge e pāmara, kāndiyā kāndiyā,
korohe karuṇā dāna
gopīnāth, tumi to' sakali pāro
durjane tārite, tomāra śakati,
ke āche pāpīra āro
gopīnāth, tumi kṛpā-pārābāra
jīvera kāraṇe, āsiyā prapañce,
līlā koile subistāra
gopīnāth, āmi ki doṣe doṣī
asura sakala, pāilo caraṇa,
vinodá thākilo bosi'
1) O Gopinatha, Lord of the gopis, please hear my request. I am a wicked materialist, always addicted to worldly desires, and no good qualities do I possess.
2) O Gopinatha, You are my only hope, and therefore I have taken shelter at Your lotus feet. I am now Your eternal servant.
ISKCON desire tree
3) O Gopinatha, how will You purify me? I do not know what devotion is, and my materialistic mind is absorbed in fruitive work. I have fallen into this dark and perilous worldly existence.
4) O Gopinatha, everything here is Your illusory energy. I have no strength or transcendental knowledge, and this body of mine is not independent and free from the control of material nature.
5) O Gopinatha, this sinner, who is weeping and weeping, begs for an eternal place at Your divine feet. Please give him Your mercy.
6) O Gopinatha, You are able to do anything, and therefore You have the power to deliver all sinners. Who is there that is more of a sinner than myself?
7) O Gopinatha, You are the ocean of mercy. Having come into this phenomenal world, You expand Your divine pastimes for the sake of the fallen souls.
8) O Gopinatha, I am so sinful that although all the demons attained Your lotus feet, Bhaktivinoda has remained in worldly existence.


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Lamentation Due to Separation From the Lord and His Associates

Song Name: Je Anilo Prema Dhana Koruna Pracura
Official Name: Sapārṣada-bhagavad-viraha-janita-vilāpa (Lamentation Due to Separation From the Lord and His Associates)
Author: Narottama Dasa Thakura
Book Name: Prarthana (Section: Swa Parsada Bhagavad Viraha Janita Vilapa Song 1)

je ānilo prema-dhana koruṇā pracur
heno prabhu kothā gelā ācārya-ṭhākur
kāhā mora swarūp rūpa kāhā sanātan
kāhā dāsa raghunātha patita-pāvan (56)
ISKCON desire tree
kāhā mora bhaṭṭa-juga kāhā kavirāj
eka-kāle kothā gelā gorā naṭa-rāj
pāṣāṇe kuṭibo māthā anale paśibo
gaurāṅga guṇera nidhi kothā gele pābo
se-saba saṅgīra saṅge je koilo bilās
se-saṅga nā pāiyā kānde narottama dās
1) He who brought the treasure of divine love and who was filled with compassion and mercy--where has such a personality as Srinivasa Acarya gone?
2) Where are my Swarup Damodara and Rupa Gosvami? Where is Sanatana? Where is Raghunatha Dasa, the savior of the fallen?
3) Where are my Raghunatha Bhatta and Gopala Bhatta, and where is Krsnadasa Kaviraja? Where did Lord Gauranga, the great dancer, suddenly go?
4) I will smash my head against the rock and enter into the fire. Where will I find Lord Gauranga, the reservoir of all wonderful qualities?
5) Being unable to obtain the association of Lord Gauranga accompanied by all of these devotees in whose association He performed His pastimes, Narottama Dasa simply weeps.

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My body is a temple!

 My Body is a Temple (Krishna Murari)

by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur
Language: Bengali

krishna murari krishna murari
krishna murari sri krishna murari

mama mana mandire, mandire, mandire
mama mana mandire

mama mana mandire raha nisi din
krishna murari, sri krishna murari

bhakti priti mala chandan
tumi nio he nio cita-nandan

jivana marana tova puja nivedan
sundara he mana-hari

eso nanda-kumara ar nanda-kumar
habe prema-pradipe aroti tomar

nayana jamuna jare anibar
tomara virahe giridhari

(Radhe! Radhe Govinda!)


From morning until night, live in my heart, your temple, O Krishna Murari!

Takes these gifts: flower garlands, sandalwood—my love, my devotion. Accept them, O Delight of My Heart.

In life or in death I worship You with these offerings, Beautiful One, O Enchanter of the Heart!

Come, Son of Nanda, with the light of my love, I will offer You arati. Without You, the Yamuna river cascades from my eyes, O holder of Govardhana Hill!

I want to pass my life absorbed in Your song, in Your Praise, O Krsna Murari, Sri Krsna Murari!


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Gita Coaching!




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Our old friend still with us!!!


Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 11/17/10

Lust - Our old friend
*knock knock knock* "Guess who's here!"

"No, go away!"

"Let me in, *knock knock* I'm not going!"

"No, I'm not letting you in!
Bolt the door! Put the wooden beam in front!"
And then next moment,

*knock knock* on the window.

"No, go away! I don't wanna see you! No, no, no! Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna, leave me alone!"

*ding dong ding dong* It's at the back door!

"Who's at the back door?"

Lust again!

And as soon as you just open your window a little bit for fresh air;

*whoosh* "Here I am, your good friend!"

