
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna



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Srimad Bhagavatam 1.1.15

apannah samsrtim ghoram
yan-nama vivaso grnan
tatah sadyo vimucyeta
yad bibheti svayam bhayam

Living beings who are entangled in the complicated meshes of birth and death can be freed immediately by even unconsciously chanting the holy name of Krsna, which is feared by fear personified.

Vasudeva, or Lord Krsna, the Absolute Personality of Godhead, is the supreme controller of everything. There is no one in creation who is not afraid of the rage of the Almighty. Great asuras like Ravana, Hiranyakasipu, Kamsa, and others who were very powerful living entities were all killed by the Personality of Godhead. And the almighty Vasudeva has empowered His name with the powers of His personal Self. Everything is related to Him, and everything has its identity in Him. It is stated herein that the name of Krsna is feared even by fear personified. This indicates that the name of Krsna is nondifferent from Krsna. Therefore, the name of Krsna is as powerful as Lord Krsna Himself. There is no difference at all. Anyone, therefore, can take advantage of the holy names of Lord Sri Krsna even in the midst of greatest dangers. The transcendental name of Krsna, even though uttered unconsciously or by force of circumstances, can help one obtain freedom from the hurdle of birth and death.


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Amazing Radharamana Darshan

Today's Thought: Amazing Radharamana Darshan

--uploaded from Sri Vrindavana Dhama, India
6 October 2010--Today we were blessed with the most amazing darshan of the Radharamana deity in Vrindavan. This deity appeared in a very amazing way. The story goes like this:
Once in 1542, on Lord Narasimhadeva's appearance day a rich business man made an offering of clothes, crowns, and jewelry to Gopal Bhatta Goswami, who lamented that as he was worshipping a saligrama-sila ( which is round just like a stone), he could not utilize such articles like the other Goswamis were in dressing their Deities. Lamenting in this way, the Goswami took rest. Early the next morning, when he came to bathe his saligrama-silas, he discovered that one of the silas had transformed itself into the most beautiful Deity of Krishna, who had manifested Himself out of love, just to receive worship from Gopal Bhatta Goswami. Radharamana means "one who gives pleasure to Radha", and is one of the many names of Krishna.

The altar is too far away from the darshan area of the temple room for one to get a good shot even with a telephoto lens. But the pujari kindly took my camera and went very close to Radharamana to take this sublime picture of the most beautiful Lord who manifested Himself from a stone just to please His pure devotee.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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Dharma Prashna

Dharma Prashna

Dharma: What is heavier than earth, higher than heavens, faster than the wind and more numerous than straws?

Yudhishthira: One's mother is heavier than the earth; one's father is higher than the mountains. The mind is faster than wind and our worries are more numerous than straws.

Dharma: Who is the friend of a traveler? Who is the friend of one who is ill and one who is dying?

Yudhishthira: The friend of a traveler is his companion. The physician is the friend of one who is sick and a dying man's friend is charity.

Dharma: What is that which, when renounced, makes one lovable? What is that which is renounced makes happy and wealthy?

Yudhishthira: Pride, if renounced makes one lovable; by renouncing desire one becomes wealthy; and to renounce avarice is to obtain happiness.

Dharma: What enemy is invincible? What constitutes an incurable disease? What sort of man is noble and what sort is ignoble?

Yudhishthira: Anger is the invincible enemy. Covetousness constitutes a disease that is incurable. He is noble who desires the well-being of all creatures, and he is ignoble who is without mercy.

Dharma: Who is truly happy? What is the greatest wonder? What is the path? And what is the news?

Yudhishthira: He who has no debts is truly happy. Day after day countless people die. Yet the living wish to live forever. O Lord, what can be a greater wonder? Argument leads to no certain conclusion, the Srutis are different from one another; there is not even one Rishi whose opinion can be accepted by all; the truth about Dharma and duty is hid in caves of our heart: therefore, that alone is the path along which the great have trod. This world full of ignorance is like a pan. The sun is fire, the days and nights are fuel. The months and the seasons constitute the wooden ladle. Time is the cook that is cooking all creatures in that pan (with such aids); this is the news.

