1.Action,2.Food,3.Sacrifices,4.Austerity,5.Charity,all these fall
under different modes such as goodness,passion,ignorance. Action in
1.Goodness-appears like poison in d beginning but nectar in d
end.eg.studying4exams 2.Passion appears nectar initially but poison
later.3.Ignorance-miserable@all times-BG

"The non-permanent appearance of happiness&distress&their
disappearance in due course is like d summer&winter seasons.They arise
from sense perception.1 must learn2tolerate them without being
disturbed.A person who isnt disturbed by
happiness&distress&steady@both is certainly eligible4liberation"-BG2

As a person puts on new garments giving up older1s d Soul similarly
accepts new material body,giving up old&useless1s.d Soul can never b
cut in2pieces by any weapon,nor burnt by fire,nor moistened by
water,nor withered by d wind.Soul is
unbreakable&insoluble,unchangeable,immovable&eternally d same-BG2.13

"How've these impurities come upon u. They r not@all befitting a man
who knows d valueOfLife. They lead not2higher planets but2infamy.Do
not yield2this degrading impotence.It doesnt bcome u. Give up such
petty weakness&arise O chastiser of enemy"-Krsna2Arjuna in
BhagavadGita:Chapter 2

While speaking learned words u r mourning4what is not worthy of
grief.Those who r wise lament,neither4d Living nor4d dead.Never was
there a time v didnt exist nor in d future shall any of us cease2be.As
d embodied Soul passes from boyhood2youth2old age,d Soul similarly
passes in2another body@death",BG2.11

A Person who is not disturbed by d incessant flow of desires that
enter like Rivers in2d Ocean which is ever being filled but always
remain still(Ocean unagitated even during rainy reason),can alone
achieve LastingPeace&not he who Strives2Satisfy such
Desires-LordSriKrsna In BhagavadGita (SongOfGod) 2.70

"Now I am confused abt my duty&ve lost all composure bcoz of this
miserly weakness.In this condition I am asking U2tell me4certain what
is best4me.Now I am Ur disciple&a Soul surrendered unto You.Pls
instruct me! I can find no means2drive away this grief which is drying
up my senses"-Arjuna2Krsna,BG:2.7

When d embodied living being ctrls his nature&mentally renounces all
actions,he happily resides in the City Of Nine Gates(d material
body)&he is free from bodily activities-Bhagavad Gita

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