"Leave me alone! I don't want to!"

"Come on, don't be so rough with me.. We've had many a good times together."

"Okay, well yeah.."

"We did, remember? Here, *whoosh* a memory!"

"Heh heh, it wasn't bad."

And then lust says, "See? See!"

One day Uddhava saw this beautiful young girl, and suddenly Uddhava felt hit by a wave of attraction. So he was surprised, He said;
"What's happening to me?"
"I haven't had this for ages! "How can this happen to me? That I'm attracted to a girl!"
He's thinking, "It's not possible.... I think it must be Krsna disguised as a girl."
And it was! That's Uddhava!
So, that's quite a level. Just see how much Uddhava transcended lust. Totally, it wasn't entering into his heart. He didn't have lusty desires and he was surprised, he said, "What is this!? Lust?"

Whereas we, huh?
Lust - Our old friend, *knock knock knock* "Guess who's here!"
"No, go away!"
"Let me in, *knock knock* I'm not going!"
"No, I'm not letting you in!
Bolt the door! Put the wooden beam in front!"
And then next moment, *knock knock* on the window.
"No, go away! I don't wanna see you! No, no, no! Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna, leave me alone!" *ding dong ding dong* It's at the back door!
"Who's at the back door?"
Lust again! And as soon as you just open your window a little bit for fresh air;
*whoosh* "Here I am, your good friend!"
"Leave me alone! I don't want to!"
"Come on, don't be so rough with me.. We've had many a good times together."
"Okay, well yeah.."
"We did, remember? Here, *whoosh* a memory!"
"Heh heh, it wasn't bad." And then lust says, "See? See?!"

Before we know it, again and again we are battling and battling and battling, and sometimes we feel very weak, very weak, very weak. I'm gonna give in. I'm gonna give up. I'm going to really give up now! What to do?

Giriraj Maharaja describes that when he was involved in Bombay, there was a huge fight, a huge legal fight over the property. There was a businessman who had sold the property to ISKCON but there were some tricky conditions in the contract. If these conditions were not met, then after a number of months the contract would become null and void. So that man tried to manipulate things with court manuevers and in this way block ISKCON from fulfilling these conditions. But Giriraj, das Brahmacari at the time, was the son of a lawyer, of a big lawyer in America, so he had it in the genes, right? So Prabhupada engaged him like that and he was actually doing a very good job fighting in the court to a point where Mr. Nayer, the one who was fighting, was getting quite disturbed about this Giriraj, this "He has to go!" So he thought about it deeply, and he used an old trick.

So one day, in Bombay there is a lot of social life, and one day, one evening when Giriraj had gone to some social function, as he was entering the car, and sat down in the car, suddenly this beautiful young girl came in the car next to him and just came close, and very close, squeezed her body against his, and his mind started to spin!
Suddenly, lust attacked, and he thought "I'm finished. I'm finished. I'm gonna fall down. This is it. This is it.. End of the road. This is it.. I'm going over the edge now. Off the deep end."
He was thinking in this way, but then he was thinking,
"But what will Prabhupada say when he will hear the news? He will be so disappointed. No! No, I cannot do it! I cannot do it.. No!"
So he was saved by his love for Prabhupada, his respect for Prabhupada, and the mercy that he got from Srila Prabhupada.

Transcribed by Frederick Prabhu
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Melbourne 2010)


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Toxic Vocabulary-Good one to train your mind...

"Toxic Vocabulary"

by Bart Baggett


I remember my dad teaching me the power of language at a very young age. Not only did my dad understand that specific words affect our mental pictures, but he understood words are a powerful programming factor in lifelong success.

One particularly interesting event occurred when I was eight. As a kid, I was always climbing trees, poles, and literally hanging around upside down from the rafters of our lake house. So, it came as no surprise to my dad to find me at the top of a 30-foot tree, swinging back and forth. My little eight-year-old brain didn't realize the tree could break or I could get hurt. I just thought it was fun to be up so high.


My older cousin, Tammy, was also in the same tree. She was hanging on the first big limb, about ten feet below me. Tammy's mother also noticed us at the exact same time my dad did. About that time a huge gust of wind came over the tree. I could hear the leaves start to rattle and the tree begin to sway. I remember my dad's voice over the wind yell, "Bart, Hold on tightly." So I did.

The next thing I know, I heard Tammy screaming at the top of her lungs, laying flat on the ground. She had fallen out of the tree. I scampered down the tree to safety. My dad later told me why she fell and I did not. Apparently, Tammy's mother was not as an astute student of language as my father. When Tammy's mother felt the gust of wind, she yelled out, "Tammy, don't fall!"

And Tammy did… fall.


My dad then explained to me that the mind has a very difficult time processing a negative image. In fact, people who rely on internal pictures cannot see a negative at all. In order for Tammy to process the command of not falling, her nine-year-old brain had to first imagine falling, then try to tell the brain not to do what it just imagined. Whereas, my eight-year-old brain instantly had an internal image of me hanging on tightly.