(Source: KM Ganguly Mahabharata Translation )



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The fire of knowledge burn to ashes all reactions to material activities. eBook Club | Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.CH4.44]

Chapter 4

Transcendental Knowledge 

TEXT 37:
yathaidhamsi samiddho 'gnir
bhasma-sat kurute 'rjuna
jnanagnih sarva-karmani
bhasma-sat kurute tatha
As a blazing fire turns firewood to ashes, O Arjuna, so does the fire of knowledge burn to ashes all reactions to material activities.
Perfect knowledge of self and Superself and of their relationship is compared herein to fire. This fire not only burns up all reactions to impious activities, but also all reactions to pious activities, turning them to ashes. There are many stages of reaction: reaction in the making, reaction fructifying, reaction already achieved, and reaction a priori. But knowledge of the constitutional position of the living entity burns everything to ashes. When one is in complete knowledge, all reactions, both a priori and a posteriori, are consumed. In the Vedas (Brihad-aranyaka Upanishad 4.4.22) it is stated, ubhe uhaivaisha ete taraty amritah sadhv-asadhuni: "One overcomes both the pious and impious reactions of work." 
Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada



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'lost my caste and still hungry'


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 10/4/10

The material world is bringing it's frustration. The material energy brings us to the point of frustration because no matter what you have and what you do - still not happy!

The old example of the brahmana who was hungry and went begging – and even went begging from a muslim – it meant that he would lose his caste, at that time.

Then the muslim gave him something to eat and … it was not enough, it was only little and then he ate it and then he lamented:
'lost my caste and still hungry!'

So this is the nature, we lost our caste, gave up our principles , broke all the rules, acted in sinful ways – hiding it from others but we did it simply because of the desire for happiness was so strong…

But inspite of breaking all the rules, doing all these hidden sinful activities, still not happy. Lost our caste and still hungry. That is the case, we are still hungry!

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 5th October 2010)


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‘What if I give up my material securities?’


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 10/4/10

Transcribed by Yamuna Devi Dasi
Kadamba Kanana Swami,
Croatia 2010)

Faith comes from association.
Faith comes from mercy.

That is where it comes from.
One can not get faith in devotional service from material frustration, that's not possible. Everyone is little bit frustrated in world. Material frustration is there. Your job, the marriage, this,that, everything,life -
Little bit of frustration is there because in the material world we can dream THIS BIG and reality ….it is always a little smaller!

But in the spiritual world we dream this big and the reality goes beyond the dream!

That is what we see from Dhruva Maharaj. So, that's encouraging by hearing such kind things.

From Srimad Bhagavatam we hear about what happened to many devotees and what they attained. We can see that it's very good! Like Dhruva Maharaj, he got more then he desired.
So, that can give us hope...

Because, otherwise we think:
'Well imagine I will give up everything, all my material desires… and then I still don't get the ecstasy. Then I don't have anything!'

'Then I don't have my material pleasure anymore and I also don't have the spiritual ecstasy.'
'Then I am just in nowhere land.' - Sometimes they have between some countries: nowhere land.
So, what to do? What to do?
We are afraid that:
'What if I give up my material securities?'

I have little example of the man who was working on the roof and suddenly he was sliding down and just going down - but at the last minute he manage to grab the edge of the roof.

Hanging on the edge:
'I've got saved'

But because he has not done eny exercises for a long time his belly was also grown! And when he tried to pull himself up, he did could not do it.
He did a little bit, but he couldn't put his leg to the roof. And suddenly he realized, I am hanging here on the edge of the roof and how long do I have?

One minute?

Two minutes?

In that moment he said:
"Oh my God, my God, please save me!"

Then the voice from behind:
"Do you need my help?"

•"Who are You?"

•-"I am God!"

•- "O God please save me."

•-"Alright, just let go of the roof and I'll catch you."

• "aaaaaa, can't You catch me first?!"

So, this is a very good point, because it shows a difference between kanista and madyam.

Kanista, well, it's ok, it's all good and well:

'But I know, what I have here, material things it's not perfect. I know it's not going to make me completely happy. So, I want Krsna consciousness, but having them still, I'm going to be happier than without them. I want to have all these things for now and then when I get the higher Krsna consciousness taste and ecstasy, then I'll give them up - Just like that!'

Then you throw your I-phone and your I-pod, and your 57 pairs of shoes!

Yes, then it is easy
So, how do we get there, to this point?

Well, it begins by serving the Vaisnavas.

Because faith comes from those who have faith and if we serve those who have faith we will get more faith.

But it's not going to be I just keep on serving and serving and one day automatically I'll wake up and I feel:
'Yes, now I want to give up everything!' and in other words: 'Everything will happen without a fight'

NO! It will not happen without a fight.

There is the fight. One must, actually, say:
'No, I am going to give it up.'
We have to say goodbye to some things!

Transcribed by Yamuna Devi Dasi
Kadamba Kanana Swami,
Croatia 2010)


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Completely Fixed


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via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 10/4/10

Dhurva was a small child but he was very mature because he was fixed. Children are very fickle. They want something now, and in 5 minutes something else. So he was 5 years old but he was fixed – completely fixed. Therefore he was very mature.

And Gajendra was an elephant.
But Gajendra had the knowledge.
Where was Dhruva's maturity?
And Gajendra's knowledge?
Where was Kubjā's beauty?
Kubjā's after all became very beautiful.
Where was Sudāmā's wealth?
Where was Vidura's noble birth?
Where was Ugrasena's chivalrous strength?

Lord Madhava is pleased only by devotional service and not by material qualification. They had all these qualities. But they were all material qualities, and they were all outstanding. Dhruva was extremely mature for his age, so he could be so serious, but he first had to please the Lord by his service.

Gajendra is an elephant, and yet he had knowledge. So that was very special, but Gajendra only got the mercy because he was praying to the Lord, and while the crocodile was hanging on his leg. The Lord, due to his prayer came and then he picked up the Lotus flower from the water and offered it to the Lord. Then the Lord was pleased with his service.

So like this, no matter how many qualifications one has – it cannot attract Krsna. Krsna cannot be attracted by anything material. He can only be attracted by devotional service! And that is very nice.

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 31st August 2010)


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Shoo Away the Dog of Lust within the heart

Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita that controlling the lust is a lifelong struggle. Even for devotees, it is not that the lust goes away; what happens is when we keep saying NO to the lust, it’s attacks decrease; but it is always there. E.g. Srila Prabhupada explains it with an example of having a pet dog; you have always caressed him, loved him, played with him and acted for his pleasure; but one day the doctor comes and tells you that the dog has rabies and if it bites you, you’ll die; now you want to get rid of it, and you try to kick it out. But the dog comes back with a wagging tail. Seeing his tongue and submissive wagging tail, we say “After all he is not that bad; such a nice puppy, my puppy!” and then again he comes and sits next to us. Suddenly we remember, or are reminded, ‘Rabies’ and again we shoo him away; again he comes back. So the dog will not go away easily because we have showered a lot of love on him previously; therefore Srila Prabhupada says that we should beat him with a stick everytime he comes back. Here beating with the stick means saying NO to the temptations. That means when the temptations come, we should thoroughly reject them, then that is like beating the dog. But when we consider it partially then that is not real beating. Every time the dog comes, if we keep beating it, then one day the dog will stop troubling us.


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How to deal with people who have power -- Srila Prabhupada

One lion was residing in the jungle. One day he killed a young deer. He ate it and still he was not satisfied. So, the lion thought for a plan. He went and sat leisurely beside a huge tree. Meanwhile, a sheep was passing by. The Lion asked the sheep, "O sheep, tell me the truth. Does my mouth have bad breadth? Lion opened his mouth, and sheep replied "Yes, O king, your mouth has a bad breadth." 