This is why people who try to stop smoking struggle with the ct of stopping smoking. They are running pictures all day of themselves smoking. Smokers are rarely taught to see themselves breathing fresh air and feeling great. The language itself becomes one barrier to success.


This concept is especially useful when you are attempting to break a habit or set a goal. You can't visualize not doing something. The only way to properly visualize not doing something is to actually find a word for what you want to do and visualize that.


For example, when I was thirteen years old, I played for my junior high school football team. I tried so hard to be good, but I just couldn't get it together at that age. I remember hearing the words run through my head as I was running out for a pass, "Don't drop it!" Naturally, I dropped the ball.

My coaches were not skilled enough to teach us proper "self-talk". They just thought some kids could catch and others couldn't. I'll never make it pro, but I'm now a pretty good Sunday afternoon football player, because all my internal dialogue is positive and encourages me to win. I wish my dad had coached me playing football instead of just climbing trees. I might have had a longer football career.


Here is a very easy demonstration to teach your kids and your friends the power of a toxic vocabulary. Ask them to hold a pen or pencil. Hand it to them. Now, follow my instructions carefully. Say to them, "Okay, try to drop the pencil." Observe what they do. Most people release their hands and watch the pencil hit the floor. You respond, "You weren't paying attention. I said TRY to drop the pencil. Now please do it again." Most people then pick up the pencil and pretend to be in excruciating pain while their hand tries but fails to drop the pencil.


The point is made. If you tell your brain you will "give it a try," you are actually telling your brain to fail. I have a "no try" rule in my house and with everyone I interact with. Either people will do it or they won't. Either they will be at the party or they won't. I'm brutal when people attempt to lie to me by using the word try. Do they think I don't know they are really telegraphing to the world they have no intention of doing it but they want me to give them brownie points for pretended effort?


You will never hear the words "I'll try" come out of my mouth unless I'm teaching this concept in a seminar. If you "try" and do something, your unconscious mind has permission not to succeed. If I truly can't make a decision I will tell the truth. "Sorry John. I'm not sure if I will be at your party or not. I've got an outstanding commitment. If that falls through, I will be here. Otherwise, I will not. Thanks for the invite." People respect honesty. So remove the word "try" from your vocabulary.


My dad also told me that psychologists claim it takes 17 positive statements to offset one negative statement. I have no idea if it is true, but the logic holds true. It might take up to 17 compliments to offset the emotional damage of one harsh criticism. These are concepts that are especially useful when raising children. Ask yourself how many compliments you give yourself daily versus how many criticisms.


Heck, I know you are talking to yourself all day long. We all have internal voices that give us direction. So, are you giving yourself the 17:1 ratio or are you shortchanging yourself with toxic self-talk like, "I suck.0

I'm fat. Nobody will like me. I'll try this diet. I'm not good enough. I'm so stupid. I'm broke, etc. etc."


If our parents can set a lifetime of programming with one wrong statement, imagine the kind of programming you are doing on a daily basis with your own internal dialogue. Here is a list of Toxic Vocabulary words. Notice when you or other people use them.






Would Have

Should Have

Could Have




But – negates any words that are stated before it.

If – presupposes that you may not.

Would have – past tense that draws attention to things that didn't actually happen.

Should have – past tense that draws attention to things that didn't actually happen (and implies guilt.)

Could have – past tense that draws attention to things that didn't actually happen but the person tries to take credit as if it did happen.

Try – presupposes failure.

Might – It does nothing definite. It leaves options for your listener.

Can't / Don't - These words force the listener to focus on exactly the opposite of what you want. This is a classic mistake that parents and coaches make without knowing the damage of this linguistic error.




Toxic phrase: "Don't drop the ball!"

Likely result: Drops the ball

Better language: "Catch the ball!"

Toxic phrase: "You shouldn't watch so much television."

Likely result: Watches more television.

Better language: "I read too much television makes people stupid. You might find yourself turning that TV off and picking up one of those books more often!"

Posted by Vivek Rastogi at 9:02 PM


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Krsna changes our hearts...

Waiting for that day!!


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via KKS Blog by (Yadurani dd) on 11/16/10

We cannot change the condition of our heart; that Krsna can do. Our heart is what it is and whatever we feel, we feel. But we can, with our own intelligence, judge the value of our feelings. Are these beneficial for my spiritual progress?

Krsna can make us saints; we cannot ourselves become saints but we can try to act saintly and then Krsna will change the condition of our heart...and that's the idea..

(KKSwami, September 2010, Pretoria)


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All that we have left is Krsna!


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via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 11/15/10

Sometimes Krsna takes things away. He takes everything away, then all that we have left is Krsna! When everything is taken away than all you have left is just your Krishna Consciousness – that's all you have.

So sometimes Krsna does that. But sometimes he does that when he sees that we are getting too proud.

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Canberra, October 2010)


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Pride is very strong in us


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via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 11/15/10

It is very difficult to control pride. Pride is very strong in us. When we are humble than it is very difficult. As soon as we are humble, than we become proud that we are humble: "I was so humble today". Means that we are proud. So pride is so deep!

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Canberra, October 2010)


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