Lion was angry and said "what did you say? Does anyone say that to king of the jungle. Do you have etiquettes or not?" 

Saying so, the lion slapped the sheep with his paws and the sheep lost her life. 

After a while, a jackal was passing by. The lion asked him, "O jackal, tell me the truth. Does my mouth have bad breadth?" Saying so, the lion opened his mouth. Jackal thought, "If I say that your mouth smells, then angrily the lion will tear me apart." At that moment, the jackal saw the dead sheep. Seeing this, the jackal said "O king, can your mouth ever have bad breadth? Your mouth does not stink of flesh even a bit." The lion furiously said "I just now ate a young deer and I have not even drank water. How is it possible that my mouth does not stink? You have lied and there is no place for a liar in my kingdom." 

Saying this, the lion slapped the jackal with his paws and sent him to the abode of Yamaraj. 

After a while, a fox was passing by. The lion called him and asked. "O fox tell me the truth. Does my mouth has bad breadth. The fox saw that the sheep and the jackal were lying dead near the lion. Fox went near the lion and smelled his mouth. Then he kept his hand on his head and raising the nose he said, "O king please forgive me. I have such bad cold that I cannot even understand whether your mouth has bad breadth or not?" Hearing this, the lion was bewildered. He did not know what to do. Meantime, the fox bowed down and quickly walked off. 

Moral: One has to deal intelligently with people who have power 

The story was told by Srila Prabhupada.



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The Other Side!


Father was reading a magazine and his little daughter every now and then distracted him. To keep her busy, he tore one page on which was printed the map of the world.
He tore it into pieces and asked her to go to her room and put them together to make the map again.
He was sure she would take the whole day to get it done.
But the little one came back within minutes with perfect map. 
 he asked how she could do it so quickly, she said, 'Oh Dad, there is a man's face on the other side of the paper. I made the face perfect to get the map right."" she ran outside to play leaving the father surprised.. " 

Moral : There is always the other side to whatever we experience in this world.
This story indirectly teaches a lesson..whenever we come across a challenge or a puzzling situation, look at the other side...
You will be surprised to see an easy way to tackle the problem...

Always have a positive attitude in life. Even a stopped watch is right twice a day...

Source : Cognizant Spark Plug

Thanks & Regards


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Sms updates!

When v travel from Chennai to Bangalore in train&if v find some paint
peeled off,v dont try2fix becoz it's temporary&our concern is2reach
our destination not2paint inside d train.Same way our life in this
body is just a short stay&v shud take advantage of human life2go back
Home (Back2Spiritual World) :)

Oh Lord,d powerful thieves of my senses have blinded me by stealing my
Most precious possession, my discrimination&they've thrown me deep
in2d pitch dark well of delusion.
Pls O Lord of d Lords,extend Ur hand2save this wretched soul-Prayers
By KingKulasekaraAzhwar in

so-called human society(actually animalistic) is usually engaged in
sleeping&having sex@night,earning as much money as possible during
daytime or else in shopping4family maintenance.People have very little
time2talk abt God&they declared God as formless bcoz they r
unable2c.He has2b seen thru d eyes of Vedic Literature.He is a
Person.He is not our servant2come in front of us2prove His existence.A
cant understand when v say,American President exists.

A materialist considers d self2b this body&its by-products as
children,unconscious of his real nature,being in a dream of
pain&pleasure,uselessly wanders.Attacked by d
enemies-lust,greed,pride,anger,envy,madness he helplessly lives a
life4d satisfaction of senses,which r like poisonous snakes&d

VRINDA- The word "aradhya"(prayers) is derived from "Radha" and means
"worshipable". Similarly the word "aparadha"(offenses)means "against
radha". When one performs devotional service, one is pleasing srimati
radharani and when commits vaishnava aparada against krishna or his
devotee, one is offending radharani. When a soul starts to inquire
about krishna, srimati radharani is most pleased and takes charge of
his devotional advancements. As one makes progress, one continues to
invoke the mercy of radharani and when she is pleased, krishna is
automatically pleased... - lecture by HH Maha vishnu swami. Hare
krsna.. :)

WorkHard like a donkey,Earn lot of money,fill up our belly,Eat wat is
tasty? Right/wrong dont worry,do wat makes us happy? Forget
stress&hypertension? This money not honey? V r not this dying body,v
r EternalSpiritSoul,part&parcel of SupremeLord.With a greed2enjoy
ourself alone,v came2this WorldOfRatRace

Sun rises everyday in d east,it is d source of energy4all living
beings.Not even 1 day it rises from d west.Not by chance,this nature
functions.Our stomach digests all food,heart pumps blood thru out d
body."Mayadyaksena prakrti.. this material nature works under My
Supervision"-Krsna in BhagavadGita :)

A Deer&Doe in a BeautifulGarden enjoying grass in d melody of bees
buzzing around.Deers r FondOfMusic.D foolish animal fails2c d Tiger on
one side which is ready2pounce while hunter on d other side pointing
Deer-A family man
Bees' Buzz-Pleasing child's talk


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Why fool are you asking for medicine?

Youth is often blind&deaf2d oncoming oldage&death.A passionate young
person may think such warnings r4 old timers,who dont know
how2enjoy."Enjoy as much as u can while u r young becoz u live only
once"-this widespread attitude is condemned by King Kulasekhara.As per
Vedic wisdom,d present life is just1 in a series of countless lives
v'll experience&have experienced in countless bodies.This body's
beauty is fleeting&@last d body must succumb2death after its 100s of
joints have stiffened with old age.So why fool r u asking4medicine?
Just take d Names of Lord Krsna,1 cure that never fails -MM#37


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The Last Little Bit


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via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 10/2/10

Maharaja Rantidev was approached by a hunter, just when he was about to eat. And how this hunter was…..he gave him half of his food. Half of what he had, he gave. But, then there were also dogs. And then he said:
" Well, what about my dogs?" Then even the dogs. Again, Rantidev gave away everything. And just after, it turned out, that in the end some chandāla
came, and this chandāla – he begged. So Rantidev got the last little bit that he had and he gave that away. Just even at the very end, someone came and asked for his water. He was going to be satisfied with water, and they took away his water as well. And all the personalities that had come, they were actually the various demigods. They were asking Rantidev:

" You have satisfied us. You have passed all the test. What benedictions do you want from us?"

And then Rantidev said: " I don't want any benediction. All I want is devotional service to the Supreme Lord".

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 31st August 2010)


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via Gita Coaching by on 9/30/10

We may ask ourselves these four questions every day to gain more clarity, motivation, action and results:

1. What do I want to do?
2. Why do I want to do it?
3. How will I do it?
4. When will I do it?

Or we may say - four words: what, why, how and when.

First question helps us gain clarity about our goals.
Second questions is about our motivation or how strong is our desire.
Third question is about making an inspiring plan of action.
Fourth question asks us for a deadline or when we will start taking action.


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What If?

Enliven your potential – What If ??

I saw a movie last night, and in it was a statement about two words. They are the two simple words, "if" and "what"...

These two words by themselves are very innocent and really can be implemented in many sentences and questions, but if you put them together, it forms a very powerful question...What If? This question is the very question that can and will bring you back to a certain instance in your life where you made a choice. A choice that you may not be happy with today and often think about why you did it, but discovered you settled on it because of one of two reasons...You settled on that decision because it was the easier path to travel at that specific moment in your life, or you did not think that you could take the other choice because of fear of failure or what other people would think. Now, years later you think about that one specific choice or choices you have made in your life and your mind and thoughts start to take aim at your decision..

You have an inner battle with yourself and contemplate if you had that decision again, what would you do?

What would your life be like today??

Would it be totally different?

Would you be where you are right now, in the exact space sitting and reading this??

Here again lies the very important question...

What if you had that decision to make again??

What would you do??

Would you take the other path because of what you know now, or would you think it would be too late in time to go down the other path all together?? Your mind will probably and inevitably tell you not to do it. Not to do it because you are comfortable in life and doing something different may bring you down a path of uncomfortableness and anxiety may set in. But is that not how we grow stronger and learn things about ourselves by doing or trying things we never thought possible? Pushing one's self to the limit and going beyond our normal comfort zone!!!!! In life, there is an old cliche’.....It is "Where there is a will, there is a way".

It’s true that if you want something bad enough, you can do it and achieve it. You can correct the mistakes of your decisions from the past, and go out and find happiness in the right decision for your future. It is never too late do anything in life...You are on this earth for the time period of a blink of an eye in respect to time overall. Every day we have to make decisions and have choices thrown at us that could hinder our forward motion or even change the course of our lives all together.

When entering into a decision, make sure it is the right one. Make sure that you play out your answer a year from now, or even ten or twenty years from now. But if you find yourself in that position of wondering "What if", then usually you have made the wrong decision to begin with, and must correct it so you can live in peace not only now, but for your future as well...

Source: Spark plug Cognizant

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Enliven your potential - What If ??

Enliven your potential – What If ??



I saw a movie last night, and in it was a statement about two words. They are the two simple words, "if" and "what"...


These two words by themselves are very innocent and really can be implemented in many sentences and questions, but if you put them together, it forms a very powerful question...What If? This question is the very question that can and will bring you back to a certain instance in your life where you made a choice. A choice that you may not be happy with today and often think about why you did it, but discovered you settled on it because of one of two reasons...You settled on that decision because it was the easier path to travel at that specific moment in your life, or you did not think that you could take the other choice because of fear of failure or what other people would think. Now, years later you think about that one specific choice or choices you have made in your life and your mind and thoughts start to take aim at your decision..


You have an inner battle with yourself and contemplate if you had that decision again, what would you do?

What would your life be like today??

Would it be totally different?

Would you be where you are right now, in the exact space sitting and reading this??

Here again lies the very important question...

What if you had that decision to make again??

What would you do??


Would you take the other path because of what you know now, or would you think it would be too late in time to go down the other path all together?? Your mind will probably and inevitably tell you not to do it. Not to do it because you are comfortable in life and doing something different may bring you down a path of uncomfortableness and anxiety may set in. But is that not how we grow stronger and learn things about ourselves by doing or trying things we never thought possible? Pushing one's self to the limit and going beyond our normal comfort zone!!!!! In life, there is an old cliche’.....It is "Where there is a will, there is a way".


It’s true that if you want something bad enough, you can do it and achieve it. You can correct the mistakes of your decisions from the past, and go out and find happiness in the right decision for your future. It is never too late do anything in life...You are on this earth for the time period of a blink of an eye in respect to time overall. Every day we have to make decisions and have choices thrown at us that could hinder our forward motion or even change the course of our lives all together.


When entering into a decision, make sure it is the right one. Make sure that you play out your answer a year from now, or even ten or twenty years from now. But if you find yourself in that position of wondering "What if", then usually you have made the wrong decision to begin with, and must correct it so you can live in peace not only now, but for your future as well...


Source: Spark plug cognizant


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via Gita Coaching by on 9/29/10

Start today to pay closer attention to the things you do.

Be more conscious of how you think and act.

Think about your tasks carefully before you begin.

Identify your most important tasks for a day and concentrate on them single-mindedly.


Things you can do from here:



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Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via Gita Coaching by on 9/27/10

These questions will help you discover new options, opportunities, possibilities and advantages in various areas your life:
1. What are the options for achieving this goal?
2. What else is possible?
3. Who else can help you?
4. What are the opportunities available?
5. How can this be made possible?
6. What will enable you to achieve this?
7. What are the hidden opportunities here?
8. What other resources are available?
9. What strengths and talents can you use?
10. How can impossible become possible?


Things you can do from here:



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